Moshe Dann

Moshe Dann

  • A humanitarian, holistic plan for Gaza

    November 7, 2024

    A humanitarian, holistic plan for Gaza

    Israeli control of the Gaza Strip is critical for its security and the future of the entire region. Allowing enemies of Israel to resume their control of the area — directly and indirectly — cannot be the basis for its future after the wa...

  • December 3, 2010

    Obama's Middle East Hidden Agenda

    Why would President Obama place American prestige, money, and influence on the line for a three-month restriction on Jewish building in areas conquered by Israel in 1967? Another round of negotiations is doomed to fail, since Palestinian leaders have...

  • November 5, 2010

    It's the Olive Trees, Stupid!

    In case you didn't notice, olive trees in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) are under attack. The alleged culprits are Jews living there. U.N. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry called it "terrorism." Will th...

  • October 17, 2010

    The Muslim Brotherhood: Islam's Global Challenge to the West

    The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is one of the most dangerous Islamic groups in the world today, not only because it supports terrorism -- providing political and financial support for its  Palestinian branch, Hamas, for example -- but because it is ...

  • September 28, 2010

    Why Territorial Solutions Won't Solve the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    President Obama's latest effort to promote a "two-state" plan, his September 23 speech at the U.N., avoids the real problem. (Barry Rubin's analysis of that speech is masterful.)Obama, his predecessors, and most other politicians and pundit...

  • September 2, 2010

    Obama is wrong again!

    In response to the murder of 4 Israelis by Arab terrorists, President Obama said:"the tragedy that we saw yesterday where people were gunned down on the street by terrorists who are purposely trying to undermine these talks ..."The aim of t...

  • September 1, 2010

    O, Palestine!

    The notion of a Palestinian people and Palestinian identity, although taken for granted today, has neither a long nor a distinguished history. Understanding its origins and what it represents explains why the peace process between Israel and the Arab...

  • August 23, 2010

    Obama was wrong to make the mosque issue a religious freedom issue

    President Obama's defense of the right of Muslims to build a mosque and Islamic center in New York City turned the issue into one of religious freedom. That was wrong.He could have said: American law and values do not support discrimination, certain...

  • July 28, 2010

    Europe's Jewish Problem

    Antipathy for Israel among Europeans is alarmingly increasing as campaigns of delegitimization and vilification spread across the world, fueled by Muslim propaganda and money, whetted by the hunger for oil. Even once-friendly European countries, thos...

  • July 6, 2010

    The real story behind Israel's response to the Gaza flotilla

    Although Israel's navy succeeded in stopping a flotilla attempting to break the blockade of Gaza, it lost yet another important PR battle.Organized in Turkey with government approval and sponsored by Insani Yardim Vakfi (IHH), a "humanitarian ai...

  • June 17, 2010

    Charity begins at home

    President Obama has announced that he intends to give $400 million more to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip without conditions, or oversight. This is in addition to $900 million America pledged for Gaza and t...

  • May 13, 2010

    Are Israeli settlements in the West Bank really illegal?

    Although many substantive legal arguments support the right of Jews to build in Judea, Samaria (the West Bank) and eastern Jerusalem, Israeli communities are accused of being "illegal," according to international law. But, what is this ...

  • March 29, 2010

    The Meaning of Exodus

    As if Jews needed a reminder about what a modern rendition of "Pharaoh's heart hardened," President Obama provides an example, emphasizing an important lesson: the Egyptian dictator/king was part of the process of liberation and, ultimately...

  • June 26, 2009

    The 'Rape' of Israel

    Two years ago, Haaretz 's chief editor David Landau advised US Sec of State Condoleezza Rice to "rape Israel," to force it into making concessions. Rice tried to follow Landau's suggestion, but her efforts were not matched by her boss, Pres...

  • June 16, 2009

    Obama's Real Agenda: Israel's Dimona Nuclear Facility

    "I understand those who protest that some countries have weapons that others do not. No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons. That is why I strongly reaffirmed America's commitment to seek a world in which no n...

  • June 5, 2009

    Obama's 'White Paper' of 2009

    Attempting to appease Arabs who had been attacking Jews and rioting throughout Palestine during the late 1930's, Britain, the Mandatory Power, issued a cruel policy statement -- a "White Paper" -- in 1939. Britain restricted the number of J...

  • May 22, 2009

    Sacrificing Israel

    Linking US action against Iran with freezing settlement building, destroying Jewish communities and establishing a second Arab Palestinian state is a set-up for Israel's demonization and destruction. For President Obama, it's a win-win. No matter wha...

  • February 25, 2009

    Hamas and Jihadism

    Problems without solutions are frustrating, especially when the disputes are between warring groups and countries; so politicians, diplomats and envoys spend their time negotiating and trying to hammer out a deal, anything that will show progress.Som...

  • February 13, 2009

    Why Gaza is imploding

    It may be convenient to blame Gaza's disintegration on Israel, but the world, and especially the Arab world knows better. The march toward chaos began with the Oslo Agreements which turned the PLO terrorist organization into the Palestinian Authority...

  • February 9, 2009

    Jihadism in Gaza

    Critics of Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip may have a point: was it necessary? Civilian casualties were high, the IDF lost some fine soldiers, it cost billions, and Israel took a PR hit. Was the incursion worth it? That some wars are necessary an...

  • January 27, 2009

    Rafah tunnels are the key to defeating Hamas

    Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip prompts two basic questions? How did Israel get into this mess? And how can Israel get out?  In focus now, finally, are the estimated hundreds of tunnels under the town of Rafah used to smuggle everythin...

  • January 26, 2009

    Israel's non-war

    According to FM Tsippi Livni, Israel's goals are: "halting the rocket fire and terror from Gaza, stopping the smuggling into Gaza, and international supervision."Boldly, she insisted: "We don't sign agreements with terror; we fight ter...

  • January 9, 2009

    Israel's non-war

    According to FM Tsippi Livni, Israel's goals are: "halting the rocket fire and terror from Gaza, stopping the smuggling into Gaza, and international supervision."Boldly, she insisted: "We don't sign agreements with terror; we fight ter...

  • April 8, 2007

    Scandal: the welfare state of "Palestine"

    According to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) tens of billions of dollars (one-third from US taxpayers, the rest mostly from Canada and European countries) have been spent over the last 50 years providing "Palestinian refugees...