Nick Chase

Nick Chase

  • November 25, 2020

    Listen closely to Sidney Powell ...

    The lawyers working on Trump's behalf to expose and correct for the massive fraud in the 2020 presidential campaign are working on two parallel (and separately-financed) paths. The immediate effort, the "Rudy Giulani/Lin Wood" path, is ...

  • November 23, 2020

    It's in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia's Votes

    Based on Internet blogger "Pede's" analysis of "votes switched" from Trump to Biden, and of "votes lost" (thrown away) -- mostly votes for Trump, and my own analyses to detect imaginary "votes added" for Bi...

  • November 18, 2020

    It's in the code: Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin

    Last Sunday, in my article "'Lost votes are fraud votes," I looked at the "lost votes" for the 2020 presidential election listed in Internet blogger "Pede's" analysis, and I described how, after adjusti...

  • November 15, 2020

    'Lost votes' are fraud votes

    Last Thursday, in my article "Examining the code, internet geeks conclude 'Trump's win was yuuuge,'" I introduced American Thinker readers to the 2020 presidential election analysis of Internet blogger "Pede,"...

  • November 12, 2020

    Examining the code, internet geeks conclude 'Trump's win was yuuuge'

    Around 1:30 in the morning of Nov. 4, when I went to bed, Trump was leading in the vote count in two Midwest swing states I was closely watching, Wisconsin — about 2%, and Michigan — about 3%, well on his way to an "unexpected...

  • October 18, 2020

    Going Sour on Joe Biden

    For years I have viewed Joe Biden as a typical "swamp creature," a cipher as both a U.S. senator and as vice president, usually wrong, undistinguished except for the political mean streak he showed in the Robert Bork and Clarence Thoma...

  • July 19, 2020

    Coronavirus good news for a change

    The Our World in Data project (website:, from the Oxford Martin School of the University of Oxford, contains a wealth of information on COVID-19 (and on many other subjects, too) that anybody, even the lying media, can view throug...

  • June 30, 2020

    Shear madness in the time of COVID

    I'm trying to find a place where they will cut my wife's hair. Let me explain by way of an email I sent to a good friend that describes what we have gone through (e-mail headers and other info removed for privacy): Hi Paul, I'd l...

  • May 24, 2020

    They Killed Everything Beautiful

      Though neither of us is an artist or musician, my wife and I have been close to the music and arts community in central Massachusetts for more than 40 years, as volunteers, through recording locally-performed classical music concerts and br...

  • January 16, 2019

    Park Shutdown: Obama versus Trump

    Longtime American Thinker readers may remember reading my article, "Birthplace of American Liberty, Stifled by Obama's Tyranny," on the shutdown of Minute Man National Park – the Old North Bridge during Obama's vindi...

  • November 18, 2017

    Moore yearbook signature fraud

    The accusation by Beverly Young Nelson that Judge Roy Moore tried to force her into oral sex in 1977/78 is supposedly substantiated by a notation that Nelson said Moore wrote (uninvited) in her yearbook in late 1977.  See the picture below. ...

  • October 17, 2017

    The ACLU 50-State Survey

    My wife and I receive bulk-mail political fundraising pitches disguised as "surveys" all the time -- but not ordinarily from the American Civil Liberties Union, which I remember as supposedly being a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedi...

  • September 29, 2016

    Hillary’s ‘lazy eye’ strikes again

    Hillary's "lazy eye" (strabismus) has struck again, this time in an interview on her "Stronger Together" airplane on September 27, the day following the debate.  This segment was aired on the NBC Nightly News that night. ...

  • September 23, 2016

    Hillary's Pneumonia Hokum: A Timeline

    Only four days after I wrote "The Decrepit Candidate" here at American Thinker, Hillary Clinton took ill at the 9/11 fifteenth anniversary memorial ceremonies in New York City, ditched her press pool, left prematurely, and was unceremonious...

  • September 22, 2016

    Why Hillary’s eyes are out of sync with each other

    The disturbing video of Hillary Clinton’s eyes moving out of sync from each other is likely to be related to her fall and brain injury. If you remember this picture from the Benghazi hearings... ...Hillary's right eye works fine. ...

  • September 7, 2016

    The Decrepit Candidate

    A lot has been written about the state of Hillary Clinton's health, and less about Donald Trump's health (as he has no apparent health issues), but short of viewing the complete medical records of both candidates, neither of which has yet bee...

  • January 3, 2014

    Obama's Other Big Lie

    "We will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period." (Barack Obama, June 15, 2009, with vari...

  • October 15, 2013

    The Birthplace of American Liberty Defies Obama's Tyranny

    I grew up in Concord, Massachusetts, and my elementary and high-school education was infused with the history that was all around us, so I was very curious to know just how the shutdown of the nation's parks had affected my most favorite part of Minu...

  • October 10, 2013


    Last night (October 9), my wife brought home a pamphlet from our local CVS pharmacy, titled "Affordable Care Act Answers."  I didn't expect to find anything in this simple booklet that I didn't already know, but it did refer me to their web...

  • October 8, 2013

    The Death Spiral Begins

    As a retired computer systems manager, I am always fascinated by large, complex software systems that fail -- such as the Federal ObamaCare "insurance exchange" currently being rolled out at This software monstrosity is now in its s...

  • September 6, 2013

    Obama Works for Whom?

    Testifying about the proposed attack on Syria before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on September 4, Secretary of State John Kerry said, "With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess, the answer is profoundly yes. They h...

  • September 4, 2013

    Postponing World War III

    How much of a mess has Obama made of the Middle East? The following two maps tell the story, five years ago versus today. (Maps courtesy Martin Weiss, Weiss Research) As you can see, five years ago, the Middle East was mostly stable, with theocracie...

  • August 16, 2013

    What Reggie Love Had to Say about the Obama Birth Certificate

    See also: Reggie Love and the Birth Certificate by Jack Cashill Former Obama "body man" Reggie Love spoke with interviewer Jim Newton during a lunch at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs on July 18, 2013.  Highlights of this interview were b...

  • August 12, 2013

    Donald 'Birther' Trump Is Back!

    Appearing on ABC News' This Week on Sunday (August 11), tycoon Donald Trump had this exchange with interviewer Jonathan Karl: Karl: But you don't still question he [Obama] was born in the United States, do you? Trump: I have no idea. Karl: But ev...

  • May 19, 2013

    Obama Built This Forgery

    I don't normally display lawn signs or bumper stickers during political campaigns; I usually keep my voting preferences to myself.  (That's the point of secret ballots, right?)  But the November 2012 elections got me charged up to the point...

  • May 15, 2013

    The Still-Forgotten Obama Lie

    "Benghazi-gate," "IRS-gate," "AP-gate" -- it would seem the intrepid investigators in the dinosaur media, in an effort to repair their shredded reputations, are finally catching up to the truths known months or years ago to those of us who get our ...

  • July 7, 2012

    Were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Really Married?

    In my previously published article "Secrets Revealed," I concluded that what President Obama is concealing on his genuine long-form birth certificate (not the digital PDF forgery released to the public) is that his mother signed her maiden name. That...

  • June 15, 2012

    Secrets Revealed

    In my first American Thinker article on the Obama long-form birth-certificate forgery, "Oblivious to the Obvious," published on April 10, I wrote: We start with the known facts: that (1) the "birth certificate" is fake, and (2) the president has said...

  • June 12, 2012

    Piercing the Cone of Silence

    Barack Obama was undoubtedly born in Hawaii in 1961 - verified not just by his own word (for whatever that's worth), but by the automatic triggering of the registration of his birth in the public State of Hawaii birth index, and by the contemporaneou...

  • June 11, 2012

    What Did Savannah Guthrie Really See?

    Now that it's been established that Barack Obama's long-form "birth certificate" originated as a digitally created forgery, we are left to ponder: how was the paper certificate of which NBC News reporter Savannah Guthrie took pictures created? A reas...

  • May 30, 2012

    Birth Certificate Whac-A-Mole

    Would you like to play a neat parlor game with your friends?  Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate forgery contains so many forger's errors which are visible to the naked eye or which can be seen on your computer under slight magnification...

  • April 11, 2012

    How I Learned to Love Savannah Guthrie

    Recently American Thinker published my article, "Oblivious to the Obvious," which gives clear, understandable proof, as shown below in Figure F from that article, why Barack Obama's long-form "birth certificate" is a forgery. Figure F.  In a re...

  • April 10, 2012

    Oblivious to the Obvious

    Is Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate a forgery?  Definitely yes, for those of us who have spent a lifetime writing and producing technical documents, and who remember how they were produced in pre-computer days, and who have the technic...