Patty Knap

Patty Knap

  • We Won't Live By Your Wokeness

    April 26, 2024

    We Won't Live By Your Wokeness

    A young woman who came to the pregnancy center where I work shared this story with me. She had a pediatrician appointment for her baby girl last week. She brought her infant, dressed all in pink, into the doctor's office. After stating ...

  • June 29, 2023

    A perfect replacement for the ever-changing 'pride flag'

    We're told it's all about "inclusivity," and that's why the pride flag is continually updated. Here's the history of the changes as far as I can find. In 2017, black and brown  stripes were added to better re...

  • December 5, 2022

    How the Transgender Industry Targets Victims of Autism

    Few things are stunning these days, but it was alarming to learn of the the autism link in the drastic increase in transgenderism. As the mother of a young adult son with autism (high functioning), I had no idea what autism could po...

  • May 20, 2022

    If They Had Any Idea What Pregnancy Centers Do, Would They Still Attack Us?

    Like the mobs of arsonists, thugs, and police haters of two summers ago, the current crowd of abortion fanatics denouncing pregnancy care centers aren't able to articulate the reason for their rage. There are at least 2,500 pregnancy...

  • September 23, 2021

    Witnessing the pandemic

    New Yorkers suffered through the same months of lockdowns, fear, and sickness as the rest of the country.  Images and reports of the suffering have been endless. Yet there were countless moments of people helping others, of caring, ...