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Articles & Blog Posts by Pedro Gonzales
- Hillary Clinton Logo turns blue like a Home Pregnancy Test
- Jeb Bush's immigration 'act of love'
- Ted Cruz's policy positions
- Monica Lewinsky speaks out on cyber-bullying; silent on adultery, sexual predators
- California spending drought money to prepare for flooding
- Megyn Kelly: Let's import more followers of sharia law
- John Kasich says he's more conservative than Scott Walker
- Is it racist when white cop shoots violent black who is high as a kite?
- Which candidates are Evangelicals leaning toward?
- Transgendered ISIS soldiers running faster than mascara
- Step right up! Mike Huckabee's cure for diabetes
- Ted Cruz calls for liquidating the IRS in New Hampshire
- Barney Frank releases book describing how he made history
- Scott Walker: My many changes in positions are not flip-flopping
- Rand Paul woos blacks by offering to hide criminal records
- James Bond movie plot changed to please Mexican govt.
- Would you give up sunlight to live in Manhattan?
- Gordon Brown makes strong argument for Britain to leave EU
- Star Wars promotes gay lifestyle
- Harvard study: global warming may end threat of mummies
- HuffPo: Polygamy the key to a happy monogamous marriage
- Which Democrat could run against Hillary Clinton?
- Rand Paul scores pot deal with Dems
- Facebook's Sandberg: Men are inferior to women
- How might Hillary Clinton launder money?
- Women's colleges closing at a fantastic rate
- NYC to keep track of Puerto Ricans at the Bronx Zoo
- Which GOP candidate won the Iowa Ag Summit?
- Utah GOP bill grants special rights to Bisexuals and Transvestites
- Pampered Adulteress Sues Top Venture Capital Firm For Sex Discrimination
- If you care about global hunger, cut down the Brazilian Rainforest
- Watch libs scream when their pet industries get regulated
- HuffPo: Feminism is cleaning toilets and sex talk with strangers
- Why the Supreme Court will uphold Obamacare again
- Is Scott Walker a budget surrender monkey?
- End aid to Iraq and the Syrian 'moderate' opposition
- How to interpret Scott Walker's evolution on amnesty
- Why Ted Cruz is constitutionally qualified to be president
- We need a president with 'executive experience' (like Carter and Bush?)
- Silicon Valley fights sexism by treating women as mentally infirm
- Which Republican presidential candidates support amnesty?
- Facebook says 58 gender options aren't enough
- Google wants to build dangerous energy wasting, domed city
- Why Conservatives Will Miss Mr. Spock
- How would you feel if your Nordstrom saleswoman wore a burqa?
- How to write a compelling illegal alien sob story
- How gun control is causing another European Holocaust
- WashPost: Global warming tides will carry screaming Eskimos out to sea
- Please Support (but don't vote) For Marco Rubio For President
- Hillary: I should be president because I have lady parts
- NYT spotlights jobs illegals are taking from Americans
- Black Mr. Gay teaches new guilt theory to liberal white kids
- It's 'bad etiquette' to thank veterans for their service
- NYT finds New Yorkers love micro-apartments
- Illegal Aliens Unhappy with Shortage of Bilingual Doctors
- Hillary Clinton Investigating self, Reports Shocking Discoveries
- Would you allow yourself to be groped to fight global warming?
- How many servings of global warming have you eaten today?
- What Life is Like in DeBlasio's New York
- Harvard Study: Women are Better Legislators
- How to Teach Kids about Socialism
- NYT: ISIS getting Arab Recruits who are Sexually Repressed
- Why Feminists want to be Dominated
- What if Illegal Aliens were all White People?
- San Francisco Debuts Human Waste Map
- Illegal aliens complaining about life in suburbia
- How did the Internet Survive so long without .lgbt Domains?
- Florida considering law banning men from Women's Bathrooms
- Islamic State Expanding Rapidly within a Certain Religious Group
- Guns on Campus?
- Media welcomes first Bisexual Governor with Open Arms
- $30 million to open an existing lane on a bridge?
- Illegal Aliens should go back into the Shadows
- #MuslimLivesMatterSometimes
- The Authoritative Hispanic View of Global Warming
- Lib Media: 'Kansas is Melting!!!'
- Stop giving affirmative action to women in Silicon Valley
- Jeb Bush: We will lose our liberties if we control the border
- Scott Walker to U. Wisconsin faculty: Work more than 14 hours a week
- The GOP view on hand-washing in restaurants
- How to Make Young People Conservative
- Politico high on Rand Paul pot policy
- Obama vows to reduce income inequality (and economy)
- Why we lost Afghanistan
- NYT: Even Republicans fear global warming!
- Republican governors raising taxes, media applauds
- Rich people upset about being rich
- The Earth will be destroyed in 3 minutes
- Devaluing a leftist code word
- Jorge Ramos: Hero to Latinos!
- Government spends $432,000 studying gay sex apps
- US Senate declares that the climate does change
- Andrew Cuomo's Plan For New York State
- In blow to consumers, limit on debit card fees upheld
- Newspaper in trouble for calling illegal immigrants 'illegal immigrants'
- NYT: Tweet lazy students to get them to apply to college
- Oxfam says the richest 1% control more than half the world's wealth (updated)
- A Tale of Two Senators
- Will taxing big banks really help the middle class?
- Eric Cantor Lectures On How to Win Elections?
- Fareed Zakaria: We Can't Fight Radical Islam by Fighting Radical Islam
- Why Obama loves to release terrorists from Gitmo
- Good news! GOP Govs to Be 'Pragmatic,' says NYT
- West Virginia decides to teach global warming propaganda to kids
- Why 26 Republicans don't want DREAMers to wake up
- The New York Times has a new boyfriend, and his name is Jeb
- Mitt Romney thinks only Mitt Romney can win the presidency
- A Guide to the Guide to Israeli Elections
- Why do liberals hate highways?
- Huffington Post: Separate but Equal News Segregation
- The Most Compelling Charity Causes... From A Liberal Perspective
- Bernie Sanders's 12-Point Socialist Plan for America