Paul F Nehlen III

Paul F Nehlen III

  • March 24, 2016

    Paul Ryan's upside-down establishment vision of political unity

    If there's one thing Paul Ryan has honed during his years in Washington, it's Washington-speak. The Speaker's March 23 address, broadcast from the Ways and Means Committee chamber – where he was surrounded only by press...

  • March 21, 2016

    Paul Ryan’s Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Budget

    Congratulations, America!  Paul Ryan’s problems in getting his budget through are all your fault -- and he’s as much as said so. The battle is now openly exploding over the GOP leadership’s disinterest in curbing, in particu...

  • May 8, 2015

    Saving Lives in Garland (and elsewhere)

    Range time and training are imperative.  The Garland officer’s quick reaction and accuracy kept himself and others from being murdered in the name of Islam. An analysis of the events surrounding the heroic actions of a 60-year old veter...