Peggy Shapiro

Peggy Shapiro

  • November 28, 2015

    Anthropologists to Boycott Archeology?

    Defying logic, a band of anthropologists voted to boycott archeology. On Friday, Nov. 20, at the business meeting of the American Anthropology Association (AAA), they voted to boycott Israeli universities in line with the BDS movement’s goal of...

  • October 20, 2015

    Palestinian Lies that Kill

    On Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015, I attended a Chicago rally sponsored by American Muslims for Palestine. I witnessed at most about 800 people gathered, and media reported several hundred, yet the Arab Press magically multiplied the numbers and manipulated t...

  • July 1, 2015

    United Church of Christ Anti-Israel Extremism

    On June 30, 2015, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ voted to single out Israel for an economic and propaganda war.  Ignoring the violent state of affairs in an unstable region, the plague of terrorist groups, and the victimization...

  • February 20, 2015

    Two Pleas, Two Dates, Two Refusals

    The date was October 6, 1943, and more than four hundred rabbis came to plead for U.S. government to save Jews from Hitler. They hoped  to alert the American public about the Nazi massacres.  Some Jewish leaders trembled that such o...

  • January 12, 2014

    MLA Lays the Groundwork for Promoting Punishment of Israel

    In the wake of the recent condemnations of the American Studies Association vote to boycott Israeli academic institutions, there was a great deal of publicity for the Modern Language Association Conference, which opened Thursday in downtown Chicago w...

  • January 12, 2014

    The pettiness of the academic Boycott Israel movement revealed

    Updating: MLA Lays the Groundwork for Promoting Punishment of Israel The Delegate Meeting of the Modern Language Association, MLA, began with an hour-long session on the perils of falling enrollment in the MLA and reduced support for the humanities...

  • March 16, 2013

    Anti-Semitism at UCSD

    On Wednesday night, March 13, the Associated Students at U C San Diego held a secret vote to divest from Israel, and in that action, perhaps ignorantly, took us back in shame almost 80 years to the date (April 1, 1933) when the Nazis came to power an...

  • January 13, 2013

    Hagel echoes Hitler on the Armenian genocide

    "What happened in 1915 happened in 1915," Hagel said during a 2005 trip to Armenia when he was serving in the Senate. "As one United States senator, I think the better way to deal with this is to leave it open to historians and others to decide what...

  • October 29, 2012

    Benghazi coverage reveals we are all unprotected

    There are four scandals stemming from the murders in Benghazi, and the mainstream media's reluctance to cover them reveals a threat to us all. Even as cables and emails continue to appear, most traditional media sources are downplaying or ignori...

  • April 18, 2012

    Holocaust Remembrance Day: Remembering One and Multiplying by 6 Million

    Today is Holocaust Memorial Day, but how do we remember the unfathomable? Six million people is beyond our mental grasp. So just imaging if there were graves for the six million victims of the Holocaust and they were set next to each other. The grave...

  • March 19, 2012

    Voter rights: less protected than a Christmas cookie

    The Justice Department's civil rights division objected to a photo ID requirement for voters claiming that such a law would disenfranchise African-Americans, Hispanics, people of low-income, and college students. The Justice Department and other crit...

  • December 11, 2011

    The Incontrovertible Inconvenient Truth about Israel

    Islamist groups are holding victory parties in Egypt, Syria's Bashar Assad is killing scores of his own people each week, Iran is producing more weapons-grade uranium than ever, Jordan's king announces that "Israel has an expiration date," and...

  • October 28, 2011

    UNESCO and the Palestinian Authority: Will the Administration Circumvent or Uphold the Law?

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)'s 36th General Conference is convening from October 25 to November 10 in Paris, where it is scheduled to take up the Palestinian bid for membership.  Should it pass, t...

  • October 25, 2011

    Gaddafi: A U.N. Value

    Until shortly before Gaddafi crawled out of a drain pipe and met his violent end, he was the darling of the United Nations and the "international community." It is perplexing why a criminal and brutal dictator would garner the accolades of an organiz...

  • September 20, 2011

    Upgrading the Status of Racism and Intolerance

    The Palestinians are scurrying around the U.N. this week attempting to elevate their status to statehood in an historic move to establish the first openly and unashamedly racist and intolerant nation. Of course there are other countries where life fo...

  • September 13, 2011

    Fatah stoking false expectations and rage

    Palestinian leaders have announced that "the world is about to witness the birth of a Palestinian state" as a result of their bid for the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by the United Nations.  As the United Nations does not have th...

  • July 22, 2011

    Standing With Israel

    "Where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried."  This famous pledge by Ruth, a young Moabite widow, to her Israelite mother-in...

  • July 22, 2011

    The Crocodile Feeding in Norway

    See also: The blond, blue-eyed terror suspect in Oslo (updated) "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile -- hoping it will eat him last." Winston Churchill Norway, which has a sordid history of feeding the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel beast, woke up th...

  • July 11, 2011

    Can we afford to pour more money down the Palestinian drain?

    Dan Greenfield recently reported that the Palestinian Authority is facing another budget crisis and requesting additional funding from the West. Before we take out our overdrawn checkbooks, it might be time to look at some of the numbers and dec...

  • May 20, 2011

    Disturbing Questions about President Obama's Vision for Israel

    President Obama's speech yesterday about U.S. policy in the Middle East in general and about the Israel-Palestinians conflict specifically calls for democracy yet abandons the only democracy in the Middle East. It rewards terror states and potential ...

  • May 2, 2011

    Brother of Iranian dissident leader in U.S. abducted in Paris

    On Friday, April 29, the day after Amir Abbas Fakhravar, the leader of the Confederation of Iranian Students, spoke to a suburban Chicago audience about the Green Revolution in Iran, his brother was kidnapped in Paris by Iranian agents and ...

  • April 25, 2011

    Shooting Jews at Prayer (Updated)

    Palestinian police shouting "Allahu akbar" opened fire on Jews praying at Joseph's Tomb Sunday, killing one and wounding four.  The worshippers were attacked as they were exiting the prayer site by PA policemen, who according to the ID...

  • March 31, 2011

    Assad: Fooled us twice, shame on us

    With slight of hand and a conman's misdirection, Syria's tyrant Bashar Assad wined and dined U.S. Representatives in his elegant offices, and the naïve and willingly gullible Americans fell for it, and continue falling and falling.A few years ba...

  • July 25, 2010

    Christians Speak Up: Holocaust Survivors Find their Voices

    They were both teenage Holocaust survivors who experienced the anti-Semitism of the church even before the Nazis entered their hometowns in Poland. The two eighty-three-year-old women, both named Mania, both short with carefully coiffed blond hair, w...

  • June 4, 2010

    Helen, Hitler and Hezb'allah

    Helen Thomas has never held back her animus for Israel. She finally lets go the brutal truth and tells Jews: Go home to Germany.  She doesn't mention gas chambers, but Thomas, a correspondent for over 57 years, knows what her message means. Thom...

  • April 23, 2010

    Iran: Doing Nothing Is Not an Option

    Iran is heading at breakneck speed toward becoming a nuclear power, thereby endangering its neighbors, setting off an arms race in the volatile Middle East, supplying dirty bombs to terror groups, threatening U.S. allies in Europe, and even targeting...

  • February 22, 2010

    A Senate Race, Chicago Style (updated)

    Illinois Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias may have a bit of explaining to do on more than just his history with the failing  Broadway Bank, owned by his family, the source of his personal wealth, and where he served for several year...

  • January 18, 2010

    Israel's Disproportionate Response

    In the midst of the tragedy and chaos in the Haitian capital, Israeli doctors, part of IsraAID -F.I.R.S.T.  (the Israel Forum for International Aid), delivered a healthy baby boy in an IDF field hospital. When the baby's grateful mother, Gubilan...

  • December 30, 2009

    Lethal Nonsense

    President Obama finally mounted a modicum of indignation at the foiled Christmas Day attempt to blow up Northwest Flight 253 as it was landing in Detroit, but look at who is the object of his ire. In his two public statements since the terrorist set ...

  • August 8, 2009

    The Twelve Steps of Obama Anonymous

    It's the morning after an intoxicated stupor for many Obama supporters. Jewish Democrats, who were among his most fervent admirers, are waking up with headaches about the President's policy and conduct in the Middle East; even media devotees such as ...

  • July 26, 2009

    Silent No More

    Where could you hear radio talk show hosts Dennis Prager and Michael Medved, military analyst Elliot Chodoff, Israel's Ambassador Michael Oren, Senator Joe Lieberman, country music star Randy Travis, and cantor and musical theater singer Dudu Fisher ...

  • June 15, 2009

    Willful Deafness about the Real Meaning of Two States

    The Palestinians, Saudis and Egyptians propose two states. The U.N., E.U., U.S. demand two states. Most Israeli governments have agreed to the concept of two states. Other than Israel, none of the proponents of a "two-state" solution e...

  • June 13, 2009

    Wright is right

    I never thought I would say this, but in when I heard the coverage of the most recent interview with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, I thought that the virulently anti-Semitic pastor got some things right. He just got the verb tense wrong. He said, "E...

  • June 9, 2009

    Iran Invited for Hot Dogs: U.S. to Eat Crow

    In one of his many overtures to Iran, President Obama authorized U.S. embassies around the world to invite Iranian representatives to celebrate American Independence Day.  Inviting Iran for hot days and barbeques is part of this administration...

  • June 9, 2009

    Obama Demands Ethnic Cleansing as an Israeli Concession for Peace

    The Obama administration demands a complete freeze of "settlements" including suburbs of Jerusalem and the area of the old city which holds Judaism most holy site: the Western Wall. Hillary Rodham Clinton said, "He wants to see a stop ...

  • March 6, 2009

    Dollars for Hate

    Dollar bills don't put out a fire, not even the $4.5 billion that nations pledged for the West Bank and Gaza in 2009. If financial aid could cure what is ailing those two spots, the Palestinians would replace the Norwegians in the Global Peace I...

  • March 1, 2009

    Congressmen Question Saudi Lobbyist for Head of National Intelligence Council

    Two congressmen are demanding the answer to this question:Which of the following would disqualify a person for the position of chairman of the National Intelligence Council, whose "goal is to provide policymakers with the best information: unvar...

  • February 25, 2009

    I Will Defend to the Death Their Right to Silence You

    According to Shariah law, it is a crime to engage in speech or writings that ‘defame' Islam or otherwise offend its followers. It is a crime, not only in Muslim states, but in Western democracies, and may soon be coming to a city near you unles...

  • February 19, 2009

    U.S. at Durban II: A Dangerous Game to Lose

    Would President Obama attend or send a U.S. delegate to a Klu Klux Klan planning meeting with the hopes of changing its agenda? That would be outrageous. Then why did the administration announce late last Saturday night that the U.S. is joining the p...

  • December 10, 2008

    Is Obama capable of giving a straight answer?

    Thomas Lifson reports in "Obama needs to get his story straight" that Obama claimed to have had no contact with Blagojevich or his office about the governor's criminal efforts at selling the vacant Senate seat.  But we can't get a stra...

  • December 9, 2008

    What's a little corruption among friends?

    Last week Illinois Senator Dick Durbin sent a letter to President Bush asking him to commute the sentence of the Illinois George Ryan, a Republican. "For those who would say what is Durbin's political motive, all I can offer is a human motive,...

  • November 5, 2008

    We Should Know Better

    I cannot watch television as the world is turned upside down in a religious frenzy over the new "Messiah." On banners, signs, tee shirts, and pins are the single word slogans of "Hope" and "Change."  With no earthbo...

  • September 19, 2008

    Ahmadinejad Match Point; Humanity 0 (updated)

    Sometimes it is one decision at one moment that determines the game, and one decision at one moment that shapes history. The presidents of major Jewish organizations had that moment to show the united strength of Jews and all Americans against Ahmadi...

  • September 18, 2008

    Clinton Runs from a Moment of Greatness

    My first reaction was to laugh when I heard that Hillary Clinton had canceled an appearance at a rally to protest Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad just because Sarah Palin was also showing up.  It reminded me of a homecoming dance in high s...

  • September 11, 2008

    Obama's Disturbing Muslim Outreach: Resigned but not Gone?

    Obama's Muslim Outreach Coordinator, Mazen Asbahi, resigned in August after only ten days in his position, when it was revealed that he had ties to groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.  The question is no longer about what kind of judg...

  • June 7, 2008

    Obama at AIPAC: Too Much Room for Doubt

    I was among the 7,500 pro-Israel activists who listened to Barack Obama's magnificently designed oration to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on June 4. On the riser with American and Israeli flags as backdrop and large screens projecting ...

  • May 20, 2008

    The Rule Book for Criticizing Obama

    Barack Obama needs to issue a rule book for exactly what criticism opponents are allowed to make.Rule 1  Don't criticize family no matter who they are or what they do.Although his wife Michelle is an active member of his campaign and a virulent ...

  • May 17, 2008

    Obama's historical ignorance proves Bush's point

    Reeling from his inference of an accusation of being an appeaser to terrorists, Barack Obama lashed out against President Bush and John McCain. "They [Bush and McCain] aren't telling you the truth. They are trying to fool you and scare you becau...

  • May 13, 2008

    The Obama Change We Really Can Believe In

    Barack Obama's call to action is "Change we can believe in." I would love to believe it, but until now I haven't even been able to understand it. What is going to change?  With his latest about face on direct talks with Iran's Ahmadine...

  • May 13, 2008

    Obama's New Best Friends: Jews

    Barack Obama wants to talk away some serious doubts the pro-Israel community has about the candidate's support of a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. Obama's anti-Israel advisors (some disavowed after public embarrassments) McPeak, Brzezinski, Malley,...

  • May 11, 2008

    Obama's rabbi friend

    For the third time I have gotten the same email from Rabbi Wolf supporting his neighbor Barack Obama. It seems that Rabbi Wolf is nearly the last man standing as far as Jewish justification of Obama. Obama critics never said that the man was a bad ne...

  • May 8, 2008

    Stop U.S. Taxpayers Funding of Terrorist Camps

    Should the U.S. taxpayer pay for an organization whose school headmaster is a rocket maker for the Islamic Jihad? (Reuters May 6, 2008). Someone whose school in Beit Hanoun, Gaza is a launching pad for rockets aimed at Israel. Should the U....

  • May 8, 2008

    Send missile defense system to Israel and a message to Iran

    "Iranian President Ahmadinejad calls for Israel to be wiped off the map and talks of the Jewish people's annihilation.  America should send a message to the Iranian dictator - Israel will have the full weight of America's missile defense sy...

  • May 5, 2008

    Obama: check out Abraham Lincoln's respect for the people!

    "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts."  - Abraham LincolnWe are finally getting some of the real facts about Bar...

  • May 1, 2008

    Obama and Wright project their bias on all African Americans

    "This [criticism] is not an attack on Jeremiah Wright. This is an attack on the black church." Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Address to National Press Club, April 28. When Reverend Wright accused those who criticize him of attacking the black ...

  • April 25, 2008

    The Lust in Jimmy Carter's Heart

    Jimmy Carter's recent negotiations with the terrorist group Hamas have been called a bad idea, ill-conceived, counterproductive, self-aggrandizing, and naïve. However, what if the meeting was not at all naïve, but a well-conceived execution...

  • April 25, 2008

    How Wrong Can You Get?

    These photos tell the story of misguided, naïve, and dangerously gullible U.S. representatives, who believed they were reasoning with Syria's tyrant Bashar Assad.Zbigniew Brzezinski (Back Right) and Syria's Bashar Assad (Back Left) February 15, ...

  • April 24, 2008

    The 'Great Uniter' only for some groups

    "We have a chance to bring the country together. A nation healed, a world repaired. An America that believes again."   - Excerpted from Barack Obama's "Unify" television commercial. Barack Obama's meteoric rise on the politic...

  • April 23, 2008

    Obama: Waffling without a prepared speech and an adoring crowd

    Barack Obama needs a prepared speech, a teleprompter, and adoration. Left to his own extemporaneous devices, he missteps and in some cases "waffles." Asked to comment on former President Jimmy Carter's meeting with Hamas officials, the sena...

  • April 19, 2008

    Congress Reacts to Jimmy Carter Courting Hamas

    As Jimmy Carter continues on a self-appointed mission of courting the terrorist group Hamas with hugs and honor, Congress is expressing outrage at the former president's undermining of U.S. policy.  "We ought to be screaming from the rafter...

  • April 17, 2008

    Hamas agrees with Jews who worry about Obama

    Jews and other in the pro-Israel community who have serious misgivings about Senator Obama's stand on Israel's security aren't crazy. Obama supporters minimize the concerns about  the candidates choice of Israel- bashing advisors, unscripted sta...

  • April 16, 2008

    Obama: Silence in the face of evil

    "Silence in the face of evil is always on the side of the aggressor."     - Elie WieselBarack Obama, the eloquent speaker who mesmerizes the media, the man whose orations make women swoon, the candidate who promises to embrac...

  • April 15, 2008

    Obama's Posters: Message in the Image

    There is something unsettling and very familiar in the Obama poster campaign which has plastered his image over the country. The posters depict the same graphic closeup of the candidate with one block word either "Hope," "Change" ...

  • April 11, 2008

    Diplomacy is not the Dr. Phil Show!

    The going theory in the world of media psychology is that people need to confront their demons and talk over problems in order to repair relationships. The next logical step is to conclude that what works on the personal level can be applied to the p...

  • April 4, 2008

    To talk or not to talk: What does Hamas have to say?

    To talk or not to talk to Hamas? That is the question circling among of foreign policy advisors, international experts and the U.S. State Department. In March, the State Department floated the question on its blog and asked if the U.S should engage H...

  • April 2, 2008

    Palestinian Hate-Education Continues

    The Palestinian education and propaganda are more dangerous to Israel than Palestinian weapons. Ariel Sharon, November 18, 2004Acknowledging that without a population educated to accept peace, no other negotiations or concessions were meaningful, the...

  • March 31, 2008

    Congress to vote on Jewish refugees today

    It has been sixty years since 850,000 Jews were victims of "ethnic cleansing" in 10 Arab lands, where some Jewish communities had existed for 2,500 years. The number of Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands exceeds Arab refugees from Isr...

  • March 31, 2008

    Samantha Power: A Comeback after 'Monstergate'?

    Samantha Power just can't help herself when she starts talking. An odd malady for one who seeks a high position among the nation's diplomats.Harvard's  Professor Samantha Power was once a very close foreign policy advisor to the man who promises...

  • March 26, 2008

    The Right of Return and the Forgotten Refugees

    Enter "Right of Return" on any search engine and you will get some variation of the Palestinian claim that Palestinian Arabs who left Israel in 1948 and all of their descendants have the an "inalienable right" to return to Israel....

  • March 21, 2008

    Remember One: The humanity of the victims of terror

    The day after an Arab gunman infiltrated the Mercaz Yeshiva in Jerusalem, murdered eight students and wounded eleven, the front page of the Chicago Tribune showed a mother prostrate in grief. The mother was not related to any of the eight victims. It...

  • March 19, 2008

    Reverend Wright: The Bible and No Jews

    “I said that dirty word again, Israel.” This was one of the many disparaging remarks Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright made about Israel. According to Wright, Israel is occupying Arab land and has no right to its existence. He eliminat...

  • March 16, 2008

    Obama's poor judgment and poorer excuses

    Barack Obama showed very poor judgment when he accepted $250,000 of campaign funds from slumlord Tony Resko (now on trial), who was Obama's first substantial contributor in Obama's meteoric political rise. When Obama bought his $1.65 million South Si...

  • March 15, 2008

    Obama's 23 years of silence

    This is a quiz.Question 1Imagine that person A  hears person B give sermons which are filled with hatred for the U.S.A., include an exhortation to sing "God Damn American" rather than "God Bless America and claim that the U.S. des...

  • March 15, 2008

    Obama on Wright, before the videos reached Americans

    It was just a year ago (March 6, 2007) when Bill Burton, Obama's campaign spokesperson, told the New York Times that “Senator Obama is proud of his pastor and his church...", Listen to Obama talk about his pastor before the media...

  • March 14, 2008

    Holocaust survivors deserve immediate access to hidden archives

    Sixty three years after the Holocaust, my mother, who is an eighty-year-old survivor does not know under what circumstances her parents, 2 brothers, and sister died. For my father, any information now comes too late. For my brothers and I and thousan...

  • March 13, 2008

    I have a dream

    When I was a child, a great American gave a speech which transformed the country and left an indelible impression on my soul. Today I think of the dream then and the dream now. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of politically...

  • March 13, 2008

    The State Dept's foolish question

    The State Dept. is in a hole and can't stop digging. Last week's ‘Question of the Week' on the State Department blog asked: Should the U.S. engage Hamas as part of its efforts to bring about peace between the Israelis and Palestinians?  We...

  • March 8, 2008

    U.S. Places Hold on Funding Terrorist 'Rathole' by P. Shapiro

    "I don't know what the word in Arabic is for ‘rathole,' but it does appear that the usefulness for our funding is disappearing," said Mark Steven Kirk, R-Ill., adding that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' authority has been reduce...

  • March 7, 2008

    Rep. Kirk follows the money that fuels terror

    Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) has been relentless in his mission to "follow the money" that fuels terrorism. In addition to his efforts to focus more scrunity on how U.S. dollars are being used to pay for UNRA hate-education in the Palestia...