Paul Pauker

Paul Pauker

  • July 5, 2017

    The Decline of the Liberal Mind

    There was a time (as hard as it may be to believe today) when liberals actually had the mental capacity to reason.  During the Enlightenment, liberals (specifically, people with principles that were then described as liberal) understood the diff...

  • June 22, 2017

    First: Blocked Travel Bans. Next: Open Borders?

    While blocking the temporary travel bans issued by President Trump on foreigners entering the United States from a small number of Muslim nations, the lower federal courts have used arguments that could be adopted by the current (or a future) Supreme...

  • June 7, 2017

    Islamic Carnage and 12 Kinds of Liberal Complicity

    The liberal position on Islamic terrorism, unchallenged by the media, and shared not only by most on the political left but also by some on the right (including Republican "moderates"), relies on the following arguments: 1. Islam (as p...

  • May 17, 2017

    Health Care: In Government We Trust?

    The current debate on health care has been framed largely in terms of policy, with disagreements focusing mostly on whether the details of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) or the details of the American Health Care Act (the bill that was recently ...

  • May 2, 2017

    The 'Diversity' Trap

    Progressives and liberals, in their pursuit of "diversity," smugly assert that no matter what differences exist among people from various cultures, nations, and regions of the world, the similarities are more important.  In the end, pe...

  • April 18, 2017

    The Fallacy of ‘Openness and Tolerance’

    While Islamic terrorists continue to wage holy war against the West, Progressives and liberals continue to frame the argument in ways that further endanger the West. For example, following a recent Islamic terrorist attack in Sweden, the New York Tim...

  • April 3, 2017

    How Progressives Hijacked the Constitution to Push Equality of Result

    The pursuit of equality by Progressives and liberals is eroding freedom to a staggering degree. Under the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, which prohibits the state governments from denying "to any pers...

  • March 15, 2017

    A Republic, If You Can Keep It

      The media's daily outbursts about the danger to democracy posed by the current administration, while highly amusing, omit a key piece of information.  The United States is not a democracy; the United States is a republic.  ...

  • March 2, 2017

    Human Rights, Defined Correctly

    Whenever a Republican president takes a position on human rights that differs from Progressive-liberal dogma, the media reacts with outrage.  But regardless of whether the policies of any one president are just or unjust, the Progressive-liberal...

  • February 16, 2017

    A Justified Intolerance of Islam

    Progressives and liberals do not tolerate beliefs or actions they consider unjust, yet they demand conservatives do so.  Nearly every criticism of Islam is met with a chorus of condemnation from Democrats (and distress from some Republican ...

  • January 31, 2017

    The Preservation of American Sovereignty

    Sovereignty is fundamentally about power; specifically, the supreme power that a nation has over the making, executing, and enforcing of its own laws. The election of Donald Trump could mark a major turning point in preserving it. And not a moment...

  • August 24, 2015

    The Morality of Mass Deportation

    Recently, a number of conservative writers and commentators, including Charles Krauthammer, have condemned the "mass" deportation of illegal immigrants as immoral. Of course, the deportation of illegal immigrants also involves legal and eco...

  • April 7, 2015

    Will the law treat liberal actors like Christian bakers?

    The recent uproar on the political left over the religious freedom laws in Indiana and Arkansas raises an interesting question. First, to review, a religious freedom law is basically intended to protect Christians from being forced to participate ...

  • December 26, 2012

    Firing an 'Irresistible' Woman Is Not a Victory for Family Values

    Nearly everyone has, by now, heard about the dentist who fired his assistant because he and his wife saw the woman as a threat to their marriage.  On December 21, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that a female employee who has not engaged in flirtat...

  • November 16, 2012

    A Winning Formula?

    After each of the last three presidents -- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama -- won re-election, pundits began speculating that a new winning formula was emerging. Of course, the immediate Democratic and Republican successors to Clinton ...

  • November 5, 2012

    Understanding the Right to Life

    On the blog Love, Joy, Feminism, Libby Anne denounced the pro-life movement, claiming that its goal is to "control women."  While she listed several reasons for her position, one aspect of her argument displayed a complete misunderstanding about...

  • September 12, 2012

    Barack Hoover Obama

    In a lame attempt to defend his pathetic economic record, President Obama argued that he inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and that he's leading America to a better place.  In reality, Obama implemented policies tha...

  • July 17, 2012

    Huffington Post: Life Is Sacred (So Let's Support Abortion)

    Writing at the Huffington Post, George Lakoff and Elisabeth Wehling take lying and propaganda to dizzying heights. To begin, Lakoff and Wehling cite a New York Times report that suggests "morning-after pills" probably don't prevent fertilized eggs fr...

  • June 30, 2012

    Enjoy Your Broccoli

    Chief Justice Roberts upheld ObamaCare's individual mandate with verbal wizardry.  According to Roberts, the requirement to buy health insurance isn't really a requirement to buy health insurance.  It's a choice.  And the penalty for f...

  • June 7, 2012

    Arizona Clinics Facilitate Cover-Up of Sex-Selective Abortions

    In a new investigative video by Live Action, two National Abortion Federation (NAF) clinics in Arizona are shown agreeing to break state law and perform an illegal sex-selective abortion.  The clinics, Camelback Family Planning in ...

  • May 31, 2012

    Planned Parenthood Fires Employee for Coaching a Sex-Selection Abortion

    Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion mill, fired an employee who encouraged and coached a woman to get a sex-selection abortion that targeted a baby girl.  In an investigative video released by Live Action, the ...

  • May 12, 2012

    The Constitution, Deprivation of Life, and Personhood

    The view that a "personhood" law or a "personhood" amendment to a state constitution would outlaw abortion is widespread among the public.  Furthermore, pro-abortion proponents, and even a trial court judge, claim that legally defining the word ...