Parker Beauregard

Parker Beauregard

  • February 5, 2021

    California politicians demand grocery stores pay workers more; groceries close instead

    Joe Biden continues to lie about the impact of mandatory higher wages.  Mumbling to President Trump and the American people at the third presidential debate, he had said that "there is no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage, ...

  • December 20, 2020

    A Look at the COVID School Insanity in Minnesota

    Minnesota educators and families all learned last week that students of elementary age would be returning to their school campuses next month.  It hardly seems a coincidence that the return date is set as January 19, just a day in advance o...

  • October 27, 2020

    When Democrats Hate What They Vote For

    Californians are fleeing in record numbers for red states like Texas, Arizona, and Nevada. New York City is emptying out as people with means relocate; many are going to Florida. For reasons only the Heavens know, there are normal people still living...

  • October 22, 2020

    The 'Black Problem' in Television

    It was recently reported that Patrissa Cullors, a founding woman of Black Lives Matter, was signed by Warner Brothers to a multiyear deal across all of its programming platforms that “encompasses scripted and unscripted series, longform series,...

  • October 15, 2020

    The Democrats' Abuse of Children in 2020

    In a single year, Democrats have abused more children than all of Epstein's Orgy Island would have in one hundred. Epstein was going to serve life behind bars for crimes against potentially hundreds of young people; what will happen to Democrats ...

  • September 17, 2020

    Median income by ethnicity disproves white privilege

    In 2018, the median income for white households was $65,777. This is substantially higher than the worldwide median household income, which in 2013 was listed as hovering around just $10,000. Ask a conservative and they’ll point to this as evid...

  • September 7, 2020

    Why do You Support Joe Biden?

    There are a lot of unanswered questions for Biden supporters. Part of the frustration with the left and those that support it is that they never offer a convincing rationale for their actions. Why are you voting for him? It seems simple enough to ask...

  • September 5, 2020

    The Abysmal Record of Benjamin Crump

    His name is becoming recognizable, but what is Benjamin Crump’s record when representing those allegedly wrong by the justice system?  While there are many success stories as a lawyer, history also shows that when Crump signs up to defend ...

  • August 29, 2020

    Does the left think blacks are stupid?

    How does anyone who leans even slightly left reconcile the fact all Trump-supporters are at virulent white supremacists with the most racially diverse Republican National Convention in the history of Republican conventions? More to the point, not onl...

  • August 8, 2020

    Do Blacks Owe Other Blacks Reparations?

    The passage of local reparations in places like Evanston, Illinois last fall and Asheville, North Carolina more recently are worrisome on many levels, not least of which because they invite potential for inciting even further racial division. Their p...

  • August 5, 2020

    Newly Released George Floyd Body Cam Footage Should Make Keith Ellison Nervous

    Those of us that care about actual justice can only view the newly leaked arrest video of George Floyd in one way: damning to the media narrative.  A viewing of the video reveals that the events leading up to Floyd's unfortunate, entirely...

  • July 20, 2020

    Chicago Police Statistics Destroy Black Lives Matter Narrative

    There is no shortage of activist groups denouncing allegations of police brutality.  Sometimes it's legitimate; every honest person admits that unwarranted acts of violence against undeserving citizens occur.  How could they n...

  • July 16, 2020

    Live as a Conservative, Vote as a Leftist

    Who are traditional liberals? Traditional liberals are a base of voters and Americans who blindly accept the mainstream media narratives of Trump’s inability to preside over the country, his damaging effect on race relations, his ineptitude in ...