N.S. Rajaram

N.S. Rajaram

  • July 29, 2006

    Indian Government in Denial after Bombay Train Blasts

    Sonia Gandhi's softness towards Islamic Fundamentalists runs the risk of making India an attractive destination for the Jihadis. ...Sonia Gandhi, though not officially a member of the government has the responsibility for keeping the ruling coalition...

  • September 22, 2005

    Sonia Gandhi's Reluctant War on Terror (2)

    [The second of two articles. The first article may be found here.] Sonia Gandhi's softness towards Islamic Fundamentalists runs the risk of making India an attractive destination for the Jihadis. As noted in the previous article, Sonia Gandhi, though...

  • September 21, 2005

    Sonia Gandhi's Reluctant War on Terror

    [The first of two articles] India, along with Pakistan, is one of the key battlegrounds in the struggle against Islamist terror for the future of civilization. The largest democracy in the world, India has suffered its own severe Jihadist terror...

  • September 14, 2005

    Asia looks at Katrina coverage and draws conclusions

    Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath have found strong resonance in the countries of South and East Asia— from India to Indonesia. It was inevitable that the people and the media here should have drawn comparisons between the American response i...

  • September 9, 2005

    A challenge to Islamic correctness

    Book Review The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non—Muslims by Andrew Bostom (Editor); Foreword by Ibn Warraq. 2005. New York: Prometheus Books. Price $28 (HB). Jihad is now one of the most widely discussed words in the world...

  • July 22, 2005

    A Quranic concept of terrorism

    Jihad is the 'evil ideology' that is driving terrorism. Muslims should take the lead in rooting out this barbarism. Early reports indicate  that there were no fatalities from four coordinated explosions that again targeted Londons' transit syste...