Pennel Bird

Pennel Bird

  • August 1, 2021

    Nullifying Nuremberg

    Dr. Josef Mengele is one of the true monsters of history.  His profoundly evil medical experiments on Jews, the disabled, the mentally impaired, and other Third Reich deplorables are the stuff of pitch-black fever dreams.  Combini...

  • March 4, 2020

    The agonizing choice for Democrats in 2020

    Democrats may soon find themselves between a rock and a hard place.  With Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Steyer on their way home to Indiana, Minnesota, and Mountains of Cash, respectively; Bloomberg rendered even more diminutive than his actual...

  • July 12, 2019

    The Mirror Society

    What if our most lamentable actions, and our most glaring hypocrisies, were reflected back to us in a way impossible to un-see?  Would we grow by that?  Would we learn the error of our ways?  Or is it possible to be so c...

  • February 28, 2018

    Dispatches from Deep inside Progressiville

    In the 1979 suspense thriller When a Stranger Calls, a legendary movie reveal on the order of The Sixth Sense and The Usual Suspects occurs at the film's climax.  Having been terrorized by sinister, anonymous phone calls for most of the...

  • December 20, 2017

    The Punk Rock President

    Middle-fingered the establishment.  Railed against "the Queen."  Thumbed his nose at manners.  Spit on convention.  Name-called.  Talked dirty.  Fought dirty.  Fought back.  Cursed.  Infuriated t...

  • November 18, 2017

    Hillary's Boomerang

    The irony.  So rich it could give you gout. At a fundraiser on September 9, 2016, Hillary Clinton made a soul-baring gaffe.  With uncharacteristic candor, she stated that half of all Trump supporters are a "basket of deplorables,...

  • October 18, 2017

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Donald

    It is an article of faith among many that some of the most patriotic Americans are immigrants.  Leaving one's country and culture in search of a better life has a way of clarifying the reasons for making such a consequential choice.  Th...

  • September 21, 2017

    Explaining the Narcissistic Rage of the Left

    How to account for the scorched-earth hatred of Donald Trump? He inspires a darkly fanatical dislike, disapproval, and disgust in his most ardent detractors.  He is a distillation for millions of unhappy Americans of all things repugnant, rep...