Nathan Stone

Nathan Stone

  • April 27, 2022

    Don't Be Afraid to Call It Grooming

    Sometimes a mask is so completely torn away that only the willfully and ideologically blind or the stupid cannot see what the real game is.  Frank Bruni of the New York Times kindly provided those who desire to see with such an opportunity ...

  • September 27, 2021

    There’s Reason Not To Cheer Removing Robert E. Lee’s Statue

    Russell Moore’s essay in Christianity Today celebrating the removal of Robert E. Lee’s equestrian statue in Richmond (in place since 1890) is not even a celebration—it’s a dance on Lee’s grave. You would expect a former ...

  • May 14, 2021

    What Liz Cheney's ouster says about political parties

    There are things that happen only once in a blue moon: world wars, pandemics, Haley's comet, blue moons — and the American Republican Party actually demonstrating, if not a full spine, then at least a brain stem. The House GOP defenest...

  • March 24, 2021

    You're Racist, whether You Like It or Not

    "In my mind...this was an anti-Asian hate crime."  So declared Congresswoman Judy Chu regarding the Atlanta shooting, in which eight women died, six of whom happened to be Asian.  It seems to be a popular opinion. ...

  • February 17, 2019

    Postmodern Leftism and the Founding

    On January 24, in New York Magazine, Eric Levitz wrote an essay defending AOC’s proposed 70% marginal tax rate plan, drawing a direct line between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s tax plan and Thomas Jefferson. It was a very odd essay, to be ho...