Pandra Selivanov

Pandra Selivanov

  • December 12, 2023

    Holocaust denial is on the rise in America

    I admit to a certain naivete about the Holocaust. Specifically, I knew there was a time when people denied it ever happened, but I was unaware that this particular conspiracy theory was still around. I thought that the weight of evidence for the Holo...

  • October 6, 2023

    The wages of transgenderism: Men take over a women's tech conference

    According to internet sites of varying reliability on the subject, many societies, for many reasons, have created narrow cultural windows in which men can dress up to look and act like women.  The Roman emperor Elagabalus wore mak...

  • August 3, 2023

    Canada's double-standard of death

    Canada is a country that is seriously opposed to the death penalty—or at least, it’s opposed to the death penalty for murderers. The country used to have capital punishment. While still a French colony, a cynical policy of allowing a m...

  • July 26, 2023

    A century of 'Climate Change'

    The Washington Post has released a story headlined "Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt."  Highlights of the article include seals finding waters too hot, there is a radical change in climatic condi...

  • July 25, 2023

    The splooting squirrel: a true picture of climate change alarmists

    Climate change alarmists get more desperate every day. Small wonder when you consider that the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and all the gruesome predictions about the climate that came out about that time have failed to come true. We wer...

  • July 21, 2023

    A country singer schools the left

    Jason Aldean knows something about the impact crime can have on a person's life.  On October 1, 2017, he was performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas.  Jason was actually on stage when a shooter opened up...

  • July 6, 2023

    Will medical care for blacks really collapse now that affirmative action is gone?

    There certainly has been a lot of hysteria from the left since the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action.  The very idea that students will be considered for admission to elite schools based on the content of their character, rather ...

  • June 25, 2023

    The mockery of female equality

    This morning, the internet informed me that the United States was not among one of the 20 best countries for women. As an American woman, I was naturally curious about why my country was not ranked higher. What organization made this determination, a...

  • June 24, 2023

    The Titanic tragedy, recapitulated

    I admit I’ve never been much interested in the story of the Titanic. I know of it, of course. I don’t think it’s possible to live in the developed world and not know about the Titanic to some degree. It has left a legacy in our cult...

  • June 11, 2023

    The miracle of the children found after a jungle plane crash

    Sometimes it seems like the news is all bad. Day after day, we see infuriating headlines about woke corporations, transgender bullying of normal people, Judeo-Christian values mocked and flouted, natural disasters, and mass shootings. It is well to p...

  • May 8, 2023

    The myth of systemic racism prevents black achievement in America

    We keep hearing about the need for a conversation about race, specifically a conversation about the misery the black community experiences from being oppressed by the systemic racism of the white people of the United States.  The endless co...

  • April 29, 2023

    Just take the T out of LGBT

    Growing up, I never had a problem with gay people. I never thought they should be treated as criminals or discriminated against. And with the exception of some high-profile cases of gays being over-sensitive to lack of approval from Christians, most ...

  • April 25, 2023

    Male sex offender gains access to woman’s shelter; commits rape

    I’m not going to say that all men who call themselves women are sexual predators. I’m sure that some of these individuals, although deeply disturbed, would not harm anyone other than themselves in their pathetic quest to “become a w...

  • April 21, 2023

    Jada Pinkett Smith blackwashes Cleopatra

    Cleopatra. The very name conjures up images of a sultry temptress who ensnared the most powerful men in her world and died for love. Among many other actresses, she was portrayed by Elizabeth Taylor, a casting choice now decried as “whitewashin...

  • April 15, 2023

    The unselfish beauty of organ donation

    They called it the Nicholas effect. In 1994, Nicholas Green was seven years old when his family’s dream vacation in Italy turned into the worst nightmare any parent could ever endure. Their car was shot at by bandits, and Nicholas was hit in th...

  • April 12, 2023

    Nike hands real women a real insult

    Dylan Mulvaney is a young man who wanted to be an actor.  He has five credits on his IMDB listing. Like many actors when they first start out, Dylan was having trouble making his dreams come true.  Rather than pay his dues as...

  • April 8, 2023

    Audiences love this faith-based new movie about Abraham and Isaac

    It might seem to the faithful that the world has been overtaken by godless heathens.  Women are being erased by men who call themselves female, babies are being sacrificed to Moloch in abortion facilities across the United States, and the J...

  • April 5, 2023

    The extraordinary behind-the-scenes friendship in Casablanca

    Casablanca.  At the time it was made, none of the actors knew that it was destined to be a classic, turning up in list after list of the greatest movies of all time.  They didn't know that lines like "Here's looking a...

  • April 2, 2023

    The pronoun war claims a teen casualty

    I’ll be honest. I don’t like the transgender movement. I especially don’t like it when it bullies teenagers, causing them financial loss and placing them in danger. I, personally, don’t care if a man wants to put on lipstic...

  • March 31, 2023

    There's a reason I often trust the internet more than my own doctors

    I don’t know if we’ve all been there, but far too many people have been dismissed by their doctor with comments like “You’re just stressed,” or “You need to lose weight,” or the worst of all, “It’...

  • March 29, 2023

    The bewitching bee who rides a broom

    In these troubled times, it helps to remember the tiny miracles that constantly surround us. One of these ordinary miracles is a tiny little bee that rides a broom. We tend to think of bees mainly in terms of honey, that delicious golden liquid th...

  • March 28, 2023

    Reparations will not fix the racial wealth gap

    One argument constantly made for reparations is that it would close the racial wealth gap.  Basically, the argument goes that slavery created a great transfer of wealth to white people, and it's time to transfer all that wealth bac...

  • March 25, 2023

    The elephant in the reparations room

    A recent proposal for reparations for slavery in San Francisco has now become a part of the United States’ endless conversation about race, more specifically, the conversation in which whites are demonized as slave owners, and blacks are extoll...

  • March 21, 2023

    California's cynical demand for reparations

    Of all the aggravation the left has inflicted on the people of the United States, the demand for reparations is surely the most cynical and self-serving.  The level of cynicism goes to new heights in California, a state that never had slave...

  • January 20, 2023

    There's only one question the prosecutor needs to ask Alec Baldwin

    More than a year after Alec Baldwin had his hand on the gun and, indeed, on the trigger of the gun that killed Halyna Hutchins, he learned that he will have to answer in court for his decisions that day.  And really, when you think about it...

  • January 16, 2023

    Nazi tactics in modern Germany

    I first read of Inna Zhvanetskaya in American Thinker, in an article that stated that German authorities wanted to put a Holocaust survivor in a mental institution to force her to take the COVID shot.  I clicked on the title, thin...

  • January 9, 2023

    Harry's memoir includes a crude and indecent boast

    Prince Harry's book Spare is due to be released on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, but details about what his memoir contains have been leaking out.  Amid the revelations of squabbles with his family and the sanctification of his w...

  • December 19, 2022

    The Vatican defrocks a priest who speaks for unborn children

    I have been watching the TV series The Chosen, and it's a remarkable experience to see such a depiction of Jesus' life through the eyes of the people who knew Him.  One episode that is particularly close to my heart is entitled...

  • December 14, 2022

    Web designer challenges same-sex 'marriage' mafia with Supreme Court case

    The Supreme Court has long held that same-sex "marriages" are constitutional.  That hasn't stopped the LGBT mafia in Colorado from trying to force everyone to get on the same-sex "marriage" bandwagon, an issue curren...

  • December 8, 2022

    It’s official: Sharks are racist.

    I always wondered about this. I mean, why is it the great white shark? What’s so great about it? It’s not the biggest shark. The biggest shark is the whale shark, which can grow to 60 feet. The biggest great white only got to 20 feet. The...

  • December 5, 2022

    Hypocrisy, thy name is Disney

    Even before it embarked on its LGBTQ++ crusade, Disney always had some dirty secrets behind the magic on the screen. However, of late, Disney’s hypocrisy—the morals-free business behind the sweet preaching—had been over the top. ...

  • November 21, 2022

    Pfizer finally investigating harmful effects of its Covid vaccine

    Pfizer maintains that its experimental mRNA vaccine for covid is safe and effective. The company has reaped a profit of approximately $7.8 billion in 2021 for its covid vaccine. The United States government has optioned another 1.6 billion Pfizer vac...

  • November 13, 2022

    Brittney Griner created a bleak future for herself

    Brittney Griner is currently out of touch with friends, family, and even her lawyers as she is sent to an unknown prison camp somewhere in Siberia.  The only certain thing about her future is that it will be terrible. Long before the news began ...

  • November 9, 2022

    Amazon turns Tolkien gold into straw

    When Amazon announced they were making a prequel to Lord of the Rings, I was delighted. Like many Tolkien fans, I eagerly awaited the start of the show Rings of Power. True, Tolkien hadn’t written much about the Second Age of his Middle-Earth, ...

  • November 6, 2022

    Declaring a pandemic amnesty would be like forgiving the Holocaust

    The Holocaust was the single greatest hate crime in the history of the world. It was a time when the chosen people of God were selected by a fanatic to be erased from the face of the earth, to appease his hatred and his ambition. The Jewish people su...

  • October 23, 2022

    The lunacy of climate activism in Florida

    Hurricane Ian has passed, but the effects linger on. In addition to the forty billion dollars worth of property damage and the 114 people who died in the hurricane itself, seven people have died from a flesh-eating bacteria whose emergence has been l...

  • October 6, 2022

    Alec Baldwin buys off Halyna Hutchins's family

    On October 21, 2021, Halyna Hutchins, a promising cinematographer who had worked on feature films, shorts, and TV series, was on the set of the movie Rust. The movie was to star Alec Baldwin and would have been a prestigious addition to Halyna’...

  • September 27, 2022

    John Cena just set an admirable world record

    We live in a world where elites like celebrities and politicians and billionaires beclown themselves by living high on the hog while admonishing the little people to tighten their belts and live more austere lives. We are surrounded by selfishness an...

  • September 24, 2022

    Sneaking anti-Semitism into school curricula

    Critical race theory has been gaining momentum since 1996 when Johnnie Cochran used it to free O.J. Simpson. The corrosive idea that American culture and institutions are systemically racist and oppressive has invaded universities and workplaces and ...

  • September 16, 2022

    Donna Brazile thinks Blacks can't use birth control

    Donna Brazile is a Black woman with a bachelor's degree in industrial psychology from Louisiana State University.  She's been interested in politics since she was nine years old. When she was a teenager, she was part of a TRIO Upwar...

  • September 8, 2022

    The beauty of Eliza Fletcher's life

    On September 2, 2022, kindergarten teacher Eliza Fletcher went for an early morning jog in Memphis, Tennessee.  She was never seen alive again.  Days later, her body was found.  The man who took her life has been arrested; is being hel...

  • September 6, 2022

    Amazon tramples Tolkien in Rings of Power

    When adapting books for the screen, it's always necessary to make edits to transmit a book into a visual medium.  Leftists have a nasty habit of perverting a book's essence.  That's the case with Amazon's new ...

  • September 2, 2022

    Brittney Griner's peculiar inconsistency on human rights

    It's old news that basketball star Brittney Griner has been sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison for the crime of drug-smuggling.  Her excuse for bringing hash oil into Russia was that she had not intentionally violated...

  • August 27, 2022

    A teacher planned to erase Whites from her classroom décor

    It's that time of year when the dog days of summer give way to the excitement of going back to school.  Children tow their parents through the store, on the hunt for trendy backpacks, lunchboxes, and outfits.  Parents shell ou...

  • July 6, 2022

    Brittney Griner doesn't think America is so bad now

    Brittney Griner, the statuesque basketball player from Houston, Texas, is in the news as her trial for drug possession begins in Russia.  I do not care to speculate as to the reasons Griner chose to break Russian law by packing va...

  • July 3, 2022

    Why can’t people just identify as non-pregnant?

    The Supreme Court has recently ruled in favor of constitutional doctrine on three of the most fraught issues of our time: guns, religion, and abortion. The ruling on guns simply affirmed the Second Amendment, which states “A well regulated Mili...

  • July 2, 2022

    Aside from climate alarmists, Mother Nature is doing just fine

    I admit to enjoying schadenfreude at the expense of the church of climate change.  Whether it's yet another set of dire predictions about the climate that do not come to pass, global warmists trapped in ice they wanted to...

  • June 29, 2022

    Supreme Court scores a touchdown on the right to pray

    The Supreme Court has been on a roll. The justices affirmed the Second Amendment right of citizens residing in New York to carry guns. They overturned Roe v. Wade, sending the regulation of abortion back to the states. The Court has now upheld the ch...

  • June 27, 2022

    Leftists vent their fury on a Portland pregnancy center

    The right of the people of the United States of America to regulate abortion in their own bailiwick was barely restored before the backlash began.  Liberals who see motherhood as a devastating handicap weighed in.  Polit...

  • June 25, 2022

    The left has a peculiarly warped view of motherhood

    The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade. After almost fifty years and millions of abortions, the highest legal authority in the United States has returned the regulation of abortion to the states. And with that decision now on the book...

  • June 24, 2022

    SCOTUS shoots down New York gun restrictions

    On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the Supreme Court ruled that New York state cannot restrict the Second Amendment right to carry a handgun. While the decision is a victory for Constitutional rights, a larger question is still on the table: How d...

  • June 20, 2022

    'Lia' Thomas banned from future women's swimming

    When it comes to international competition, FINA is the authority that the International Olympic Committee depends on to administer water sports.  Founded in 1908, the organization's biggest controversy in the past was its 202...

  • June 13, 2022

    Starbucks may finally be returning to a good business practice

    Ah, Starbucks.  Were a visitor from another planet to visit the United States, he might well conclude there was a law that there must be a Starbucks on every street in the country.  Overpriced, oversweetened, a hangout for th...

  • June 7, 2022

    Islam, the 'religion of peace,' strikes again

    Google "Islam is a peaceful religion," and a number of sources will come up, declaring that Islam is indeed a religion that teaches peace and tolerance.  Still, there have been hundreds of terrorist attacks in the name o...

  • May 30, 2022

    There is a way to stop school shootings

    One of the first criminals named on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List was Willie Sutton, a man who quipped that he robbed banks because "that's where the money is."  Sutton's comment could easily apply to the epidemi...

  • May 23, 2022

    Republicans move to protect real women

    I found it ominous when Bruce Jenner called himself Caitlyn and scooped up a Woman of the Year award from Glamour.  It was considered so important to call this man a woman that Twitter created a bot to correct anyone usi...

  • May 16, 2022

    The WSCA brings real women back to swimming!

    On May 13, 2022, the World Swimming Coaches Association (WSCA) made history by proclaiming that men calling themselves women should not compete against women.  Their official position is that women cannot compete fairly against me...

  • May 12, 2022

    End abortions by supporting mothers

    Abortion is one of the most fraught issues in our society.  Although science shows that life begins at conception, with a complete DNA blueprint of a unique human being, the issue of when that life becomes a person is a matter of ...

  • May 2, 2022

    A Christian's perspective on Ozark

    WARNING: This post contains spoilers for the TV series Ozark.  Do not read if you are planning to watch the show or have not finished the second half of the fourth season. Now that Ozark is finally over, there are so many articles and op...

  • April 25, 2022

    Is there a link between the COVID vaccine and liver disease in children?

    While reading the news this morning, I noticed a puzzling item. Reuters was claiming there was no link between the COVID vaccine and an outbreak of liver disease in children.  It seemed strange to me because I had never heard of a...

  • April 18, 2022

    Disney's inhumanity toward Bruce Willis

    Bruce Willis.  The very name conjures a smile as it brings up scenes like the "negotiation" in The Fifth Element.  There should be a picture of Bruce Willis next to the word élan in the dictionary....

  • April 11, 2022

    Hope for chronic pain patients with new CDC guidelines

    In a rare moment of compassion, the CDC has released new guidelines for doctors to use when prescribing opiates, which are derived from poppies, and opioids, which are partially or fully synthetic.  This is good news for chronic p...

  • April 9, 2022

    Chris Rock matters, too

    I went to a seminar once with about 60 other attendees.  The speaker asked how many of us had seen a murder on television or in the movies.  Of course, all the attendees raised their hands.  He then asked how many of us ...

  • April 4, 2022

    A court struck down California's corporate diversity law

    Among the many questionable actions of California governor Gavin Newsom was his signing of A.B. 979, a bill requiring publicly held companies with headquarters in the state to have board members from underrepresented communities.  (Since th...

  • April 3, 2022

    Why Will Smith’s resignation from the Academy is a hollow gesture

    I was surprised, and I will admit I was relieved, to read about Will Smith’s resignation from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. I had been sure that Smith would follow in the footsteps of Jussie Smollett and Alec Baldwin, two crim...

  • April 1, 2022

    The law of unintended consequences comes for Disney

    Back in 1967, the Reedy Creek Improvement District agreement was created to lure Disney to Florida.  The agreement allows the district governmental powers to facilitate recreational projects and tourism.  Florida's L...

  • March 31, 2022

    Does it matter whether Will Smith's slap was staged?

    The big news out of the Academy Awards on Sunday, and something that is still being hotly debated, was Will Smith charging the stage and assaulting Chris Rock shortly before Smith won an Oscar for Best Actor and collected his award from Rock. ...

  • March 28, 2022

    Common sense reasserts itself for men competing in women's sports

    There once was a man named Michael Phelps who became the most decorated Olympian of all time by winning 28 medals for swimming.  Twenty-three of the medals Phelps won are gold medals, which is the record for the most golds by a si...

  • March 19, 2022

    Alec Baldwin wants a court to prove he's not guilty of Halyna Hutchins's death

    "He affects unselfishness, but is in reality fanatically, even maniacally, self-centered. ... He is childlike in his pursuit of pleasure, but shrewd and willful in his studied neglect of responsibility.  His sensibilities are exquisite...

  • March 18, 2022

    Alec Baldwin demands a trial to prove he’s not guilty of Halyna Hutchins’s death

    “He affects unselfishness, but is in reality fanatically, even maniacally, self-centered.... He is childlike in his pursuit of pleasure, but shrewd and willful in his studied neglect of responsibility. His sensibilities are exquisitely tender, ...

  • March 14, 2022

    As a palate-cleanser during these hard times, let's talk about Victor Mature

    I recently mentioned to a colleague that one of my favorite things to do was curl up with a Victor Mature movie.  I was surprised and delighted to learn that my colleague was friends with Victor's daughter, Victoria.  He ...

  • March 7, 2022

    On Russia, we say one thing and pay another

    A funny thing happened in Joe Biden's first State of the Union address.  Biden extolled the courage of the Ukrainian people, saying their fight against Russia "inspires the world."  He censured Russia's inva...

  • March 1, 2022

    Halyna Hutchins's widower breaks his silence about Alec Baldwin

    On October 21, 2021, Matt Hutchins lost the love of his life due to Alec Baldwin's careless handling of a gun.  Matt's wife, Halyna, a promising cinematographer, was working on the set of Baldwin's movie, Rust, when Baldwin...

  • February 27, 2022

    Kids and parents win against LGBTQ propaganda in Florida

    With all the bad things going on in the world right now, it’s heartening to see a piece of good news, particularly when it means that children will have a better educational experience and parents will have more control over what the school is ...

  • February 22, 2022

    More evidence of the terrible harm masks do to children

    In ancient times, there was Moloch, reviled by God in the Old Testament for the children who were burned alive as a sacrifice to the idol.  One of the crowning glories of the Jewish faith is the moment when God asks Abraham t...

  • February 20, 2022

    Alec Baldwin’s cruel reaction to Hutchins family lawsuit

    Alec Baldwin has had some sketchy reactions since he killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. He claimed to be grief-stricken, yet there were pictures on the internet of Baldwin celebrating Halloween with his children mere days after he deprived Andro...

  • February 15, 2022

    California is extorting students into vaccination

    The state of California has decided to end its mask mandate.  Well, that's not quite true.  For inscrutable reasons, California's children, the least likely to spread COVID or be seriously sickened by it, must still wear t...

  • February 13, 2022

    For some, the fall of mask mandates is causing a rise of paranoia

    Universal masking was a bad thing. One need only look at a video of children hysterical with joy at getting rid of their masks to see how much children suffered from masks. Adults are not dancing in the streets, but there is happiness at finally bein...

  • February 9, 2022

    California's governor is determined to keep children in masks

    California governor Gavin Newsom is absolutely unflappable when flaunting his hypocrisy about masks, admonishing the people of California to wear them at all times while he goes about bare-faced whenever and wherever he pleases.  Newsom...

  • February 7, 2022

    When it comes to masks, shall the little children lead us?

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, the photo of Gavin Newsom and Magic Johnson sans masks is worth an entire lexicon.  As criticism mounts and Newsom struggles to justify his "do as I say, not as I do" philosophy, k...

  • January 18, 2022

    COVID has become a worldwide cult

    Merriam-Webster defines a cult as "a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous" and "a small group of very devoted suppo...

  • January 13, 2022

    When it comes to COVID, experts just want us to listen and obey

    Less than 100 years ago, the United States of America practiced eugenics.  The inventor of Kellogg's cereal, John Harvey Kellogg, created the Race Betterment Foundation, dedicated to the proposition that bad genes create unworthy h...

  • January 9, 2022

    A transgender ‘woman’ steals another woman’s record

    I remember when Bruce Jenner graced the front of the Wheaties box. Then he went to fruit loops and proclaimed himself a woman. I didn’t really care if he wanted to dress like a girl and call himself Caitlyn. What made me angry was when Bruce Je...

  • January 5, 2022

    Global warming traps hundreds in the snow

    The United Nations warns that "a hotter future is certain" and considers climate change the greatest threat modern humans have ever faced.  Before he was even elected, President Biden had a plan for curbing cli...

  • January 2, 2022

    Anti-Semitism is getting sneaky

    In his 1925 autobiography, Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler spewed page after page of hatred for the Jewish people, proclaiming what he would do if he rose to power. When the Holocaust ensued, only the most uninformed or disingenuous could claim not to have ...

  • December 31, 2021

    The powers that be are finally being honest about cloth masks

    At a time when far too many people in the United States are behaving like clinically depressed lemmings following COVID mandates off a cliff, it's refreshing to see an admission that cloth masks are not very effective against COVID....

  • December 29, 2021

    The hypocrisy of liberals hits a new low

    I really must stop asking how bad liberals' hypocrisy can get.  They seem to be taking it as a challenge.  However, I hope they're getting near the bottom of the barrel with their outrage over Jared Schmeck, a da...

  • December 27, 2021

    Health care workers and patients are no longer pulling in the same harness

    There's an old joke that asks what the difference is between God and a doctor, the answer being that God doesn't think He's a doctor.  It's funny because there's a grain of truth in it.  Doctors do think well o...

  • December 25, 2021

    Is Chris Noth being blackmailed?

    Currently, Chris Noth is being eaten alive in the public forum based upon allegations that he sexually assaulted women many years (even decades) ago. Without determining whether those claims are true or not, one can still be disturbed by the fact tha...

  • December 22, 2021

    In vaccine-mad San Diego, students may have gotten a reprieve

    Students in San Diego may have received an early Christmas present on December 20, 2021, because Judge John Meyer issued a tentative ruling against a vaccine mandate the San Diego Unified School District had imposed. California was the f...

  • December 19, 2021

    The perfect comeback for mask bullies this holiday season

    The first time I heard “Omicron” I thought it was a new Transformer villain. Before you laugh, I have a sneaking suspicion that COVID variants are named with an eye to creating alarm. Delta Force is a Special Forces unit involved in count...

  • December 13, 2021

    Dr. Fauci's plan to steal Christmas

    How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is one of Dr. Seuss's most beloved books.  Boris Karloff delightfully narrated it in an animated television special that has become a holiday classic.  It's been produced on the st...

  • December 10, 2021

    Jussie Smollett found guilty of hate crime hoax

    The definition of a hate crime seems simple enough in Merriam-Webster.  A hate crime is "any of various crimes (such as assault or defacement of property) when motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (such as o...

  • December 9, 2021

    The only real way to prevent tragedies like Halyna Hutchins's death

    Once upon a time in Hollywood, a tragic death changed how movies were made.  Although several names probably popped into your mind, you'll be surprised when you find out which death truly improved conditions in Hollywood.  And...

  • December 5, 2021

    Did Alec Baldwin's contempt for guns play a part in Halyna Hutchins’ death?

    After listening to Alec Baldwin break his silence about shooting Halyna Hutchins, I am beginning to think there are two Americas. One America is populated by elites like Baldwin, so arrogant that he believes all he has to do is say the gun went off b...

  • December 2, 2021

    Has Alec Baldwin had a psychological break, or is this a tryout for his defense?

    We've all heard the slogan "guns don't kill people, people kill people," and human nature seems to bear out that bit of wisdom.  The beginning of the book of Genesis recounts the story of Cain and Abel, two brothers w...

  • November 23, 2021

    I'm thankful Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted

    There's a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  Once again, I am giving thanks for my home and my family and for having the health to continue to work for these things.  This year, I'm adding thankfulness that Kyle Ri...

  • November 18, 2021

    Teen suspended for saying there are two genders

    Abraham Lincoln is said to have told a joke about how many legs a dog has if you call a tail a leg.  Lincoln said the dog has four legs because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.  This simple bit of wisdom h...

  • November 16, 2021

    A doctor gets suspended for speaking her mind about COVID

    The First Amendment of the United States of America states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the righ...

  • November 13, 2021

    Climate alarmists plan to destroy a whole village

    Fairbourne is a tiny Welsh village of only 700 people, tucked between mountains and the Irish sea.  Founded around 1865, the pace is so slow that "Dragon's Teeth" tank traps from World War II still dot the beach to f...

  • November 12, 2021

    The horror of masking children

    In an ironic twist, the FDA's and CDC's approval of COVID vaccines for children has some families breathing a sigh of relief.  In addition to the (questionable) protection afforded by experimental gene therapy, they believe that the...

  • November 8, 2021

    Los Angeles has gone loco with its vaccine mandate

    California is a strange place.  It has terrible public transportation and some of the highest gas prices in the country.  The state spends a fortune on education, yet it's one of the lowest-ranked in the co...

  • November 7, 2021

    Alec Baldwin’s tasteless performance of grief

    On October 21, 2021, actor Alec Baldwin shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins to death on the set of his movie Rust. Baldwin immediately went into damage control mode with a heartrending statement about how devastated he was. I can only imagine how he...

  • November 3, 2021

    The doctor who is denying care to unvaccinated patients

    When the Black Death arrived in Avignon, France, a courageous doctor named Guy de Chauliac stayed to care for the sick even as many of his fellow physicians fled the city.  He wrote that the plague "was so contagious ... that...

  • November 2, 2021

    Does the vaccine mandate for the military endanger national security?

    The Pentagon has issued a vaccine mandate for the military, and members of the Air Force have responded.  Up to 12,000 service members have flatly stated they will refuse to be vaccinated against COVID.  Air Force brass is th...

  • October 30, 2021

    The FDA approved the COVID vaccine for kids, but there are still issues

    A sixteen-year-old student has filed a lawsuit in federal court against the San Diego Unified School District, arguing that the district's mandate for COVID vaccination violates her religious freedom.  The Thomas More Society,...

  • October 27, 2021

    Americans are fighting back against vaccine mandates

    On February 5, 1777, George Washington issued an order for all troops to be inoculated against smallpox.  He feared that the deadly disease raging through his troops was a worse threat than the British.  In Washington...

  • October 26, 2021

    Alan Dershowitz talks the legalities of Baldwin shooting...

    Alan Dershowitz, an emeritus law professor at Harvard, is one of the greatest legal minds of our time, writing multiple books and publishing hundreds of articles about the law.  He has been defending clients in courtrooms since the 1970s an...

  • October 24, 2021

    The Alec Baldwin shooting: everything was done wrong

    The big news this week about Alec Baldwin is that he shot two people on the set of his movie, Rust. Director Joel Souza was wounded but will make a full recovery. Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was less lucky. She died, leaving her husband Matthew H...

  • October 23, 2021

    Victory over cancel culture!

    Cancel culture is everywhere.  A celebrity might be canceled over a tweet made decades ago.  A picture of a politician at a party might trigger a demand for his resignation.  Using the wrong pronoun can get a person fire...

  • October 20, 2021

    Experts and lies about COVID

    The great general Colin Powell died this week from COVID complications.  He was fully vaccinated.  At his age, any illness could have taken his life, yet if the vaccine were truly as effective as the experts say it is, surely Gene...

  • October 18, 2021

    Jussie Smollett's chickens are being dragged to the roost

    After the election of Donald Trump, there was a rise in hate crime hoaxes.  Note: I did not say hate crimes.  The crimes supposedly committed by right-wing Trump-supporting thugs were actually hoaxes.  We are all fa...

  • October 16, 2021

    COVID is not serious enough to warrant vaccine mandates

    The saying that desperate times call for desperate measures was never more true than when applied to vaccination.  Consider the first vaccine in 1796, when a young boy was inoculated against smallpox.  It had been noticed that mil...

  • October 11, 2021

    Approving vaccines for children is not a cause for celebration

    On Thursday, October 7, 2021, Pfizer asked the FDA to approve COVID vaccinations for children ages 5-11. If it gets that approval, vaccinations for young children could start in less than a month. Looking at the evidence objectively, it’s hard ...

  • October 9, 2021

    Jessica Berg Wilson’s death shouldn’t have happened

    One of the things that COVID and the vaccines have brought to the fore is the fact that, even in the third decade of the 21st century, as the Book of Common Prayer says, “in the midst of life, we are in death.” In the modern age, it...

  • October 8, 2021

    Colorado transplant patients are being given an impossible choice

    In 1619, a physician named Charles de Lorme developed the famous plague doctor costume, consisting of a long leather coat and a beaked mask with crystal eyepieces. The beak was filled with herbs to protect the healer from the patient. This gear was d...

  • October 7, 2021

    Doctors are getting angry at their patients

    One of the more bizarre twists in the saga of the COVID pandemic has been doctors growing increasingly frustrated and even angry with patients asking for medical treatment rather than wholesale vaccination. We have been told for almost two years that...

  • October 3, 2021

    Vaccine mandates turn Americans into medical guinea pigs

    On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the board of California’s second-largest school district, San Diego Unified School District, voted unanimously to mandate Covid vaccinations for students and staff. The vaccines must be carried out by December 20...

  • October 3, 2021

    Gavin Newsom’s school vaccine mandate is bad for doctors

    California governor Gavin Newsom dodged a bullet with his recent recall election. On being confirmed in office, he promptly shot California’s children in the heart by announcing a vaccine mandate for Covid. Any child twelve or older who does no...

  • September 26, 2021

    It's time to end vaccination thuggery

    A funeral home caused quite the stir in North Carolina with a black truck pitching the message “Don’t Get Vaccinated.” It would have been bad enough if there actually were a Wilmore Funeral Home advertising such content. As it happe...

  • September 20, 2021

    Vaccine mandates and the Equal Protection clause

    On September 9, 2021, President Biden stopped merely haranguing American citizens to get vaccinated.  Going forward, he would simply force up to 100 million people to submit to vaccination whether they liked it or not.  ...

  • September 18, 2021

    The rise of mask addiction

    I recently saw a mother taking her children home from school.  Two of the little ones stripped off their masks, enjoying the feeling of the sun on their face as they breathed freely for the first time that day.  The youngest child...

  • September 14, 2021

    The problems with California's slavery reparations movement

    The current movement in the United States to demand reparations for slavery is perhaps the most aggravating of all the unreasonable demands that have been made of the American people in the 21st century.  Slavery was outlawed approximately ...

  • September 7, 2021

    Rolling Stone magazine touts a big lie

    One would think Rolling Stone had learned its lesson after the University of Virginia rape hoax.  The magazine had to pay $1.65 million to the Virginia Alpha Chapter of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity for publishing a story about how memb...

  • September 4, 2021

    COVID is bringing out the tyrant in America's politicians

    The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is pretty straightforward.  It simply states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abri...

  • August 30, 2021

    Stop enabling people to avoid work because of COVID

    It's the end of August, and all over the United States, children are heading back to school.  While some parents went to homeschooling during the lockdown and are continuing to educate at home, most are thrilled to see their children re...

  • August 25, 2021

    It's time to follow the science about the vaccine

    Monday, August 24, 2021, was an exciting day for the Pfizer vaccine.  Not only did the Food and Drug Administration fully approve it, but it will also be marketed under a new name.  Going forward, it will be known as Comirnat...

  • August 23, 2021

    To understand the COVID vaccine and the delta variant, check out the chickens

    After being promised that mRNA vaccines were game-changers that would safely and effectively end the pandemic, a new wave of uncertainty has descended upon the world with the rise of the delta variant.  Vaccinated people are falling il...

  • August 22, 2021

    In America, when politicians fail, ordinary people come through

    After four years of President Trump putting America first and gaining respect on the world stage, the American position abroad has crumbled. The Biden administration has wrought so much destruction that it is difficult not to despair about what the f...

  • August 18, 2021

    Facebook continues to stifle the marketplace of ideas

    I'm not a scientist, a doctor, or an expert in viruses or pandemics.  I didn't even finish college.  When I form an opinion about something in one of those disciplines, I must rely on experts in the field, but I try to be ...

  • August 14, 2021

    A modest proposal for the unvaccinated

    (This post is satire.) With the delta variant raging across the world, the time has come to take stern measures against the unvaccinated.  Let me make clear that these measures should not be employed against illegal aliens or BLM riot......

  • August 12, 2021

    Critical Race Theory rejects Martin Luther King's dream

    We all know the great principle that was the foundation of Martin Luther King's work in the civil rights movement — namely, that he wanted a world where his children would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of the...

  • August 9, 2021

    Leftist hypocrisy reaches its apex with attacks on Ron DeSantis

    Of all the hypocrisy leftists have dished out lately, the hardest to stomach is the hypocrisy of their stance on COVID.  Leftists trumpet their concern for the economy, while their lockdowns lead to massive job loss.  The leftists...

  • August 9, 2021

    On the incredible woke hypocrisy of being Barack Obama

    For the past 18 months, fewer people have been louder than America's celebrities when it comes to insisting that "the little people" wear masks.  Showing once again that celebrities believe themselves to be above those rules, ...

  • August 7, 2021

    An American athlete doesn't know what oppression is

    This is a tale of two athletes, one of whom thinks she is oppressed and one of whom really is oppressed (although she seems to have escaped that fate for now). Raven Saunders is an American who competes in the shot put and discus throw, two sports...

  • July 30, 2021

    Simone Biles and the nature of heroism

    There is an unfortunate tendency in society to idolize sports figures.  People who have an innate talent to play with a ball, run fast, or stand on a board in the water are considered heroic.  One of the most controversial commerc...

  • July 28, 2021

    The COVID witch-hunt

    In Salem, Massachusetts, there is a memorial to the 20 victims of the witch trials of 1692, bearing the words "God knows I am innocent" cut off to represent the lives cut short and the deafness to their pleas.  In Vard...

  • July 26, 2021

    The mask paradox

    Anyone familiar with Alice in Wonderland remembers the Mad Hatter's tea party, where he told Alice that there was always jam yesterday and jam tomorrow but never jam today.  Looking at a sampling of recent headlines, I know just how bew...

  • July 22, 2021

    COVID hysteria strikes down a gifted athlete

    Meet Becca Meyers, a Paralympian with Usher syndrome, a disorder that affects vision and hearing.  She was born deaf and has implants that allow her to hear in a quiet setting.  Her eyesight has gotten worse over the years. ...

  • July 20, 2021

    This week's global warming predictions

    Every single day, there is something alarming in the news about climate change.  Click on any headline about a natural disaster like a forest fire or a flood or a hurricane, and there will be dire warnings in the article about how this part...

  • July 13, 2021

    The tragedy of the transgender child

    The official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics has a policy statement on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health and wellness.  There's nothing wrong with pediatricians wanting to give the best care possible...

  • July 8, 2021

    Scientific reasons for waiting to get the COVID vaccine

    I voted for Donald Trump twice, but that has nothing to do with my hesitancy to get the vaccine.  I'm a Christian, and that has nothing to do with it, either.  Even the fact that I had COVID and should be immune doesn...