Nancy Van Deest

Nancy Van Deest

  • January 19, 2024

    ‘Their’ Democracy: Tyranny Comes to the US

    Spanning across generations, Americans have done extraordinary things during uncertain times.  My father’s genealogy is rich with such memoirs.  My great (x6) grandfather was a colonel in the Berkshire Milita during the Revo...

  • April 7, 2023

    Leftism and the Minions of Satan

    As more Americans abandon God, evil gains a greater foothold in the U.S., working nonstop to demolish our constitutional republic.  While many people sense a hidden malignancy choreographing what's taking place, they can't identify ...

  • February 16, 2023

    Why is Biden so Oddly Silent about the Ohio Train Disaster?

    The environmental disaster taking place in Ohio from a Norfolk Southern derailed train should outrage both sides of the political aisle.  After the smoke clears, investigations will take place and most likely will show that there is plenty of bl...

  • June 5, 2021

    How COVID Led to My Parents' Deaths

    As the media begin to allow the truth to come out about the origins of the China-made, Fauci-approved  COVID-19 virus, it has become clear that our government and our media lied about it early on.  The media fear porn was so exces...

  • March 4, 2014

    The Real ObamaCare Horror Story

    Recently, Senator Harry Reid addressed the American people from the Senate floor and solemnly claimed that “there’s plenty of horror stories being told,” about ObamaCare. “All of them are untrue, but they’re being told a...