Patti Stockman

Patti Stockman

  • February 7, 2023

    Will the GOP House have the courage to pursue agencies that refuse to comply with subpoenas?

    Leadership of House committees of the 118th Congress have announced plans to investigate previously unchecked administration activities or inactivity, including the administration's handling of the border crisis.  The Federation fo...

  • May 9, 2020

    News Flash: DOJ Targeted Other Conservatives

    A friend emailed me recently to say that on May 1st, in his opening monologue, Tucker Carlson made the statement, ”You don’t want to live in a society where the most powerful agency in government imprisons people it doesn’t like. ...

  • February 27, 2020

    Trump’s Impeachment and Steve Stockman’s Conviction: Facts Don’t Matter

    In the February 6 celebration of his acquittal, President Trump explained that, “right at the beginning, they [his advisors] said, ‘don’t worry sir; all of the facts are on your side.’”  But the president told them,...

  • December 20, 2019

    DOJ's High Crimes and Misdemeanors

    The corrupt tactics played out before the House Intelligence Committee toward the impeachment of Donald Trump exemplify the Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecution of other political adversaries.  Such prosecutorial abuse escalated within f...

  • June 12, 2019

    Free Steve Stockman

    My husband, former Congressman Steve Stockman who twice served southeast Texas districts in the U.S. House of Representatives, was a bold, outspoken opponent of the Clinton and Obama administrations during his two terms in office. Now he sits in jail...