Perviz Khazai

Perviz Khazai

  • September 13, 2019

    Iran: is the game over?

    It is increasingly clear that Trump's "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran is effective and has damaged Iran's economy, particularly the energy, shipping, and financial sectors.  Oil exports have dropped from 2.5 milli...

  • September 4, 2019

    Iran's missiles violate UN Security Council Resolution 2231

    The Iranian missile program is seen as a threat by the world leader's at the G7 summit and is strongly opposed by the United States and the European Union.  This program is one of the jewels of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards...

  • August 29, 2019

    Iranian people and world leaders: Same aim, different game

    Leaders' closing remarks at the Biarritz G7 Summit highlighted that "Iran should never under circumstances be allowed to get a nuclear weapon."  The United States has been hoping its "maximum pressure" campaign ...