Patti Villacorta

Patti Villacorta

  • March 18, 2010

    Breaking the Obama Code: The Green Money Machine

    As a few dozen dot-com billionaires gathered in a Palo Alto living room one evening in early 2007, then-Senator Obama rallied potential new donors over the speakerphone. After the call, host John Roos, a prominent lawyer, emphasized wh...

  • March 16, 2010

    Hope(fund) and Change: Breaking the Obama Code

    Barack Obama launched his Hopefund PAC on January 25, 2005, twenty days after he was sworn into the U.S. Senate. Early Hopefund donors included Warren and Susan Buffett, David Geffen, Valerie Jarrett, Peter Herbst, Bain Capital, Daniel Yankelovich, S...