Olivier Guitta

Olivier Guitta

  • May 31, 2005

    Forget about diplomacy with Iran

    Iran has become the hottest ticket in town. Not a day goes by without a headline, book, conference or declaration by a world leader on Iran. For the moment, nothing has been getting more attention than the negotiations between Iran and the EU—3...

  • February 7, 2005

    Iranian impasse

    Iran is slowly but surely becoming the hottest topic in world affairs. Not a single days goes by without reactions from the US, Europe, Russia or Israel regarding the Iranian nuclear program. It's already been two years since the 'EU 3' nations ...

  • December 22, 2004

    Tariq Ramadan is not a victim

    While the master of double talk just died, others are using the same strategy to advance their somber cause. I am of course talking of Palestinian Authority Chairman Arafat who used and abused double talk. While he pretended in English that he had tu...

  • December 20, 2004

    Two canards

    Pakistani President Musharraf, one of our supposedly 'best allies' in the war on terror, has recently been on a world tour. After Washington and London, he went on to Paris to visit French president Chirac. Their basic vision of the world seems very ...

  • December 9, 2004

    No peace in sight in the Middle East

    Since Arafat's passing last month, a faint breeze of optimism has been blowing in the Middle East. Three members of the Quartet —the UN, Europe and Russia— are preparing for the signing of a peace agreement next year, or even just after t...

  • October 30, 2004

    Prosecute Arafat in Paris

    Now that Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat has safely landed in Paris aboard a French plane paid for by the French taxpayers, let's make the best of it. Why not kill two birds with one stone? If, in fact, Arafat makes it and recovers...

  • October 24, 2004

    Arab press review October 21-22

    Bin Laden soon to be arrested in China, contaminated blood sent by the Mossad and the CIA to Iraqi hospitals, Israeli passengers stranded because a Turkish pilot refused to take of with them on board...Here are some of the stories from last week's Ar...

  • October 18, 2004

    The mystery of the French hostages

    In order to avoid trouble in Iraq, foreign civilians used to pretend they were French nationals. But only until seven weeks ago, when two French journalists named Malbrunot and Chesnot, along with their Syrian chauffeur, were kidnapped. The Fren...

  • October 6, 2004

    Arab press review October 4-5

    [When available, hyperlinks to the original articles are included.Keep in mind that the information, obviously, is not 100% reliable. Nonetheless, it is vital to have access to it. We do not agree at all, to say the least, with most of the op...

  • October 2, 2004

    Arab press review September 29-30

    [When available, hyperlinks to the original articles are provided. Obviously, keep in mind that the information is not 100% reliable but nonetheless I think it is vital to have access to these voices. Also, to say the least, we do not agree at all, w...

  • September 30, 2004

    Regime change in Iran

    Yesterday in Washington DC, the Committee on the Present Danger  and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies organized an outstanding conference on the subject of  World War IV.  When Cliff May, President of F...

  • September 28, 2004

    Arab press review - September 24-27

    [Editor's note: Olivier Guitta scooped the American press last Friday, uncovering information in the Arab newspaper Al Hayat, on Syria's new hostile policy toward Palestinian terror groups operating in Damascus. The following day, Hamas terror m...

  • September 23, 2004

    A new day in Damascus?

    With virtually no attention from the major American media, France and a number of Arab regimes have joined with the Bush Administration, to bring pressure on Syria to step back from its occupation of Lebanon, and behave itself by halting its acquiens...

  • September 21, 2004

    Putting tyrants on notice

    Today at the opening of the General Assembly of the United Nations, President Bush pronounced one of his most important foreign policy speeches. Here is, I think, the bomb in the speech: '...for too long, many nations — including my own ...

  • September 15, 2004

    Tariq Ramadan, new favorite of the left

    Since it was announced that Professor Tariq Ramadan, a so—called moderate Muslim scholar, had his visa revoked on the advice of the Department of Homeland Security, an outpouring of outraged reactions rained down. Ramadan was supposed to start ...

  • September 1, 2004

    Outrageous and groundless plea for Tariq Ramadan

    In an op—ed piece in the Washington Post dated August 28, 2004, Paul Donnelly is very upset that the 'peaceful moderate' Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan was denied entry to the US. In fact, Ramadan was supposed to start teaching last week as Henry...

  • July 26, 2004

    Surprising views of Iraq from the French press

    Here are some very positive stories and op—eds concerning Iraq recently found in the French press. 1. America that we love to hate, by Bruno Tertrais in Le Figaro Bruno Tertrais, in a very refreshing op—ed, builds a case defending the Bus...

  • July 23, 2004

    Bush and Clinton in French face-off

    Over last weekend, ex—President Clinton gave two stunning interviews to the French press: one to Le Monde and the other one to Le Figaro. Coincidentally, President Bush also gave a very interesting interview to Le Figaro. This gives us the oppo...

  • July 21, 2004

    A beautiful and amazing story from Israel

    Tolerance is the solution to most conflicts in the world. From the French—language website newsmagazine proche—orient.info comes an incredible story of friendship and human dignity. The story starts in Sarajevo at the beginning of WWII. M...

  • July 18, 2004

    Revolution in the Palestinian Authority?

    The liberal media worldwide, the UN, the European Union and the Arab world want you to believe that Israel is more responsible than the Palestinian Authority in the failure of the 'peace process.'   Another of the same media's favorite expressi...

  • July 16, 2004

    Sometimes French

    During the traditional Bastille Day press interview, French President Chirac was asked to touch on the violent anti—Semitic wave shaking France. He replied, 'Our fellow Jews, Muslims or others, or simply sometimes French are victims of aggressi...

  • July 13, 2004

    Overlooked news from Iraq

    Libya is still a rogue country During a press conference held in Paris on July 6, 2004 the French lawyer Emmanuel Ludot, one of the twenty attorneys representing the Butcher of Baghdad, Saddam Hussein, made some stunning revelations. First and foremo...

  • July 12, 2004

    Anti-Semitism in France: not only for Jews

    Friday morning on a Paris commuter train, the infernal cycle of anti—Semitism, silence and fear appeared once again. Six Arab youths attacked a twenty—three—year—old young mother with her thirteen—month—old baby. ...

  • July 6, 2004

    For Jews, Belgium is no better than France

    Recently, the wave of anti—Semitism in Europe has been the fiercest in France. That is why we have been focusing on that country, reporting at length on the situation of the French Jewish population. France hosts the largest Jewish and Muslim c...

  • July 6, 2004

    Lebanese love imbroglio

    From the June 30 issue of al Hayat, we learn that the Lebanese government's top priority of the day was deciding whether or not to approve a wedding between two Christian Maronites. Why is that so important? Because the bride happens to be an Is...

  • July 2, 2004

    France's everlasting love for the PLO

    In a deliberate snub, French Foreign Minister Barnier decided to visit Palestinian Authority head Yasser Arafat, rather than Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, on his visit to the region. We revealed this intention to readers earlier.  Now we have a...

  • July 1, 2004

    The Abdullah option

    America has been ignoring a highly promising set of political ideas and institutions, in its rush to establish a democratic republic in Iraq. By doing so, we discount one of the most important lessons of the last century of political turmoil. Radical...

  • June 28, 2004

    An incredible story from Iraq

    As far as I know, the following story has not been picked up by the US media, and that is definitely a mistake. You will see why shortly. Out of all places, I found this amazing piece in one of the most virulently Anti—American newspapers in Pa...

  • June 26, 2004

    From the Left to the Right, France still loves Arafat

    Michel Barnier, the new French Foreign Affairs Minister, is going on his first Middle East tour soon. He will make a special point in visiting Arafat. When told by Israeli diplomats that if he did, he would not be permitted to meet with Prime Minis...

  • June 24, 2004

    News from the Arab press

    Olivier Guitta begins today an occasional feature, reviewing the Arab press for stories which might not have been picked up by the Associated Press or the New York Times, but which might nevertheless be of interest to our readers. Iran From the Qatar...

  • June 18, 2004

    Chaos in the House of Saud

    These days, Riyadh has become almost as dangerous as Baghdad. Recently, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has witnessed terrorist attacks along with the spectacular kidnapping of a US citizen. Al Qaeda has now lifted the veil on its real intentions, seizin...

  • June 15, 2004

    Finally, some pressure on Iran?

    In the past week or so, with the D—Day ceremonies in France, the unanimous UN resolution on Iraq, and the seemingly harmonious G8 Summit in Sea Island, relations between the US and its allies seem improving. An issue that would clarify our doub...

  • June 11, 2004

    French justice rewards anti-Semitism

    About three months ago, the French Jewish (it is unfortunately important to mention her religion) singer Shirel was performing at a gala attended by, among others, France's First Lady Mrs. Bernadette Chirac. Upon entering the stage and during her son...

  • June 9, 2004

    Oopsªrance did it again

    Last October 16, Malaysia's then—Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad told a summit of Islamic leaders that the 'Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.' He added, '1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few mil...

  • June 8, 2004

    The devil's advocate

    A few weeks ago, President Bush began enforcing the Syria Accountability Act, signed into law in December, imposing economic sanctions on Syria for its continued support of major terrorist organizations and its occupation of Lebanon. At the same tim...

  • June 7, 2004

    France, land of hatred

    While French President Chirac has been claiming for the past two years that France is not anti—Semitic, he nonetheless convened emergency talks with Jewish leaders in December 2003, to reassure them after the burning of a Jewish school. Ri...

  • June 2, 2004

    Terrorism: France just does not get it…

    Even at the height of the crisis between France and the USA in March 2003, regarding the war in Iraq, the two countries were cooperating closely on terrorism issues. Today, in a somewhat warmer climate, France and the US are still sharing major intel...

  • May 3, 2004

    Danger: Tariq Ramadan is coming to the US

    The University of Notre Dame, the elite university founded by the Holy Cross Order, (thanks to numerous readers for the correction of the founding order) in South Bend, Indiana, has offered a three—year professorship to the 'moderate' Muslim sc...

  • April 30, 2004

    Iraq: a new Lebanon?

    The violence in Iraq has gone up one notch in the past two weeks.   Iraqi militias target coalition soldiers and foreign civilians alike. Shias militias, Sunnis, Syria and Iran are among the most active parties trying to defeat us. The mutilati...