Nadra Enzi

Nadra Enzi

  • January 9, 2022

    It’s time for urban adults to step up to save their communities’ children

    I’ve spent my adult life opposing urban crime. However, I wonder if I’m doing enough. Maybe it’s time for me literally to offer my life as a sacrifice if that would spare just one innocent child. And it’s not just me. If we...

  • January 1, 2022

    In the New Year, I'll be advocating for fundamental civil liberties

    My two big advocacy issues for 2022 will be sustaining support of self-defense and opposing mandates done throughout this year.  Both of those are integral for maintaining individual liberty and true security in America. I've called self-...

  • December 25, 2021

    In America’s violent cities, is self-defense the last civil right?

    As much as I love sipping political philosophies like fine wine, now isn’t the time. Of all the important questions to be asked in this manic hour, I offer this one: In America’s violent cities, is self-defense the last civil right or a p...

  • November 22, 2021

    It’s time for conservatives to reach out to Blacks who disavow Democrats

    My favorite Black nationalist economist is Dr. Boyce Watkins.  I enjoy his financial freedom advice (he has a Ph.D. in finance) and fully support the years he's spent opposing homicide in Black communities, all done, as he says, to a ...

  • November 18, 2021

    Political delusion sends young people running toward avoidable danger

    The past several years have seen me contemplating those children who came of age after Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, Missouri.  They are now older teens and young adults who watched George Floyd's death and the January 6, 2021 ...

  • November 17, 2021

    My dinosaur-sized bones of contention with the Democrat party

    I have a couple of dinosaur-sized bones of contention with the Democrat party.  Bone number one is its obsession with illegal immigration.  Bone number two is the vaccine mandate. The Democrats' obsession with illegal alien...

  • November 16, 2021

    Americans must find common ground

    I have a practical progressive friend who is moderate on some issues.  Not all leftists who agree with the Black Lives Matter movement necessarily want law enforcement dismantled and defunded.  Despite separate perspectives, we ag...

  • November 15, 2021

    Increasing numbers of moderates feel the Democrat party has abandoned them

    My dear friend is an "og," or original leftist, thoroughly disgusted by Democrat party ideology.  It comes from having been left behind (no pun intended) as a party member after the Democrats' headlong leap into emotional brit...

  • November 14, 2021

    Biden’s bad politics are making strange (and interesting) bedfellows

    Full Disclosure: A few months ago, I changed my party registration from Republican to No Party (NP). I’m not what I call a “chocolate chip communist” but am an old-fashioned Black man who was a community voice in that party since wa...

  • November 12, 2021

    Why I oppose 'chocolate chip communism'

    The Black ideologues whom I call "chocolate chip communists" use melanin to mask Marxism.  They're a fifth column in an ideological takeover of the Black narrative and institutions, a process that is effectively causing my com...

  • November 11, 2021

    Kyle's tears illustrate the perils of juvenile deadly force intervention

    On the stand today, a normally composed Kyle Rittenhouse sobbed uncontrollably while recounting what led to his shooting one of several assailants on August 25, 2020. His tears underscored my contention that he, as a lone, armed teenager, had no r...