Paul Krause

Paul Krause

  • July 1, 2023

    Democrats Don’t Care About Democracy

    Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats and their media lackeys have crafted a narrative that they, and only they, are defenders of democracy against encroaching fascism, authoritarianism, and institutional racism. They have also compla...

  • May 10, 2023

    What the War on the Family is Actually About

    Family is the basis of a community, and, therefore, nationhood. It is for this simple reason that the family is hated and scorned by those who wish to see nations destroyed and remade into a bland homogenous polyglot. The assault against the family b...

  • April 12, 2023

    Why Progressives Attack the Supreme Court

    Progressives in America really despise the Supreme Court now. They hate it. They call it illegitimate. They want to impeach conservative justices for anything and everything. Why? Simple: The Supreme Court as currently constituted upholds the rule of...

  • March 15, 2023

    Why No One Should Ever Listen to Max Boot

    Max Boot, one of the most bloodthirsty American analysts and commentators, has apparently woken up long after most Americans with half his education, about the limits of American power and the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Thankfully for u...

  • February 20, 2023

    Presidents’ Day is About Patriotic Love and Freedom

    It is now fashionable to deride our presidents as part of the woke deconstruction and desecration of America. Two of America’s most noble presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, whom Presidents’ Day honors most especially,...

  • January 22, 2023

    What is the Vision for Christian Education?

    Later in his life, the great poet T.S. Eliot committed himself to Christianity and much of his poetry and prose writing subsequently dealt with Christian themes. Among them was the vision of a Christian society and Christian education. In today...

  • November 4, 2022

    Democrats Declared War on Democracy Through COVID Tyranny

    Democrats lie and hope that our attention spans are short, as do their media allies. Recently, The Atlantic published an article in which the author called for a “pandemic amnesty” and that we need to forgive each other because “we ...

  • October 22, 2022

    The Democrats Shunning Joe Biden are Not Moderates, but Extremists

    The 2022 midterm election is not only going to be brutal, it will also reveal considerable shock and disgust. That's because voters do not like being deceived by pretend-moderates shunning Joe Biden, while trying to scare Americans ...

  • October 6, 2022

    The Collectivist War on the Middle Class

    Despite posturing as if they care about the American middle class, behind closed doors our political elites, alongside their media servants and the guardians of academia who do the bidding of the collectivist elite, despise them. The war against the ...

  • September 16, 2022

    Progressives are the Cause for American Decline

    Two of the greatest insights from the philosopher Plato are that societies are structured around symbols of justice and unity. and that societies need stories to function in an orderly way without the chaos of tyranny. For most of American histor...

  • August 31, 2022

    The Economic Lies of Elizabeth Warren

    There are few liars in the Senate as pathological as Elizabeth Warren. While this shouldn’t be surprising, what is most egregious is how she presents herself as a champion of common Americans while supporting policies that crush and enslave ave...

  • August 5, 2022

    The Meaning of Bidenomics

    Everyone senses that the American economy under Joe Biden is in a rut. Inflation is at a 40-year high. Energy prices are skyrocketing. The prices of all goods and services going up. Meanwhile, the administration does little to alleviate these regular...

  • June 28, 2022

    The Left-wing Insurrection Intensifies

    It’s only insurrection when the other side does it! For one and a half years, the Left and its media allies have peddled the narrative of a Republican insurrection. Meanwhile, Democrats and their supporters burn federal courthouses, attack prop...

  • June 6, 2022

    Remembering the Boys of Pointe du Hoc

    “Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force: You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people...

  • May 12, 2022

    The Leftwing Insurrection

    According to the propaganda narrative of the media, Donald Trump and the Republican Party foment insurrection and illegitimacy in American politics. Only the noble left, with its commitment to democracy, can defend America and its institutions and ru...

  • May 3, 2022

    Why the Education War Matters

    Don’t let liberals shame you over the education war. They will try to present themselves as the defenders of education, all that is right and just about the misunderstood purpose of education. In reality, they are seeking to utilize education a...

  • April 17, 2022

    Liberalism Can Never Accept the Real Christ

    The central truth of Christianity is that Christ is not only the Son of God but that he came to suffer and redeem us by his sacrificial atonement. In this world of suffering, the suffering of Christ alleviates ours and heals us of our brokenness. Lib...

  • March 31, 2022

    What the Forever Crises Are Really About

    We live in age of forever crises. I may not be as old as other Americans, but from my early memories and maturation, coinciding with the post-9/11 world, I have noticed that we live in an age of forever crises. These forever crises have certainly bec...

  • March 17, 2022

    The Irony of Progressive 'Anti-Nationalism'

    Progressives like to assert that nationalism is toxic, poisonous, and dangerous.   It is, in their mind, a dark legacy of prejudiced times, the belief of intolerant deplorables and closet Nazis and “white nationalists.” ...

  • February 21, 2022

    Why Presidents’ Day Matters

    Presidents’ Day is one of those uniquely American holidays. As such, it is under scrutiny and condemnation of the anti-American Left. Honoring men, white men for that matter, who engaged in colonization and racism, the argument goes ad nauseum,...

  • January 12, 2022

    The Real Battle Over Education

    When Democrat Terry McAuliffe said he didn’t want parents to have influence over their children’s education, it wasn’t a gaffe; he meant it. The new totalitarians cannot abide by freedom, especially freedom of education whi...

  • December 15, 2021

    In Praise of Thomas Jefferson

    The anti-American Left constantly lies. This is not surprising. What is troubling, however, is their bid to twist all American history into the narrative of the 1619 Project -- something that many historians have critiqued as containing misleading an...

  • December 1, 2021

    Don't Let Them Scare Your Freedoms Away

    Another new day, another new variant of the coronavirus, another new scare campaign by the tyrannical medical establishment and their media lackeys (the South African doctor who discovered the variant says the symptoms are mild). This hasn’t st...

  • November 26, 2021

    Destroying Democracy by ‘Saving Democracy’

    Democracy is a precious thing. When the Persians invaded Greece, a handful of Greek city-states banded together to defeat the imperialist pretensions of the “Great Kings.” Aeschylus says that the Greek soldiers and sailors rowed to war sh...

  • November 9, 2021

    In Defense of the Bourgeoisie

    'Bourgeoisie' is a negative term. As applied by Marxists and other progressive lefties, to be bourgeois is to be as close to evil incarnate as possible (if not evil incarnate itself). The bourgeoisie, in the Marxist imagination, is the cl...

  • October 26, 2021

    The NSBA's fake apology

    Now that the veil has been lifted from the public's eyes and with Merrick Garland's Department of "Justice" still planning to intimidate American citizens, the National School Boards Association has issued a fake apology for calling...

  • October 17, 2021

    Why Progressives Think Confronting CRT is 'Terrorism'

    The cornerstone of tyranny is to delegitimize the opposition. In the age of terror, there is no easier way to delegitimize the opposition than to assert they are terrorists. The Justice Department, led by that petty tyrant Merrick Garland (thank God ...

  • October 7, 2021

    Christian Education and the Future of Western Culture

    The war over education will be a defining issue for the next decade. Unfortunately, defeating Critical Hate Theory isn’t going to stop the poison that already infects our educational system. Beneath the veil of diversity, inclusion, and toleran...

  • September 16, 2021

    The First Amendment and American Greatness

    The First Amendment, that sacred door to the Bill of Rights and Constitution, is the true source of America’s greatness and genius. The First Amendment contains the seeds that inspire humans to greatness: religion, intellect, and liberty. Our n...

  • July 28, 2021

    Why Democrats Don’t Care About Crime

    American cities are reeling from increased crime ranging from burglary and arson to murder. Americans, rightly, are concerned -- except for Democrat officials. San Francisco, a bastion of progressive stupidity, is among the hardest-hit cities -- yet ...

  • July 8, 2021

    America: Land of the Human Soul

    The assault against the United States of America is entering a new phase. The anti-American left, with its impoverished vision of the human soul, constantly bemoans the United States as a villainous nation founded on hatred and prejudice, crime and t...

  • June 13, 2021

    The Death of Socrates and America?

    Plato never forgave the tyrants of Athens for putting Socrates to death. Socrates’s death was a watershed moment in Athenian history. In many ways, it marked the end of the Athenian golden age as the sun set over Athens as her imperial ambition...

  • April 22, 2021

    The Democrats are the Real Enemies of Democracy

    Ever since the election of Donald Trump, we have heard ad nauseam about the threat to democracy from Trump and his "enablers."  Meanwhile, the Democrats plan to pack the Supreme Court, the Biden administration rules by executive f...

  • February 9, 2021

    Why the Left Must Destroy a Patriotic American Ethos

    During the past year, we have witnessed an assault on our cultural heritage and history; the anti-American iconoclasm that gripped the activist economy throughout the United States is now a force of absolute desecration that will erase our entire his...

  • January 30, 2021

    The Marxist War On Art And America

    Have the Marxists won, even though the Soviet Union lost? America’s moral courage in confronting the “evil empire” was a truly heroic act; but in the aftermath of the Soviet bloc’s dissolution and America’s unrestrained ...

  • October 25, 2020

    Conservatives Need to Defend High Culture

    It is no secret that art, sacred art, and beauty more generally, are under assault. New “multicultural” guidelines are dictating how art is to be constructed and rewarded. Artistic talent is shunned in favor of diversity quotas. The ...

  • July 8, 2020

    The Fallacy of Court Neutrality

    The fallacy of Supreme Court neutrality is that so long as the Court advances or upholds the woke progressivism that has strangled the country since the 1930s — but especially since the 1960s and 1970s — everything is hunky-dory. ...

  • June 21, 2020

    Who Will Defend Western Civilization?

    The West is a dying civilization. That much is evident. But it mustn't be. Who will defend the flame that once illuminated the skies and sang songs of ascents up on high? In the rush to destroy all things Western, few so-called conservatives...

  • June 12, 2020

    The left really does want America to burn

    Only a fool, or a puppet, is blind to the realities of left-wing rage, hatred, and violence.  The media tell us that rioters — "protesters" — are peaceful while business are looted, property vandalized, and statues des...

  • April 22, 2020

    Killing Liberty, Coronavirus-Style

    It should now be self-evident for anyone with common sense that the Democrats, liberals, and their convenient Republican allies like "Republicans for the Rule of Law" are using the coronavirus as a cover to advance their deconstruction of A...

  • April 10, 2020

    The Coronavirus and the Collectivist Temptation

    Alexis de Tocqueville is a timely read now more than ever before.  Tocqueville's most famous writing is probably Democracy in America, although his The Old Regime and the Revolution is as insightful — in some ways, a helpful and p...

  • October 24, 2019

    Donald Trump's Americanism

    If you listen to the mainstream media, they would have you believe that Donald Trump is an abnormal, abhorrent aberration from the American political tradition.  But he is far from that.  In fact, Trump's basic political agend...

  • August 30, 2019

    The next revolution: The Green New Deal

    The Green New Deal is all the rage on the Left.  Psychopaths who hide their lust to dominate others claim that this is for the "salvation of the planet."  They present themselves as benign saviors to mask their tyrannica...

  • August 17, 2019

    Antifa and the Collectivist Way of War

    Antifa storms in and out of the news, despite that fact, the Left is unable to denounce this militant band of thugs. The Left cannot denounce Antifa because Antifa embodies the very ethos of war and violence that collectivism needs to thrive on. To a...

  • July 25, 2019

    The Anti-Cultural Nihilism of the Left

    The final battle lines for America are the history wars.  Conservatives are losing. There have already been two fundamental revolutions that have reshaped, reconstituted, restructured American society.  The first was Abraham Li...

  • June 27, 2019

    The Totalitarian Irrationalism of the Left

    The left likes to parade itself as the political movement of reason, rationalism, and “science.” Except whenever reason, rationalism, or science conflict with their political agenda. By contrast, if the left is the political embodiment of...

  • February 1, 2019

    Left-wing Scaremongering is About Power

    Scaremongering is now in vogue. The left is keen to utilize this to their advantage. Liberals, and leftists, all agree that “democracy” and “equality” is facing a challenge it hasn’t faced since the 1930s. While cries of...