Nancy J. Thorner

Nancy J. Thorner

  • April 7, 2012

    'Fakegate': Climate Change Fanatics Wage War on Dissenters

    Why would Dr. Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, a MacArthur Foundation Fellow, and chairman of an American Geophysical Union task force on "scientific ethics and integrity," break the law to engage in a smear campaign against a s...

  • March 28, 2011

    Gouging Taxpayers in the Chicago Suburbs

    More and more communities and state governors have begun to question the relationship between teachers, their elected boards, their superintendents and the unions which represent them, in the wake of Wisconsin's union rampages.Upon checking...

  • December 4, 2010

    Wind Power Promoted, Even as Subsidies Dry Up and the World Nukes Up

    The need to question wind power and its ability to meet future energy needs has taken on added importance, given the ongoing U.N. Climate Change Conference now taking place in Cancun, Mexico through December 10.  Wind power has long be...

  • October 28, 2010

    CA's Prop 23 and Economic Armageddon

    Californians are about to vote on Proposition 23 to suspend enforcement of "The California Global Warming Solutions," also know as AB (Assembly Bill) 32. AB 32 was signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on September 27, 2006, and man...

  • September 13, 2010

    Wasting Clean, Cheap Power

    Thanks to the Alice in Wonderland world of "green" energy policy, Illinois electricity customers are going to be paying more, while a reliable and inexpensive source of clean power will be destroyed. It is now official that what used to be ...

  • July 20, 2009

    My turncoat GOP congressman announces for Senate

    Given that my American Thinker  blog of June 28 -- Betrayed by my Republican Congressman -- took to task my renegade 10th District congressman, Mark Steven Kirk, for his "yes" vote on the Waxman-Markey bill, I was somewhat amused ...

  • November 11, 2007

    A Veterans Day Meditation

    Another year has passed, yet despite the continual political posturing, anti-war rhetoric, and deliberate ignoring of increasing successes in Iraq, meaningful Veterans Day celebrations will be held in cities and towns all across America to honor vete...