

  • January 23, 2016

    Donald Trump and freedom of speech: he's no champion

    Donald Trump recently was the subject of a debate in the British Parliament as to whether he should be banned for his so-called hate speech against Muslims.  Here are some of the things that were said about him by the M.P.s: Most of the 50...

  • September 9, 2013

    Obama and Syria: Words versus Deeds

    In trying to puzzle out what might be going on with President Obama's muddled, non-strategic, and fundamentally "unserious" approach to Syria, it helps to remember that Obama believes that words are as good as deeds, perhaps even better -- especially...

  • July 25, 2009

    Obama on Afghanistan: victory is a four-letter word

    Has a US Commander in Chief ever spoken this way  in the middle of a war?  President Obama has put securing Afghanistan near the top of his foreign policy agenda, but "victory" in the war-torn country isn't necessarily the United ...