Pem Schaeffer

Pem Schaeffer

  • September 19, 2020

    The cancellation of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King

    This week, I've been following a Zoom-based seminar in which learned academics are discussing the fallacies and distortions of the 1619 Project created by the New York Times.  This unproven, widely challenged narrative has spread like w...

  • November 5, 2017

    A quick and brief tour of leftist crazy-land

    Herewith a few quick examples of the cognitive cacophony of those on the left, highlighting their unmitigated gall and what otherwise amounts to total cluelessness. Here in Maine, Medicaid expansion is a ballot referendum before voters in the upco...

  • October 22, 2017

    Alexa, what are you doing in my room?

    How much would you pay someone to invade the privacy of your home?  Or to search your premises continuously, breaching your barrier against tyranny?  Similarly, would you pay to have your home wiretapped?  And your life tapped? Now ...

  • September 22, 2017

    Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?

    Pundits and commoners often repeat Michael Savage's thesis that "liberalism is a mental disorder."  Born Liberal, Raised Right by Reb Bradley argues (paraphrased from the cover) that infants enter this world with the behavioral tra...

  • August 26, 2017

    Progressives Facing Existential PR Damage from Charlottesville

    Moral superiority is the lily-white garb donned by progressive true believers to shore up their self-image as charitable guardian angels of lesser beings.  It feeds on constant virtue-signaling to keep the image pure, broadcast to an array of id...