Patrick Luscri

Patrick Luscri

  • April 6, 2023

    Desire and Delusion Didn't Do Diddly to Dylan Mulvaney's DNA

    Dylan Mulvaney is attempting the impossible.  Scientifically and biologically speaking, no matter how many hormone treatments and surgeries he goes through, the chances of him becoming a woman are equal to becoming Audrey Hepburn. ...

  • August 31, 2021

    Is Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller the real deal or a QAnon throwback?

    Soon-to-be-former Marine Corps lieutenant colonel Stuart Scheller just threw down the gauntlet.  After criticizing the military powers that be, he's resigning his commission and inviting any and all patriots to join up in his movement t...

  • August 1, 2021

    Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind: California and its epic wildfires

    Like the 2018 Camp Fire, California's Dixie Fire is truly epic.  It has burned more than 220,000 acres and at least 40 structures.  It's the largest conflagration since the Camp Fire that destroyed Paradise.  Sad...

  • July 16, 2021

    Exactly how racist is Texas's voter integrity bill?

    From watching Texas Senate Democrats' reaction to Texas's S.B. 1 (Senate Bill 1), you'd think it's Jim Crow on steroids.  As an election integrity measure, it's gotta be pure evil.  Election integrity bills lik...

  • June 20, 2021

    Making Us Better Citizens, One Gun Law at a Time

    I’ve noticed something about California lawmakers:  They don’t trust us citizens to be good people on our own.  So they create laws to help us become better people… with their help. As a transplanted Texan, d...

  • May 24, 2021

    Progressives and the concept of truth

    Our nation's issues have nothing to do with preferred pronouns or fake insurrections or manic pushes for equity.  They stem from an application of subjective truth to virtually everything. Consider our founding charter.  Pr...

  • April 16, 2021

    New racist criteria are making it tough for cops to be cops

    Racism or revolution?  It's a fair question in any honest assessment of our current chaos.  Cop shoots black man, people cry racism, protests turn into lawless looting and destruction.  What isn't talked about is...