Pete McArdle

Pete McArdle

  • When MAGA met RINO

    November 16, 2024

    When MAGA met RINO

    In his rough style, limited vocabulary, vein-popping intensity, and overwhelming commitment to winning, Donald Trump reminds me of football coaches past. Winning football coaches, I might add. And you don’t win football games by being cal...

  • Unsolicited Advice for the Left

    November 7, 2024

    Unsolicited Advice for the Left

    I’ve been told I’m a bigmouth, a crass know-it-all who enjoys kicking people while they’re down — people like all the imbeciles who voted a demented grifter into the White House in 2020 and then tried to replace the old fart w...

  • 10 Lies Leftists Tell You

    August 21, 2024

    10 Lies Leftists Tell You

    As Steely Dan might say, the things that pass for knowledge today, I can’t understand.  It’s all lies, falsehoods, and misdirection on tap, served fresh 24/7/365. Lie #1: Joe Biden was a great president, a dedicated public servant...

  • Who Can Donald Trump Count On?

    July 20, 2024

    Who Can Donald Trump Count On?

    Donald Trump may very well be the next president of the United States. But when the going inevitably gets tough, who can a future President Trump look to for support? The GOP? (pause here for laughter to subside.) The GOPES stood by as the rest...

  • Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter

    June 30, 2024

    Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter

    Fundamentally transforming a country ain’t easy. Just ask Barry O., who’s been running the show for twelve consecutive years now, yet has still not fully succeeded in turning America into a third world s-hole. Obama’s made som...

  • The Case for Kamala

    June 20, 2024

    The Case for Kamala

    It’s sad, folks. No matter how much you may hate Democrats’ endless lies and moral turpitude, and what they’re doing to degrade our formerly great country, it’s sad what they’re doing to Joe Biden. He’s shot,...

  • They Did It to Trump, and They Can Do It to You

    May 27, 2024

    They Did It to Trump, and They Can Do It to You

    Let’s face it: most of us inhabit a dream world, a place where fairness, dignity, honor, and love for your fellow man reign.  Most of all, we wish for a safe world. We need to feel at least marginally safe to stay sane. But imag...

  • The Unbearable Lightness of Whiteness

    May 18, 2024

    The Unbearable Lightness of Whiteness

    It ain’t easy being white. I should know.  On the Caucasian paleness spectrum, I’m perilously close to albino.  I’ve seen cadavers with more color than moi.  In a snowy landscape, I’m practical...

  • The Ravings of a Kindly Old Man with a Poor Memory

    May 15, 2024

    The Ravings of a Kindly Old Man with a Poor Memory

    Joe Biden, long before he was, ahem, installed as president, pilfered and retained highly classified information in three different locations, one a presumably dust-and-spider-infested garage. But Robert Hur, the kind of federal prosecutor we shou...

  • Brave Sir Biden

    May 12, 2024

    Brave Sir Biden

    When brave Sir Biden rode south from Scranton toward the dark, fetid swamp of D.C., he was not afraid to die. No, based on his many, many tales of personal bravery, Joe was not at all afraid of being killed in nasty ways. Like being mashed to a...

  • Barack Obama, 21st-Century Schizoid Man

    May 6, 2024

    Barack Obama, 21st-Century Schizoid Man

    Although not a psychologist, I nevertheless convinced thousands of trusting souls to open their mouths (and wallets) for needles, drills, forceps, foul tastes, strange smells, not-good vibrations, and bills beyond imagination for more than forty year...

  • The Gutless Old Party

    April 27, 2024

    The Gutless Old Party

    When I’m sometimes foolish enough to state a political view while out in public -- you can’t be held in jail without bail for talking about January 6, can you? -- the person I’m speaking with typically responds, “Oh, so you mu...

  • What Won’t the Swamp Do to Stop Trump?

    April 20, 2024

    What Won’t the Swamp Do to Stop Trump?

    Should Donald Trump get re-elected as president, karma’s gonna be one serious you-know-what! For nearly a decade, the D.C. swamp has used every tool in its arsenal to take down first candidate, then president, and then citizen Donald J. Trum...

  • Necessary Accommodations if Biden’s Re-Elected

    April 7, 2024

    Necessary Accommodations if Biden’s Re-Elected

    At present, it seems unlikely that Americans will re-elect a frail, rapidly declining octogenarian to be our commander-in-chief.  Still, one should never underestimate the Democrat party’s uncanny ability to spread lies, cheat early a...

  • Some Men Just Want...

    March 29, 2024

    Some Men Just Want...

    In the movie The Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne (the Batman) confides to his butler Alfred that he’s having trouble anticipating the psychotic Joker’s next move and figuring out his motives. Alfred blinks his owlish, bespectacled eyes, and t...

  • The public humiliation of Joe Biden

    March 18, 2024

    The public humiliation of Joe Biden

    Anyone who’s ever known someone with senile dementia, can see that Joe Biden’s elevator no longer goes to the top floor. At age 81, with a history of multiple brain aneurysms and surgeries, poor Joe’s literally unravelling before...

  • You say floating dock, I say sitting duck

    March 15, 2024

    You say floating dock, I say sitting duck

    My expertise in life is rather limited. In fact, the only things I’m really well versed in are dental care, raising a family, and pouring a beer just so into a frozen mug resulting in a perfect, frothy one-inch head. That being said, you...

  • November 25, 2023

    Wrongthink to Avoid

    I was born in the greatest country in the world, perhaps in history, the United States of America. But now, seventy years later, the U.S. is no longer the land of the free or the home of the brave. Today, you are most definitely not free to sp...

  • October 31, 2022

    Ten Reasons to Vote Democrat

    Regular readers of American Thinker are well aware of all the reasons why anyone with a conscience and a modicum of intelligence should vote Republican on Election Day.  But at present, sadly, there appears to be a surfeit of potential U.S....

  • October 23, 2022

    Democrats are just plain dangerous for kids

    It's bad enough that Democrats would love to kill your unborn child at taxpayer expense and, if unsuccessful at that, simply amputate its penis and testicles or breasts at a later date and call it "gender-affirming care." But for kid...

  • October 17, 2022

    No More Hiding: I'm Finally Coming Out

    Recently, someone of low testosterone and, it would seem, low I.Q., opined after reading one of my political screeds that I was one "weird, sick, old duck!" And in a blinding instant, like when marauding FBI goons throw flashbangs into t...

  • October 9, 2022

    Biden gets high on his own supply

    In a bid to garner the all-important pothead vote for Democrats in November, Joe Biden has offered a mass pardon to those convicted of marijuana possession, which includes people who done time in prison for it. Forget whether such felo...

  • October 1, 2022

    Thanks for nothing, John Durham

    Raise your hands, anyone who thought special counsel John Durham's probe into the outrageous treatment of President Trump by the Obama FBI, DOJ, CIA, and State Department was ever going to amount to anything. Anyone? No one? Me neither. ...

  • September 26, 2022

    How to Prepare for a Pre-Dawn Visit From the FBI

    It’s clear the FBI has no interest in students threatening to shoot up schools (Nikolas Cruz), team doctors who assault underage gymnasts (Larry Nassar), or crackheads illegally possessing guns (Hunter Biden). No, if you’re a criminal,...

  • September 23, 2022

    Where have all the white supremacists gone?

    All I ever hear about these days, living as I do in the belly of the liberal beast, is the frightening scourge of white supremacism in America!  To which I invariably respond, "And who exactly are these white supremacists of which you ...

  • September 3, 2022

    Translating Biden’s ‘Soul of a Nation’ Speech

    Joe Biden, with his history of brain injuries (two!), rapidly advancing dementia, lifelong tendency to plagiarize, lie, and self-aggrandize, and his mouthful of marbles and no doubt costly white porcelain, can be quite difficult to understand. As ...

  • August 29, 2022

    The Psychopathology of Liberalism

    As the late, great Rush Limbaugh liked to say, "You can't spell LIBERALISM without L-I-E-S."  It's those lies that make your typical liberal so neurotic and out of touch with reality —because you can fool others with...

  • August 17, 2022

    Comparing first ladies: Jill vs. Melania

    If you watched, read, or listened to only the mendacious, Democrat bum–kissing mainstream media, Jill Biden — excuse me, Dr. Jill Biden! — would seem to be one of the most amazing women ever to have graced the White House. ...

  • August 10, 2022

    Know your enemy

    If you're reading this, you have powerful enemies. Start with our puppet president, Crusty Joe.  He's called Trump-supporters — those who would make America great again — the "most extreme political organization...

  • July 29, 2022

    A Corrupt and Rigged Government

    A recent University of Chicago Institute of Politics poll showed that a majority of Americans think our government is corrupt and rigged against them. And almost a third of respondents also feel it may eventually be necessary to take up arms against ...

  • July 23, 2022

    Big Government Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

    The beauteous Ali McGraw, in the movie Love Story, tells us, "Love means never having to say you're sorry." As the latest variant of COVID-19 sweeps the land, that movie line is also the mantra of federal, state, and local health off...

  • July 13, 2022

    The coming word-salad bar in the Oval Office

    Much has been written of late of the various ways Democrats can preclude having V.P. Kamala Harris as their presidential nominee in '24. And I'm here to tell you, it ain't happening. Here's why. I've watched more than a f...

  • June 30, 2022

    The Dobbs Decision in One Easy Lesson

    Now, I know that libs are mighty upset about the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Add to this the undeniable fact that liberals, led by the likes of Crusty Joe, Dumbo Harris, and America’s favorite bartender, Ms. Occasiona...

  • June 26, 2022

    So long, Tony

    I haven’t written or had anything published in a while, and my fans were worried. Both of them. Fact is, I’ve been busy saying goodbye to a beloved friend. To protect both the innocent and my patellae, let’s call him Tony. ...

  • May 12, 2022

    How to say your piece and also not get arrested by Joe Biden's Disinformation Board

    It's a truism that congenital liars suspect everyone else of lying.  The phenomenon's called "projection," and no one's better at it than your classic whiny Liberalanus Americanus. Now that Democrats and their ilk h...

  • April 27, 2022

    Kammy gets COVID

    The White House has announced that double-vaccinated, double-boosted, and double-dumb V.P. Kamala Harris has tested positive for COVID-19.  Although Science itself — in the form of that lovable garden gnome, Tony Fauci ...

  • April 13, 2022

    A day in the life of Florida Man

    The state of Florida is sitting pretty these days.  Having always been a popular vacation destination, the Sunshine State's now also a popular place to put down stakes and escape the craziness, especially the COVID craziness, of blue an...

  • April 10, 2022

    Has the FBI ever before looked this pitiful?

    It's one thing for the FBI, once considered the pre-eminent law enforcement agency in the world, to turn to the dark side and become the secret police of the Democrat party.  Again and again, the FBI has shown its partisan colors, overl...

  • March 28, 2022

    Imagine if Both Your Parents Were Hard-Left Democrats

    Let's face it: life is difficult for everyone.  You gotta take the sweet with the sour, and roll with the punches.  But who faces a more frightening future than the progeny of your typical loony liberal couple? Start with t...

  • March 26, 2022

    What is a woman?

    During her confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson told America she has no idea what a woman is, because, after all, KBJ's not a biologist. This from a nominee specifically chosen because — drum roll, ple...

  • March 17, 2022

    End hair discrimination now!

    In the midst of war in Europe, the COVID-19 pandemic, and crippling U.S. inflation, it's certainly a difficult time to be a member of Congress.  But just when you think our Congress-critters could not possibly be any more corrupt, indol...

  • March 13, 2022

    Whom can I trust?

    At a Tony Robbins seminar I attended many years ago, a lady in the audience told Tony she had trust issues, she couldn’t trust anyone. This, of course, kept her from ever feeling content or happy. Mr. Robbins responded that the woman was fully ...

  • March 1, 2022

    Dinner with Libs

    Last night, the wife and I attended a dinner party with two other couples. The hosts, old friends endowed with equally large amounts of generosity and common sense, laid out a feast of food and drink, and played Switzerland for the night. They discus...

  • February 16, 2022

    Lawn signs for conservatives

    Liberals think they're better than other people — so much so that they plant lawn signs in their front yards to illustrate that fact. The sentiments on these signs range from outright lies, HATE HAS NO HOME HERE (say the Trump-haters), t...

  • February 11, 2022

    The 'so long, Uyghurs, and thanks for all the slave labor' Olympics

    It's been a tough couple of years for Americans, what with COVID-19, rising crime, record inflation, and a marble-mouthed grifter with dementia wandering about the White House.  There certainly hasn't been much to be happy about. ...

  • February 9, 2022

    What do you have to do to get fired from Joe Biden's Cabinet?

    Outside Cirque de Soleil, there's no bigger collection of clowns than the members of Joe Biden's Cabinet.  It's one thing to have a mental defective for president, quite another to have a bunch of left-wing ideologues with littl...

  • February 8, 2022

    Oh, the words that come to mind from the 'mean construction Obama' photo

    It's true: a picture is worth a thousand words.  When I saw the photo of former President Obama, standing, arms folded, at the construction site of his seaside Hawaiian mansion, quite a few words came to my mind. Sadly, some of them ...

  • February 6, 2022

    Look with dawning horror at the presidential line of succession

    In Major League Baseball, starting pitchers get plenty of press, all the glory, and the really big bucks.  But true aficionados of the sport know that a team is only as good as its bullpen, a collection of lesser-known pitchers who are call...

  • February 4, 2022

    Brave Biden kills terrorist, women and children hardest hit

    Joe Biden may be an accomplished grifter, habitual liar, and at least three cans shy of a six-pack mentally, but what a brave commander-in-chief he is! Take last August, when, thanks to White House incompetence, thirteen U.S. servicemen and scores...

  • January 26, 2022

    You might be a liberal if...

    Liberalism is a dangerous mental disorder, and early treatment is essential to regaining sanity. Always looking to be of help, I've compiled a checklist of liberal beliefs so that concerned readers may gauge whether or not they're a buddin...

  • January 23, 2022

    Hiding private Biden

    Even before his long slide into dementia, Joe Biden was a babbling, bumbling, hair-sniffing fool whom no one really respected.  The main thing you can say about his stint as Obama's V.P. is that he reduced Barry's chances of being i...

  • January 2, 2022

    The Gift of the Fauci

    I headed into the Christmas season in a foul mood as our country’s trajectory appears to be emulating the fall of the Roman Empire. Hopelessly corrupt politicians, weak generals, barbarians swarming the borders, and a pervasive sense of moral d...

  • December 1, 2021

    Coming this Christmas, the Juicy Smollett action figure!

    Yes, kids, the weather outside is frightful — the temperature in Chicago is in the single digits — but we've got a new toy that's so delightful: the Juicy Smollett, Hate Hoaxer action figure! The absolute latest in ou...

  • November 28, 2021

    LeBron James for president!

    Democrats are "literally shaking" at the thought of losing the White House in 2024.  I mean, blatant, willful, and widespread election fraud can take you only so far. At present, Joe Biden is pulling a Wicked Witch of the West ...

  • November 24, 2021

    Our partisan FBI failed again, costing taxpayers $130 million (and 17 innocent people their lives)

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation, once comprising the best and brightest in law enforcement, has for some time now been more concerned with pushing the Democrat agenda than stopping criminals and terrorists. The list of recent FBI failures is w...

  • November 20, 2021

    The Democrats' cognitive dissonance

    Why do so many Democrats look, sound, and act insane? Because they suffer terribly from "cognitive dissonance." To be a card-carrying child of the left, one must hold a variety of conflicting ideas as true, regardless of whether they con...

  • November 17, 2021

    Coming soon to a city near you: the Democrat Purge

    In the horror movie The Purge, the U.S. government annually gives its citizens a 12-hour period in which to commit any and all crimes with no consequences. The only thing the filmmakers missed in predicting today's Democrat Party stance on r...

  • November 15, 2021

    Our racist president

    Sure, President Biden is frail, stooped, and increasingly senile.  And yes, the "Big Guy" is thoroughly corrupt, lies like a rug, and constantly makes stuff up to appear heroic.  But did you know he's also a dyed-in-...

  • November 5, 2021

    Pentagon investigates self, finds no crime

    Fresh off their recent success in fleeing Afghanistan with their tails between their legs, leaving hundreds of Americans and billions of dollars in arms and munitions behind, the Pentagon was in a celebratory mood and decided to drone some ISIS-K ter...

  • November 2, 2021

    Biden's accident

    The twitterverse is all abuzz over a #1 trending hashtag, #PoopypantsBiden, so at the risk of soiling my very soul, I perused Twitter's website to see why. The story starts with our president meeting the pope at the Vatican, presumably to...

  • November 1, 2021

    The 'science' of COVID

    Despite former President Obama’s persistent bleating, there is no such thing as “settled science.” The Earth was flat, the Sun circled our planet, and lightning was thought to be a message from Zeus until proven otherwise. The fa...

  • October 31, 2020

    How to survive the riots if President Trump is re-elected

    Many, including me, are willing to bet the house that Donald Trump will be re-elected, either on November 3 as the clock nears midnight or several days or weeks afterward, when the Supreme Court finally stops the Democrats from "finding" an...

  • October 24, 2020

    How corrupt is FBI director Wray? Let me count the ways

    If Americans disgusted at the shameless, partisan shenanigans of former FBI head James Comey thought Christopher Wray was going to come in and clean house at the now disgraced agency, they've got another think coming. To be fair, incoming Dire...

  • October 22, 2020

    Rush Limbaugh, losing his fight with lung cancer, vows to keep fighting the left

    Rush Limbaugh recently told his large and loving radio audience that he is losing his battle with lung cancer and that his days are numbered. Upon hearing that Limbaugh had been diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer this past February, I feared that...

  • October 18, 2020

    The epic struggles of Hunter Biden

    Poor Hunter Biden. Think how hard his life must be. Like his father, Hunter’s lights are on, but no one’s home. His junkie mind is not his own. He has the sweats, his body shakes. Another hit on the pipe is all it takes. Might...

  • October 14, 2020

    Vote Trump or go back to the Democrat Matrix

    Well into President Obama's first term, I still bought into the general belief that politics was a noble profession, and our leaders wanted nothing but the best for all Americans.  Sure, Republican and Democrat politicians fought hard f...

  • October 11, 2020

    A note on abortion: Thanks, Mom

    I was born a scrawny, pale, yet unconventionally handsome bastard, the product of an illicit but no doubt passionate tryst in some rented pad in south Chicago. The only thing I know for sure about my biological parents is that they were promiscuou...

  • October 9, 2020

    The number-one reason why Bill de Blasio is persecuting Jews

    Why would NYC's Mayor de Blasio come down hard on Orthodox and Hasidic Jews for breaking Big Brother's constantly changing rules regarding COVID-19 prevention yet look the other way when thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters rec...

  • October 5, 2020

    Why Big Names Are Getting COVID-19

    It's a common belief that our well heeled betters live in a different world than we do. If they wish to, people of power and means can enjoy the very best nutrition, housing, and health care available.  When it comes to buying person...

  • October 3, 2020

    In the wake of Trump's COVID diagnosis, 'you don't know what you got 'til it's gone'

    It's a dog-eat-dog world, folks.  And possibly no man alive has had to deal with as many vicious ankle-biters as our president, Donald Trump. But whether he likes it or not, his COVID-19 diagnosis is going to take him out of the wild...

  • October 1, 2020

    The Deep State Wins if Trump Loses

    In his 2017 inauguration speech, President Trump shocked the world by promising to take on the Washington, D.C. establishment -- aka “The Swamp” -- and thereby return power to the people. The Swamp denizens seated in the main dais behi...

  • September 27, 2020

    Virginia's Gov. Ralph 'Blackface' 'Coonman' Northam catches COVID

    Bad news for Virginia Democrats: Gov. Ralph "Coonman" Northam and his wife Pam have tested positive for COVID-19. For those unaware, "Coonman" was the sobriquet listed in Gov. Northam's medical school yearbook.  N...

  • September 20, 2020

    Replacing the Notorious RBG with the Heavenly ACB

    Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any crazier, Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg suddenly departs this world for, hopefully, a better one. You have to respect that anyone strong, smart, and principled enough to serve on the Supre...

  • September 10, 2020

    When it Comes to Biden, Dems Say Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes. Or Ears. Or Brain.

    Democrats and their mainstream media consorts would have you watch Joe Biden talking to the press, on those rare occasions when he leaves his basement and favorite chair, and somehow think you're watching a fully functioning human being, ready an...

  • August 17, 2020

    No Such Thing as a Totally Safe School

    To regain any sense of normalcy during the time of Coronavirus, we’ll need our kids back in school. They need to be back there, and their parents really need their kids to be back there. Like yesterday. However, the teachers unions and their...

  • August 13, 2020

    Kamala Harris and the Dems' identity politics bingo

    Democrats look to woo voters based on their candidates' ethnicity, skin color, and genitalia.  No care seems to be given as to whether political candidates are likely to be any good at representing their constituents, no, the only quest...

  • August 7, 2020

    Biden's really losing it

    I'm old, and I'm losing it.  That's what happens when you're tickling 67. But Joe Biden — man, he's really losing it.  And he's tickling 78. I go into a room, forget why I went there, and then h...

  • July 26, 2020

    Dr. Fauci's curveball

    Few have been more central to America’s COVID-19 response than Dr. Anthony Fauci. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the diminutive doctor has been the face and voice of public health efforts to fight the ...

  • July 11, 2020

    A tale of two investigations

    America is at present deeply divided, a situation that’s simply unsustainable long term. To understand this, one need look no further than our justice system and two ongoing investigations that illustrate the wide divide between Right and ...

  • July 4, 2020

    Ghislaine Maxwell's pending suicide

    When Jeffrey Epstein, the renowned financial maven and friend to the rich and powerful, was arrested for underage sex-trafficking, I knew that his days on the planet were numbered.  Epstein simply knew too much to live. What undoubtedly ...

  • July 2, 2020

    Joe Biden's accomplishments

    Critics ask: What has Joe Biden ever accomplished other than enriching his own family via various governmental grifts and leaving Barack Obama with chapped butt cheeks from Joe's constant smooching? Plenty, folks, no joke. For one, Joe Bide...

  • June 29, 2020

    Bizarro World, coming to a neighborhood near you!

    For those of us old enough to remember a time when men were men and women were women, a major source of entertainment for children back then was comic books.  And who was the most famous comic book character of all?  Why, that...

  • June 29, 2020

    COVID-19 Protection Advice from a Doctor, albeit a Dentist

    Throughout my working life, I've had friends introduce me to strangers as "Dr. Pete."  The new acquaintance invariably comments, "Oh, so you're a physician?"  And then I reply, "No, I'm just a ...

  • June 29, 2020

    Only 128 days before you have to rebuild

    Recently, we've all enjoyed scenes of "peaceful demonstrators" burning and looting businesses all across the fruited plains of America.  Young, ill educated punks throwing bricks or Molotov cocktails through store windows all ...

  • June 25, 2020

    Bubba Wallace, snowflake of color

    NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace apparently contains multitudes.  Part of him is obviously a fierce competitor, a man brave enough to risk his life by racing at speeds approaching 200 mph.  You have to be able and willing to trade pain...