Noel Sheppard

Noel Sheppard

  • August 26, 2013

    Are Republicans Too Smart For Their Own Good?

    Have you ever wondered why Republican presidential candidates seem to be far more knowledgeable about the pressing issues facing the nation whilst armed with specific, detailed plans to solve the problems that confront us, but still fail miserably co...

  • April 21, 2011

    Would You Accept Clinton Tax Rates If Combined With Gingrich Spending Levels?

    The media were enthralled by former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan's suggestion on Sunday's Meet the Press that we should immediately end the Bush tax cuts and raise the marginal brackets to what they were in Clinton's last year in office.Be...

  • August 1, 2010

    America's First Black President Seriously Damaging Race Relations

    On March 18, 2008, Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama gave a speech in Philadelphia about race relations in America.It was hailed by many as one of the most honest discussions on this subject since Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination fo...

  • November 3, 2008

    Say Goodbye to America

    No matter who wins Tuesday America is going to be a different country.When the sun rises on November 5, regardless of who the president-elect is, a more un-United States than has existed since the Civil War will wake to dispute the results of the dis...

  • February 12, 2007

    Weapons of Global Warming Destruction

    Since 9/11, there has been an international debate concerning a battle of civilizations. In the few short weeks since the Democrats officially took over Congress, a different war has taken shape within our own borders, and has morphed into a potentia...

  • December 12, 2006

    Rahm Emanuel's Unholy Foley Folly

    Imagine for a moment that a sex scandal involving pages had forced a Democrat Congressman holding a safe seat to resign in disgrace weeks before crucial midterm elections, while also reflecting badly on other members of his Party in tight races acros...

  • December 4, 2006

    Michael Moore Issues Iraq Withdrawal Fatwa

    Well, it only took three weeks for the first unhappy liberal to recognize that he might have been conned by the Democrats' bait and switch campaign scheme.  It probably would have happened sooner, but the really dedicated pols have been too busy...

  • November 29, 2006

    The Post-retreat Return to Iraq

    On November 27, 2006, the media stepped up their demands for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq by officially naming the incursion a civil war. While questioning their motives, Americans must also be extremely concerned with how quickly thes...

  • November 26, 2006

    Early Christmas Presents from Daily Kos

    Christmas came early to the Sheppard residence this year. A Daily Kos diarist wrote a blog post on the day before Thanksgiving about some articles I penned over the summer. This precipitated a flood of glorious tidings to my inbox from strangers acro...

  • November 20, 2006

    Democrats' Bait and Switch Election Strategy

    In 1992, Bill Clinton campaigned for president by promising tax cuts for the middle class. Fourteen years later, his Party ran on a similar "tell the people exactly what they want to hear" motif, this time the mantra being a speedy withdraw...

  • November 13, 2006

    Misreading the Election Tea Leaves

    It goes without saying that November 7, 2006, will be viewed by history as a bad day for the Republican Party. The question is, how bad? Despite suggestions by an exuberant media that this Democrat victory represented a significant change in the poli...

  • November 9, 2006

    Republicans Squander Historic Mandate

    In November 2004, Americans gave the Republican Party and its leader, President George W. Bush, a resounding mandate to enact conservative policies in his second term. Two years later, when it was clear to these same voters how poorly the G.O.P. resp...

  • October 30, 2006

    Someone's Dying for Your Vote

    2,808 Americans have died in Iraq the past 43 months. Another 282 have met such a fate in and around Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Likely all are rolling over in their graves as fellow countrymen who sent them to war are threaten...

  • October 24, 2006

    Boy Oh Boy Obama!

    Did you hear that loud crashing sound on Sunday? That was either media members across the country jumping off the Hillary for President bandwagon, or the Clintonistas slapping their knees over the gullibility of the press and the people they cater to...

  • October 6, 2006

    Desperately Ignoring Foley

    The Democrats think they have found their smoking gun. A little—known Republican congressman has resigned in a cloud of immorality, and the left and their media minions are sounding the midterm election victory bell. Hurray for them. Of course...

  • October 2, 2006

    Hillary Clinton's Selective Amnesia

    Did you see Sen. Hillary Clinton (D—NY) suggest last week what her husband would have done if he had received the August 6, 2001, Presidential Daily Brief concerning bin Laden? Touching, wasn't it? If only there were an ounce of truth to it. To...

  • September 29, 2006

    The Bin Laden's-Still-Alive Blame Game

    There is potentially no more deplorable aspect of politics in the new millennium than the backwards—looking blame game played by both Parties on a daily basis. Whether it's the economy, taxes, budget deficits, or corruption, members on both sid...

  • September 27, 2006

    Clinton Narcissism Killing the Democrats

    A funny thing happened on the way to the midterm elections: everybody started talking about Bill Clinton. Television networks, newspapers, present and former DNC chairmen, Speaker of the House wannabes, left—wing shills, you name it. For almost...

  • September 25, 2006

    Bill Clinton, Bin Laden, and Hysterical Revisions

    Last week, former president Bill Clinton took some time out of his busy dating schedule to have a not so friendly chat with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday. Given his rabidity, Mr. Clinton might consider taking a few milligrams of Valium the next ti...

  • September 14, 2006

    Democrats Falter in Week One of NFL Season

    As Democrat football teams started their mini—camps this summer, there was great anticipation concerning the upcoming season. Many sports analysts predicted a left—wing sweep that would end up in a changing of the guard come January. Yet,...

  • September 6, 2006

    The Smear Campaign Against ABC's 'The Path to 9/11'

    As the fifth anniversary of the attacks on 9/11 approaches, Americans are once again facing the horrors surrounding this event, and the ominous portent it conveyed. Yet, for some reason, one group of citizens has chosen to commemorate this solemn occ...

  • August 14, 2006

    How Low Can Democrat Stocks Go?

    Last week was certainly a bad one for shares of Democrat companies. From Tuesday's drubbing of Lieberman Locks, to Thursday and Friday's hammering of Appeasements 'R' Us, the Standard & Poors Democrat Index reached a low not seen since before the...

  • August 9, 2006

    Enron and Today's Oil and Gas Prices

    If a Senate study concluded that legislation signed by George W. Bush and supported by Halliburton was partially responsible for today's high oil and gas prices, do you think you would have heard about it? Well, such a report was released by the Sena...

  • August 2, 2006

    The Inconvenient Truth: Hurricanes and Global Warming

    Since Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans last summer, there has been a lot of media and left—wing speculation that the apparition called global warming is responsible for an upsurge in hurricane activity and intensity. Fortunately, for ...

  • July 31, 2006

    Israel's Failed Munich Accord

    In 1938, the leaders of Europe got together in Munich to, for all intents and purposes, give Czechoslovakia to Germany in exchange for peace in the region. Given the recent events in the Middle East, it quite appears that Israel — though well...

  • July 18, 2006

    Hezbollah's attack a Wake-up Call for the World

    On September 11, 2001, as planes slammed into New York City, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, the earth seemed to stop spinning for a few hours, and the planet's billions immediately realized that the world had changed forever. A similar shudder happened ...

  • July 11, 2006

    Netroots Civil War: Is the Bloom off the Kos?

    It appears that the post—Yearly Kos month from hell is continuing for Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, the proprietor of the Internet's premier liberal blog Daily Kos. After receiving some extremely negative press from major publications such as the Ne...

  • July 5, 2006

    The Tides Turn in Favor of Bush and the GOP

    Did you hear that sound on Thursday, June 29? That was millions of conservatives gasping in horror when the Supreme Court issued its Hamdan v. Rumsfeld decision seemingly giving the Bush administration a stunning defeat over terrorist detention cente...

  • June 30, 2006

    Media TKO's Kos to Protect Dean and Warner

    Over the course of the past few weeks — and much to the delight of many conservative new media journalists — no less than seven major news outlets have published rather derogatory articles about Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, the highly—s...

  • June 26, 2006

    The New York Times on a Swift Boat to Court?

    In today's terror—stricken world, which is more vital to the public's interest: being safe, or being informed? This very question has come before the management of the New York Times twice in the past six months. On both occasions, even though ...

  • June 22, 2006

    The Deflating Democrats

    Have you heard that strange sound at night lately? No, it's not cicadas. That's the Democrat bubble deflating, a phenomenon that recurs more frequently than every seventeen years, and sounds like this: Pssssssssssssssssss. The Democrat bubble gets al...

  • June 19, 2006

    Is Al-Jazeera Less Biased Than The New York Times?

    If there were great news out of Iraq, which media outlet would be the least likely to report it? a. An anti—American news network from Qatar b. A terrorist—run television station in Lebanon c. The New York Times d. T...

  • June 14, 2006

    Media Owe Rove an Apology - or at Least a Few Hugs

    In America, people are innocent until proven guilty, unless of course they are Republican. No finer example of such legal relativism has occurred in recent memory than the case of President Bush's top advisor, Karl Rove. For months, virtually every m...

  • June 12, 2006

    Media's Conveniently Changing View of Zarqawi

    If Osama bin Laden, Ayman al—Zawahiri, and all of al Qaeda's leaders in Iraq and throughout the world laid down their arms and surrendered to American forces, would the media report it as good news? Judging from the press's reaction to the kill...

  • June 8, 2006

    Bilbray: The Shot Heard 'Round the Capitol

    Did you hear that sound early Wednesday morning? That was millions of Democrats gasping when Brian Bilbray beat Francine Busby for the open House seat vacated by newly imprisoned Randy Cunningham in California's 50th Congressional District. What's th...

  • June 5, 2006

    Deriding Ms. Pelosi to Republican Victory in November

    Summer is about to begin, but according to the drive—by media, it is winter for Republicans who almost certainly will lose one chamber of Congress, if not both. In fact, you can't swing a Democrat pollster lately without hitting some press memb...

  • May 31, 2006

    Hillary Clinton: Dead Candidate Walking?

    For Hillary Clinton and her terminally unfaithful husband, last week must have seemed like a Wes Craven version of an old musical comedy reworked and entitled 'A Ghastly Thing Happened on the Way Back to the White House.' With Hillary leading in most...

  • May 8, 2006

    Shocking News from NPR: No Oil Company Gouging

    For months, the media have blamed virtually anything but free market forces for the rise in oil and gas prices. NBC's Lisa Myers attributed these increases to greed on a recent Nightly News report stating almost disgustedly 'Exxon earned 9.5 cents ...

  • May 1, 2006

    Party Abominations: Who Are You

    It's May you know who your party is? Not that easy to tell anymore, is it? After all, if you're a Republican, your representatives have increased federal spending by an amazing 45 percent in the past five years — something you might s...

  • April 20, 2006

    General Amnesia: A Tale of Two Zinnis

    Have you ever considered the peculiar yet convenient amnesia that regularly strikes members of the drive—by mediaаwhen it fits their political agenda? Given the development of the Internet, the accuracy and ease of search engines, and the ready...

  • April 19, 2006

    Eleanor Clift Almost Blames Democrats for Something

    Newsweek's Eleanor Clift has certainly never been accused of being an impartial journalist. Quite the contrary, when compared with other antique media members, Clift has to be considered one of the most consistently biased — unashamedly and una...

  • April 12, 2006

    The Missing Mexican Link

    In the past couple of weeks as illegal immigration has dominated the front pages and the lead stories of virtually every network's evening news program, you haven't been able to swing a gato muerto without hitting some pundit or broadcaster discussin...

  • March 7, 2006

    Did Oscarョ Wuss Out?

    The Academy Awards are mercifully over, and the postmortems are in. First time host Jon Stewart has gotten mixed reviews, with some saying that he seemed too stoic. And, much of the left were very disappointed with the choice of Crash as best picture...

  • March 6, 2006

    Popular Mechanics Takes on Katrina Myths

    Last week's Associated Press release of a video, taken just prior to Hurricane Katrina's arrival in New Orleans last August, has generated a new round of second—guessing and finger pointing regarding who is to blame for the supposedly slow, poo...

  • January 30, 2006

    NY Times Indicts, Prosecutes and Convicts Bush

    If there was any doubt that the New York Times thoroughly despised President Bush, the last shreds were erased yesterday. In an editorial entitled 'Spies, Lies, and Wiretaps,' the Times presented a case against the Bush administration with similar gu...

  • January 26, 2006

    Antique Media Revive Last Year's Story

    There's an old rule of thumb in marketing — stick to what sells. Lately, America's media have been doing just that. Since the significant rebound in the President's poll numbers from their October lows, coincident with a lack of outrage by the ...

  • January 23, 2006

    The Trouble With Newsweek's Cover Story About Boys

    In the new millennium, articles describing the intellectual differences between the sexes have been altogether too commonplace. As a result, it wasn't difficult to presage from the cover of Newsweek's most recent issue where the editors were going wi...

  • December 22, 2005

    Is The NYT's NSA Story a New Memogate?

    It seems like a common pattern lately. A mainstream media outlet publishes a bombshell story, and within days, the whole thing unravels quicker than a cheap sweater swarmed by kittens. Such is beginning to look like the case for The New York Times' e...

  • December 21, 2005

    NSA Eavesdropping and Media Double Standards

    There's an old saying: What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. When it comes to mainstream media reporting, nothing could be further from the truth. No finer example of a media double standard has been recently evident than in the furor ...

  • December 19, 2005

    How The New York Times Stole Christmas

    The folks over at The New York Times must be laughing their heads off. With the President's poll numbers on the rise, a fabulous election result in Iraq, and the potential extension of a key antiterrorism bill that the administration holds dear, the ...

  • December 12, 2005

    All the news the New York Times won't print

    "Everything is always Bush's fault." That slogan would be far more appropriate for the front page box of the New York Times than the existing slogan, "All the news that's fit to print." When a pet cause like the Kyoto Treaty, addressing a pet scare l...

  • December 7, 2005

    Media Downplay Strong November Jobs Report

    A recent report  published by the Gallup Organization stated that 'a majority of U.S. investors continue to describe the current economy as being 'in a slowdown' or 'recession' as opposed to being 'in a recovery' or 'sustained expansion.'" Re...

  • December 5, 2005

    Fighting Propaganda With Propaganda

    America's mainstream media are in high dudgeon over efforts by our military to get its story out in Iraq, where winning hearts and minds is an important component of victory. Typical is Newsweek's senior editor Jonathan Alter, who wrote an article fo...

  • November 23, 2005

    Reconstructing Murtha III: It's a Somalia Deja Vu

    When one is trying to make a political figure look like a conservative hawk, it is in one's best interest to hide from the public any moments when said figure acts like a dove. Such appears to be the case with the ongoing character reconstruction of ...

  • November 22, 2005

    Reconstructing Murtha II: Pork and Earmarks

    Any cosmetician worth her salt will tell you that the most important step in a quality makeover is to apply a first—rate foundation. In the case of the character reconstruction that has been expertly crafted on John Murtha (D—Pennsylvania...

  • November 21, 2005

    Reconstructing Murtha

    Almost since the moment Congressman John Murtha (D—Pennsylvania) took the stage last Thursday to call for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, the left and the media that supports them have gone out of their way to construct a picture o...

  • November 7, 2005

    WaPo ombudsman defends use of unnamed sources

    The Washington Post's new ombudsman Deborah Howell, in only her second article in her new position, chose to defend journalists' use of unnamed sources. Of late, this has become quite a hot—button issue, as an increasing number of articles from...

  • October 11, 2005

    Mary Landrieu: It's Never Enough

    Sen. Mary Landrieu (D—La.) was unhappy last Friday night. After sparring with Senate Republicans, including her counterpart from Louisiana, Sen. David Vitter (R—La.), she didn't get what she wanted — $15 billion in hurricane—r...

  • September 30, 2005

    Media double standards

    For most of September, Americans were bombarded almost 24 hours a day with declarations by media representatives and Democratic leaders about the incompetence of President Bush.  During this time, we watched our president and members of his adm...

  • September 23, 2005

    The New York Times pushes for higher taxes

    In its September 19 editorial entitled 'Taking Full Responsibility' — an altogether too obvious reference to President Bush's hurricane mea culpa — the New York Times has continued what appears to be a full—court press on Congress t...

  • September 6, 2005

    The New York Times contradicts itself in Katrina's wake

    Once a Pariah, Army Corps of Engineers Now the Tonic For All Our Ills In the wake of catastrophic damage to New Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina, the New York Times appears to not only be engaging in some of the most preposterous Monday morning...

  • August 29, 2005

    Professor Krugman should have his tenure revoked

    Fresh from his ground—breaking performance on ABC's This Week last Sunday, New York Times economic fiction—writer, Paul Krugman, has penned an  op—ed  filled with more insipid economic distortions than most people can...

  • August 24, 2005

    Why does our media seem to support our enemies?

    A front—page story concerning Iran in Tuesday's Washington Post was clearly intended to thwart American efforts preventing that country from obtaining nuclear weapons, as well as to embarrass the Bush administration with more implications of fa...

  • August 22, 2005

    Blame Bush for Merck's Vioxx

    First it was nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.  Then he was AWOL.  After that came Plamegate.  So, what pray tell will be the next left—wing attack on our president?  Potentially, the manner in which the Vioxx story ...

  • August 18, 2005

    Managing the news for Hillary's sake

    One hot and humid weekend this past July, America's leading Democrats —— including some of the early favorites for that party's 2008 presidential nomination such as Senator Hillary Clinton (D—NY), Senator Evan Bayh (D—IN), Gov...

  • August 15, 2005

    Make DARN SURE you put the bad news on the front page!

    So, have you noticed that gas prices are heading higher?  The San Francisco Chronicle certainly has.  In fact, after reading this Sunday's front—page article on the subject, as well a business section cover story on the same iss...

  • August 10, 2005

    Economic disconnect is all in the reporting

    For almost two years since the current economic expansion began to really pick up steam, impartial economists worldwide have been wondering why so many Americans seem to not believe that a recovery is even transpiring.  Unfortunately, the cover...

  • August 1, 2005

    The Congressional Peter Principle

    Have you ever considered the possibility that Dr. Laurence J. Peter's theory of people rising to their own level of incompetence at their jobs applies to politicians? I have.  Especially when I watch Federal Reserve chairmen speak before Co...

  • July 19, 2005

    Outing CIA Agents For Dummies: Rove v. Plame

    It's safe to assume that the number one question asked at cocktail parties and on golf courses this weekend was who do you think 'outed' CIA agent Valerie Plame.  Likely, the answer depended on the recipient's news source of choice. For example,...

  • July 14, 2005

    The Veterans Affairs affair Is all Bush's fault

    Well, well, well...the Department of Veterans Affairs has a fiscal 2005 budget deficit due to exploding health care costs.  Imagine that.  A U.S. government agency spent more money than Congress and the president budgeted for it.  Oh ...

  • May 19, 2005

    Newsweek and the Age of Deadly Propaganda

    Newsweek's retraction of its May 9, 2005 article concerning American investigators desecrating the Koran at a detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba —— along with what many believe to be a rather halfhearted apology by its editor, Mark ...

  • May 16, 2005

    The Social Security bait-and-switch scheme

    As amazing as it might seem in the midst of the current Social Security debate, the first reforms to our national retirement program were actually initiated by its founder, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, less than three years after he signed it into law,...

  • May 9, 2005

    Roosevelt's Social Security plan included private accounts

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt's original Social Security plan included provisions that would have allowed people to make personal investments — not altogether different from the private accounts that President Bush is currently proposing....

  • May 3, 2005

    New Social Security proposal exposes left-wing hypocrisy

    At his press conference last Thursday, President Bush added a new 'progressive indexing' proposal to his Social Security reform plan that not only largely resolves the program's imminent insolvency without raising payroll taxes, but also exposes an a...

  • April 15, 2005

    Clinton would have saved Social Security

    Isn't it amazing how many wonderful things former President William Jefferson Clinton would have done for this world if it weren't for the Uncalled—For Meddling of Special Prosecutor Ken Starr?  The most recent such revelation suggests th...

  • April 6, 2005

    Oil at $105 per barrel? Not so fast.

    The day after a government report showed that crude oil inventories have risen to their highest levels since July 2002, the esteemed Wall Street brokerage firm, Goldman Sachs, released an analysis forecasting a continued increase in energy prices tha...

  • March 28, 2005

    Energy policy, wherefore art thou?

    In case you missed it, oil and wholesale gas prices hit all—time highs recently, with unleaded gas futures closing at roughly $1.58/gallon. As one can typically double this number to approximate what it might translate into at the retail level,...

  • March 16, 2005

    The Social Security Ponzi scheme

    In the past several months as the debate over Social Security reform has taken center stage in the theater of the absurd that is modern American politics, the idea has been floated that the entire pay—as—you—go structure of this sys...

  • March 11, 2005

    Leasing the American Dream

    Remember the concept 'Owning a piece of the American Dream?'  That goal you had when you graduated from college to eventually own your own home?  Well, some recently released statistics suggest that, although the percentage of homeowners i...

  • March 4, 2005

    Social Security and political realignments

    One Sunday this past November, President Bush's chief strategist Karl Rove went on the talk show circuit to discuss the possibility that 2004 would be depicted by historians as being a realigning election.  A little over three months later, with...

  • January 18, 2005

    Oil future shock: Osama been Cheatin'!

    Satire New York State Attorney General Elliot Spitzer shocked the world today —— as well as the state department and the Bush administration —— with his announcement that he is charging terrorist mastermind and al Qaeda head O...

  • January 13, 2005

    Would Jesus be a Democrat or a Republican?

    I recently had an opportunity to discuss some religious issues with the Reverend Ray Dubuque, a retired Methodist minister who now spreads the word of the Lord largely over the Internet.  As I researched the Reverend, his background, and his per...

  • January 5, 2005

    Social Security: when is a problem a problem?

    Are you tired of all the Social Security discussions that have been flooding the air and print waves the past two weeks?  Having a hard time understanding the plethora of opinions —— some good, some bad —— being thrown at...

  • January 3, 2005

    Has Greenspan over-pumped the real estate bubble?

    Like most people with even a passing interest in matters relating to business, I have been reading articles in financial periodicals and have heard the prognostications of many economists concerning a looming 'Real Estate Bubble' for at least the pas...

  • December 20, 2004

    CBS blasts blogs - again

    Our friends at CBS News are at it again —— suggesting that blogs, bloggers, and everything related to non—mainstream media reporting are the root cause of the troubles in the industry.  Not the unconscionably poor job that...

  • December 13, 2004

    Commoditization of populations

    Twenty years from now, what might the world's most precious, depleting, natural resource be? Oil? Steel? Lumber? How about working—age adults who are still contributing to a nation's entitlement programs rather than receiving benefits from them...

  • December 9, 2004

    Dollar diplomacy in the new millennium

    In 1909, President William Howard Taft and his Secretary of State, Philander Knox, came up with a rather ingenious foreign policy strategy whereby they tried to garner the support of nations through financial rather than aggressive means.  It wa...

  • December 3, 2004

    The terrorism bear market

    The last twelve months have been very hard on the terrorism industry.  Saddam's been captured.  Ghadafy surrendered.  Hamas leaders have been assassinated.  And the best bin Laden could do to disrupt our elections was send Al...