Pedro Primavera

Pedro Primavera

  • April 2, 2011

    Brazil and Private Property

    Somebody here in Brazil asked me about the beautiful homes in the United States. In particular, they liked the fact they don't have walls as they have in Brazil. The walls are not there for beauty but for protection for every home. Nobody is immune. ...

  • February 27, 2011

    Welcome to Brazil: Lessons for the American People to Learn

    Recently, Hillary Clinton touted the ways of Brazil as an economic lesson to the world.  The economy has consistently grown by 3-6% recently, depending on the estimate, and soon Brazil will display itself on the world stage with soccer's World C...

  • September 25, 2010

    Our Boy-President

    Sigmund Freud might be proud to see what Obama has done to America:"I do not doubt that it would be easier for fate to take away your suffering than it would for me. But you will see for yourself that much has been gained if we succeed in turnin...

  • May 15, 2010

    Obama Learns What It Is Like to Be a Republican

    I'm sure that like most right-thinking Americans, you had to uncross your eyes when Hamid Karzai and Barack Obama shared pleasantries in Washington last Wednesday.It wasn't that long ago that Obama and Karzai were seemingly worlds apart geographicall...

  • May 7, 2010

    A Nation of Lawbreakers

    If you are reading this, you most likely have broken the law. You may not be aware of it, but eventually it will come to light. You will be found out -- just ask Joe the Plumber.  Seemingly once upon a time, laws protected the individual's right...

  • March 13, 2010

    Roll Over, Roy Orbison

    Roy Orbison died a few years ago. He did not die prematurely with groundbreaking music going with him to the grave. Nor did he die from his own excesses or cruel fate. He just passed away, his body old and tired and his impact on the culture long fad...

  • February 18, 2010

    Planning to Fail

    The economy seems to have settled in somewhat from the disaster of 2008.  Every indication shows that the economy is poised for a rebound -- provided the right trigger is in place.In the past, the trigger that has always got the economy back on ...

  • December 9, 2009

    They Are All RINOs

    Republicans like to point to Ronald Reagan for inspiration. However, we have to resign ourselves to the fact that Ronald Reagan is dead. Worse, his legacy was killed off by his own party, the same Republicans who say he inspired them.  The ...

  • October 27, 2009

    Who Wants War with Iran?

    When the West first learned of Iran's nuclear intentions in 2002, Iran knew it would be bombed.  Like Iraq before it in 1982, Israel will take action if nobody else does.  How Iran milked seven years defies logic.What the West may not under...

  • October 23, 2009

    Lies, Damned Lies, and Sadistics

    If everybody told the truth tomorrow, car buying would be a good experience and there would be no more Democratic Party.  We have become desensitized to lies these days.  A study a few years ago said that presidential candidates only keep 4...

  • October 12, 2009

    Somebody Slap Me

    Tell me if I have seen this before: Swine flu, Russian subs off the American coast, indecision toward Afghanistan, hot summers followed by cold winters.  And then there is high unemployment and soon-to-be high inflation.  Am I imagining thi...

  • October 8, 2009

    America, You've Been Punk'd

    It's okay to admit it: you thought you were voting for a more benevolent and wiser version of Tiger Woods when all you got was a smoother version of Chicago-style, brass knuckle politics.  It isn't so much that you voted for the wrong guy; ...