Monte Kuligowski

Monte Kuligowski

  • July 5, 2020

    Shifty Schiff Cannot Re-Impeach for Anything Prior to Jan. 15, 2020

    Even before the ink had dried on their impeachment articles, the Democrats responsible for the House's foolhardy vote on December 8, 2019 were already talking Impeachment 2 in case the original didn't work out. The Senate's vote to acq...

  • June 30, 2020

    Did Obama give a tell about Flynn investigation in his last press conference?

    In her excellent AT piece on the FBI's recently released debriefing notes on the infamous January 5, 2017 White House meeting, Andrea Widburg begins by noting that the breaking story is so big that both the New York Times and Washington Post prom...

  • May 24, 2020

    The Flynn Frame-Up: Everything Was Done by the Book

    Consider the predicament members of the Obama administration were in after Donald John Trump won the 2016 election.  Their undertaking to destroy and stop the Republican nominee for the presidency had failed.  The powerful crimina...

  • May 9, 2020

    Governor Greg Abbott has a Pen, a Phone, and a Tank?

    With the news of a Texas sheriff from Ector County using an armored military vehicle to SWAT-raid a peaceful, albeit armed, protest and arrest bar-owner Gabrielle Ellison, who dared to defy a business shutdown order, a public consensus on the use of ...

  • April 17, 2020

    The IG Audit: Big Problems for Comey and Pals

    How could former FBI director James Comey and his accomplices be so bold as to think they could get away with spying on Carter Page, a 2016 Trump campaign adviser, when they objectively knew Page was not a Russian agent? Answer: Because they had a...

  • January 31, 2020

    The case for Republicans calling impeachment witnesses

    Consider Speaker Nancy Pelosi's break from reality answering a reporter's question Thursday on whether President Trump will become emboldened after he is acquitted by the Senate: You cannot be acquitted if you don't have a trial. You...

  • January 27, 2020

    The Radical Dems: Masters of Projection

    When you have a record of the radical Democrat Party caucus clamoring for impeachment of President Trump immediately after the election and continuing to the present day (and even warning that they will impeach him again and again), it's sort of ...

  • June 24, 2018

    Illegal invaders place children in harm's way

    Have the establishment news media ever been so disingenuous?  Has the demagoguery ever been more pronounced? Time Magazine's Photoshopped cover of President Trump glaring down at an innocent child he heartlessly separated encapsulates i...

  • September 14, 2015

    Stop Saying Same-Sex Marriage is the 'Law of the Land'

    Recently, Donald Trump was asked if the Kentucky clerk of Rowan County, Kim Davis, should issue same-sex marriage licenses.  The Donald responded, "It's the law of the land."  The purpose of this piece is to assist the Republi...

  • September 12, 2015

    Do We Still Have Unalienable Rights?

    Unalienable rights are rights the government cannot take away.  But in order for the principle to work, government cannot be the highest authority. If no consensus of higher authority exists, then government is on its own to determine right a...

  • August 28, 2015

    Can Trump Round Up 20 Million Illegals?

    Donald Trump recently appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s show and was presented with an emotive scenario intended to bring Trump into the quandary of the establishment. In context of rounding up illegals for deportation, Mr. Trump was asked a...

  • March 29, 2015

    Cruz, Obama, and the Eligibility Clause

    Remarkably, we never got an authoritative High Court ruling on what the U.S. Constitution’s presidential eligibility clause actually requires as related to Barack Obama.  As such, Ted Cruz has a big “birther” target on his back...

  • June 9, 2014

    Bergdahl Deal: Not the First Time Obama Risked American Lives after Bypassing Congress

    The chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Diane Feinstein, was visibly upset with Barack Obama upon learning of the president’s secretive Bergdahl deal.  It is reasonable that she and all members of Congress should be outr...

  • October 3, 2013

    Reagan's Banner of Bold Colors Must Now be Even Bolder

    Though he had high ambitions, there is a glaring reason why Edward Moore Kennedy did not have national appeal: he wore his liberalism on his sleeve.  A hard-left statist from Massachusetts could sit in the U.S. Senate for decades, but the Oval O...

  • September 21, 2013

    The Theatre of Barack Obama: The Show Must Go On

    Though his list of offenses against American liberty is lengthy, Barack Obama will not be held accountable.  The American press will never become critical of his words or deeds in a substantive and sustained manner.  And, short of an ep...

  • September 6, 2013

    Barack Obama: Man of the World or Man of Another World?

    During the apex of organized opposition to Barack Obama's mad rush to transform the United States, Shelby Steele wrote a helpful, albeit incomplete piece just prior to the 2010 midterms, titled, "A Referendum on the Redeemer." Steele writes: [Ob...

  • April 8, 2013

    Gay Marriage: Bill O'Reilly Misses the Point

    During the highly publicized exchange between Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham on gay marriage, O'Reilly made this statement: "There are Bible thumpers, and all they do is say, 'I object to gay marriage because God objects to it.' You don't win a pol...

  • July 17, 2012

    Why Obama's College Records Matter

    In context of the "mounting pressure" for Mitt Romney to provide more tax and employment records, a reporter recently asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney whether President Obama would set an example in transparency and release some of his re...

  • May 26, 2012

    Will the 1991 Biography Discovery Force Obama to Open the Hood?

    If you have a young boy, you've probably watched Disney's Cars 2 about a thousand times.  For those who don't know, at the movie's end (an obligatory spoiler warning here), Sir Miles Axlerod is exposed as a fraud when he's forced to open his hoo...

  • May 18, 2012

    Barack Obama: The Original Birther

    We've always known that the original birthers were Democrats. Phillip Berg, a disgruntled Hillary supporter, filed the first lawsuit demanding that Obama produce his mysterious birth certificate.  And now with the blockbuster news from Breitbart...

  • April 19, 2012

    The Sea Change: Obama's Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away

    For several years, an Orwellian-type fear of being "marginalized" held reporters and pundits back from questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to hold the office of the presidency.  To raise an eyebrow at the bizarre secrecy of Obama was off-limi...

  • April 7, 2012

    How Sturdy Is the Obama Narrative that 'Keeps Us Silent'?

    Count Roger Kimball in among those who recognize the totalitarian atmosphere somehow created to protect President Obama.  The entire range of questions related to Mr. Obama's possible ineligibility for the presidency has been rendered taboo. Rec...

  • March 29, 2012

    Can We Learn Something from the Classics about Vetting Obama?

    After my last piece on why it's reasonable to authenticate Obama's elusive birth certificate, I received an e-mail from a reader. His name is Bill Meisler, and he is fluent in ancient Greek. Recently, Bill was reading the speeches of Demosthenes. Bil...

  • March 23, 2012


    Now that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has released his ten-page report on President Obama's purported birth certificate, we are witnessing the predicted response of the establishment national news media: yawns, sighs, and laughter -- but little reporting. Afte...

  • February 26, 2012

    Was Obama's Apology to Karzai Appropriate?

    Once again, President Obama is elevating Islamic beliefs above the vital interests of the United States. The media and NATO are largely reporting the Quran-burning incident in Afghanistan as a major U.S. military blunder -- an accident, if you will. ...

  • February 9, 2012

    The Obama Ballot Challenges: A Crisis of Confidence

    Just a few months ago, FOX News reported on polling data which suggested that "[i]f Americans could cast a 'confidence' vote in the style of European parliaments, President Barack Obama would not fare well. A 56-percent majority would give his admini...

  • October 22, 2011

    What Explains the Left's Affinity for OWS and Abhorrence of the Tea Party?

    The 99ers, which more accurately are 22ers, have no coalescing message other than a desire for a central command-and-control government, whether nationally or globally.  In other words, they share the kindred spirit of redistributive fairness wi...

  • October 19, 2011

    Dear Herman Cain: Replace 9-9-9 with a Flat Tax

    Intrigue over the 9-9-9 plan has lifted Herman Cain to the top position (or number-two spot, depending on the poll) among GOP presidential candidates.  Of course, Cain's dynamic personality and clear articulation of conservatism are also factors...

  • October 14, 2011

    Would you believe 63% favor Obama's 'jobs' bill?

    Would you believe that 63% of Americans are in favor of Obama's new and improved $447 billion 'jobs' bill? Neither would I. But the liberal media would like to create that impression for the impressionable. As the result of a recent poll, one headlin...

  • October 13, 2011

    Note to Herman Cain: Be a little more flexible with 9-9-9

    In the recent Bloomberg/Washington Post Republican presidential debate the moderators wanted the candidates to get specific regarding their economic/jobs plans. That's sort of amusing considering that the level of specificity we got from Obama in 200...

  • October 11, 2011

    Nobel Peace Laureate Assassinates American Citizen

    Good luck reconciling the inconsistencies of President Obama's war and terrorism positions. Of all people to order the summary execution of Muslim terrorists, Barack Obama would not have been the first name to come to mind -- at least not prior to ...

  • September 18, 2011

    ObamaCare's Individual Mandate: A New Twist on Old Despotism

    The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals recently dismissed the Commonwealth of Virginia's lawsuit which challenges the constitutionality of ObamaCare's individual insurance mandate.  The court dismissed the case, asserting that Virginia does no...

  • September 8, 2011

    Rick Perry: Stop Complimenting Obama

    Rule number one for Republican presidential candidates should be: don't compliment Obama. I only had opportunity to watch some of the primary debate last night and my first impression came at the wrong time. Gov. Rick Perry was asked a question and h...

  • August 2, 2011

    Anders Breivik: A Teachable Moment on Fundamentalism

    Liberals have been waiting since 9/11 for a deranged madman they could call a "fundamentalist Christian terrorist" to justify their denial of an Islamic threat -- not to mention the "disastrously stupid" policies which result from the denial.  I...

  • July 23, 2011

    Herman Cain Got It Right on the Right to Ban Mosques

    A common assumption is that a national right of freedom of religion is afforded by the U.S. Constitution.  Regarding the Ground Zero mosque, how many times have we heard that though the imam has the right to build it, maybe that wouldn't be the ...

  • July 16, 2011

    Humberto Leal Garcia and U.S. Federalism

    Humberto Leal Garcia, Jr. was executed by lethal injection by the Texas government on July 7, 2011. Garcia was an illegal alien from Mexico who abducted, raped, sadistically tortured, and murdered a 16-year-old girl on May 21, 1994 in San Antonio, Te...

  • May 3, 2011

    Isn't Execution without Trial Worse than Waterboarding?

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  • April 15, 2011

    Mr. Speaker: You Should Have Listened to Michele Bachmann

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  • April 9, 2011

    Obama's Mishandling of the Quran-Burning

    A Jed Clampett-type figure burns a Quran somewhere in Tennessee, and the Muslim world breaks out in an uproar.  In keeping with Islam's spirit of peace, rioting, effigy-burning, and the indiscriminate killing of over twenty people accompani...

  • April 4, 2011

    Hey, Whoopi: It's Not About Skin Color

    Potential presidential candidate Donald Trump had to negotiate a whole lot of blind emotion as a recent guest on The View.  Like Carrie Prejean, The Donald was handed a question he didn't ask for.  And his answer also left the asker exasper...

  • March 28, 2011

    Did Obama Forget to Have a Gaddafi Meeting 'Without Preconditions'?

    Of all the disturbing and problematic aspects of Obama's post-American military odyssey, what fascinates me is that Obama would rush to half-hearted war with Moammar Gaddafi -- of all people.After seeing the dreadful force of the U.S. military unleas...

  • March 19, 2011

    Sign of the Times: School in NJ named for Obama to close

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  • March 10, 2011

    Predictive: The Chris Matthews Thrill-o-Meter

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  • February 28, 2011

    Allen West vs. Lawrence O'Donnell: No contest

    Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” tried and tried and tried some more to get Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) to apologize and retract his statements that Obama should be willing to go to the location of the troops and pu...

  • February 26, 2011

    Critics say Republican budget cuts could cause 'nuke terror attack'

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  • February 12, 2011

    The Era of the Obama 'Blank Screen' is Over

     Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., a/k/a Barry Soetoro, appeared out of nowhere as a political Melchizedek with a mysterious and unknown past. Obama showed up on the national stage in 2004. His lofty speech at the Democratic National Convention instant...

  • February 5, 2011

    Judge Vinson's Bittersweet ObamaCare Ruling

    Ruling that the ObamaCare insurance mandate is unconstitutional is like saying that water is wet.  Of course it's an unconstitutional abuse of federal power.  If the feds can force people to buy health insurance, there is virtually no limit...

  • January 28, 2011

    State Eligibility Law: Obama's Achilles' Heel in 2012?

    In his recent AT piece, Paul Kengor looks at Obama's aggregate poll numbers and concludes that the president may cruise to reelection in 2012.  And Kengor didn't even factor in the additional votes Obama may secure with our tax dollars via entit...

  • January 14, 2011

    Gibbs 'surprised' at pep-rally atmosphere of 'memorial speech'

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  • January 8, 2011

    Conservative Audacity Ahead

    Candidate Obama ran on a promise to fundamentally transform the United States of America.  Regarding health care, we knew that Obama believed that the system was broken and unfair and that he intended to fix it.So he ran, in part, on the intenti...

  • January 5, 2011

    Do Americans really want to 'tax the rich' to curb the deficit?

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  • January 4, 2011

    Overturning ObamaCare in the Supreme Court Will Not be a Slam Dunk

    U.S. Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius recently coauthored a piece with Eric Holder for the Washington Post, titled "Health reform will survive its legal fight."  To the extent that Judge Henry E. Hudson struck down the "lynch...

  • December 11, 2010

    Another Reason for a Flat Tax: Freedom of Speech

    During early periods of U.S. history, the country relied on tariffs on imported goods and taxes on internal goods to run the federal government.  The first income tax law was enacted to fund the Civil War.  At the end of the 19th century, t...

  • December 11, 2010

    Republicans need to learn to play their hand better

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  • November 22, 2010

    Why Obama Should Lead the Charge to Repeal ObamaCare

    Little doubt remains that Barack Obama is a left-wing ideologue in the strictest sense of the term. The lessons on pragmatism from President Clinton, many conclude, will not be embraced by Brazen Barry.Bill Clinton toyed with the idea of a federal he...

  • November 13, 2010

    The case of Cody Alicea: Ordered to remove American flag from his bike

    Have you heard of 13-year-old Cody Alicea? He rides his bicycle to middle school in Denair, California. He flies the flag of the United States from the rear fender of his bike. He flies the flag to express patriotism and to honor his grandfather and ...

  • November 12, 2010

    Happy Meals and Constitutional Liberty

    I can almost hear the bristly voice of Burgermeister Meisterburger -- "I hate toys and toys hate me" -- from the 1970 Christmas animation. It's not necessarily that the San Francisco council members hate toys; they just feel the need to con...

  • October 28, 2010

    President Obama and Our 'Core American Values'

    Based on the sheer volume of usage, President Obama's teleprompter must love the phrase "our American values." The phrase comes in a close third after "Let me be clear" and "I will call you out on that." Since he uses th...

  • October 19, 2010

    Iran is set to assume OPEC presidency in 2011

    Looks like 2011 could turn out to be quite a year. Peter Schiff, the man who called the mortgage crisis years in advance, is predicting that the dollar will lose 50-70 percent of its value and unemployment will continue to rise in 2011.If that weren'...

  • October 13, 2010

    Are 'gay' parades 'disgusting' or should Paladino 'repent?'

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  • October 10, 2010

    Sociologists: Liberal Policy Didn't Cause the Mortgage Crisis, Racism Did

    "Predatory lending aimed at racially segregated minority neighborhoods led to mass foreclosures that fueled the U.S. housing crisis, according to a new study published in the American Sociological Review." That's how the Reuters story of Oc...

  • October 6, 2010

    Judge hopes Shahzad will think about whether the Quran wants him to kill people

    Federal Judge Miriam Cedarbaum sentenced Faisal Shahzad to life in federal prison on Oct. 5, 2010, for his participation in the botched Times Square car bombing.Prior to sentencing the 31 year old Pakistani-American had a message for Americans: ...

  • October 4, 2010

    Analyzing Democratic trash

    Here's some after rally footage by Breitbart TV comparing Beck's Restoring Honor rally and Saturday's 10-2 rally. The crowd at Beck's conservative rally left the Washington grounds spotless. The crowd at the leftist "One Nation"10-2 rally ...

  • October 2, 2010

    A Clear Danger: Obama, a 'Living Constitution,' and 'Positive Rights'

    I think it's safe to say that President Obama is not exactly fond of the United States Constitution as written. That statement is based on Mr. Obama's own words and his choice of nominees to the federal bench.Mr. Obama the activist-turned-politician ...

  • September 30, 2010

    You finally have your bipartisanship Mr. President, now where's the vote?

    Insanity has become a part of daily life to the point where we might sometimes forget that the most extreme, radical liberals of the Democrat Party have hijacked the party and the country.Sensible Democrats understand that allowing the Bush tax cuts ...

  • September 26, 2010

    Will We Ever Be at War with Islam?

    After the 9/11 attacks, the response of the president was understandable. In light of the millions of peaceful Muslims in the world and of our peaceful relations with certain Islamic countries, President Bush was mindful not to overgeneralize and off...

  • September 23, 2010

    On the road again selling health care reform

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  • September 20, 2010

    The Tea Party and religious right as a 'Coalition of fear?'

    One of the few immutable facts of life is that the adherents of the lunatic left will always tell you what they fear the most. The far left is terrified of the religious right and the Tea Party movement, respectively. Put the two together as a united...

  • September 19, 2010

    It's a Long Way Back to the Constitution

    Back when Candidate Obama announced that he was only five days away from "fundamentally transforming the United States," most people didn't know what that meant any more than they knew who Obama was.Obama was true to his word, and in just u...

  • September 10, 2010

    A little election reminder: Congress has not passed a 2011 budget

    Byron York has a great piece out that highlights the awkward position of congressional Democrats who voted for ObamaCare. With the midterm elections fast approaching, the once-celebratory Democrats are now silent about their "historic" a...

  • September 9, 2010

    Obama's transparency and Gore's school: Iconic and Ironic

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  • September 7, 2010

    Obama, the 'leader of all Muslims'?

    While the American leftist establishment continues to wonder why so many Americans could possibly believe that President Obama is a Muslim, a Pakistani Minister of State isn't troubled by the question. Here's a news story you're not likely to hear on...

  • September 1, 2010

    Why did the Rev. Al Sharpton oppose Beck's rally?

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  • August 27, 2010

    Does Time magazine want to create anti-mosque phobia?

    Time magazine's recent cover displays Islam's crescent moon and star fitted with the United States flag. The magazine asks the question, "Is America Islamophobic?" The question is generating quite a buzz."What the anti-mosque uproar t...

  • August 21, 2010

    As economy worsens and unemployment climbs, Obama takes vacation

    Opening Yahoo!'s homepage today I glanced over the news headlines. The headline that got my attention reads, "Oil spill plugged and Iraq combat over, Obama takes break."What a shameful attempt at covering for the liberal messiah who is tak...

  • January 22, 2010

    Obama on July 13, 2009: 'Don't bet against us'

    "Pride goeth before a fall," says the old proverb. The level of unabashed arrogance displayed by the Obama administration over the past year would naturally produce a commensurate fall. It just happened to come sooner rather than later.We m...

  • December 31, 2009

    Obama's Game of False Choices

    "Let me be clear," "Failure is not an option," and "I reject that false choice" appear to be three of Barack Obama's top phrases. They are the hallmarks of Obama-style rhetoric. Of the three, let's consider the Obama tac...

  • December 22, 2009

    Mr. Obama: Tear Down Your Wall of Secrecy

    Everyone has gotten the memo by this point: Do not question Barack Obama. Even conservatives have been warned by other conservatives about mentioning the secrecy issue: It's pointless and can only harm conservatism.Recently, Rusty Humphries broke the...

  • December 21, 2009

    Obama agrees to 'cap' the global temperature rise

    Politico reported that, “President Obama and world leaders are on the verge of finalizing a climate deal that caps the global temperature rise at 1.5 degrees,” just before the “Copenhagen Accord” was confirmed.My first though...

  • December 18, 2009

    Global warming is in deep manure

    President Obama’s agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack announced at the Copenhagen climate change summit that methane gas emissions from the U.S. dairy industry will be reduced by 25 percent by 2020. Step aside big oil and big industry, now we hav...

  • December 12, 2009

    The Shocking Lesson from the Climate Scandal

    President Obama's complete lack of concern for the fraudulent science associated with global warming is contrasted by the common sense of Sarah Palin. The gutsy Alaskan suggested that Obama ought to hold his horses on the whole climate change thing u...

  • December 10, 2009

    Will Charlie Gibson leave another scandal to the 'Cables'?

    Approximately a week after the ACORN video scandal broke Charlie Gibson was a guest on WLS-AM out of Chicago. He was asked why the networks were not covering the story. After nervous laughter and admitting he wasn’t even aware of the story, he ...

  • December 2, 2009

    Riding Out the Obama Surge

    Senator John McCain is among many to have expressed the obvious with regard to Obama’s pending Afghanistan surge: A rapid deployment of 30 thousand troops with a concrete withdraw date shortly thereafter sends a mixed message to the world.To th...

  • November 24, 2009

    9/11 Victims on the Mohammed Jury?

    Last Thursday I had a conversation with Silvio Canto Jr., as a guest on his blog radio show out of Dallas. We discussed my AT article, “Obama’s NYC Show: Starring Khalid Mohammed.” We touched on the issue of jury selection and this...

  • November 20, 2009

    The farce of Obama not knowing

    Mr. Obama is very skilled at insulating himself from political fallout. The administration claims that Obama doesn’t know what his left hand man, Eric Holder, is doing. But in the matter of Holder’s decision to bring Khalid Shaikh Mohamme...

  • November 18, 2009

    Palin on the Run?

    I’ve read some misguided partisan ranting before, but the piece, “Gone Rogue” (how original) by Newsweek’s Evan Thomas is in a class by itself. That it passes for a news story is telling of how detached the elitists in media r...

  • November 16, 2009

    Obama's NYC Show: Starring Khalid Mohammed

    The latest affront to American security is the Obama administration's decision to hold civilian trials for five of the 9/11-associated terrorists. For now, five other Gitmo inmates are scheduled to be tried as enemy combatants on foreign soil by mili...

  • November 14, 2009

    The AP goes rogue fact checking Sarah Palin

    An AP article was released today which purports to fact check Sarah Palin’s claims in her new book. It took a village of AP writers to denounce Palin under the guise of fact checking. Weighing in at 1,594 words, it’s a booklet against a b...

  • November 13, 2009

    Should General George Casey Resign?

    It has taken several days for me to muster the fortitude to even think about the despicable words of General George Casey, Jr., much less put a few thoughts on the screen.The American people might expect such contemptible words from those who represe...

  • November 12, 2009

    Is Obama's approval rating really at 54 percent?

    A new poll by AP-GfK has Obama’s approval rating at 54 percent. I reported a few weeks back on how the poll might be engineered to favor Obama. Today, I have some shocking news as to how the AP-GfK poll was framed when Bush was president.With ...

  • November 11, 2009

    Obama's Post-American World

    When thinking about what defines the Obama doctrine, we might be tempted to say it encompasses blaming America first or apologizing to the world for an unjust America. It would be accurate to observe that Mr. Obama has done both, but those events mer...

  • November 10, 2009

    Liberal terror at Fort Hood: Hasan could be misjudged

    In an amazing twist of irony, Obama said we must wait for the facts before jumping to conclusions about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. How many more “facts” does Obama need about Hasan?Many so-called journalists of the mainstream seem to be mo...

  • November 8, 2009

    As the Clock Struck Midnight the Left Rejoiced

    H.R. 3200 didn’t make it to a House vote. So the Democrats doubled the size of the bill by adding another thousand pages of bureaucratic madness, imposed a mandate on purchasing insurance, cut $400 billion in Medicare to partially pay for it, a...

  • November 6, 2009

    What C-SPAN Cameras?

    How does one take a president seriously who preaches about a new era of transparency while sealing his complete birth certificate, college records, and passports? Why talk about transparency while hiding bare minimum information that past politicians...

  • November 5, 2009

    Who says Scozzafava is a 'moderate' Republican?

    The left has been defining the political debate in America for decades. The left frames an issue and often the right repeats the narrative, naively agreeing with the Democrats.The most recent example comes out of the fiasco from NY-23. When Dede Scoz...

  • November 4, 2009

    Will Obama's Health Care Deadline Change Again?

    Consider the labor required to draft a couple thousand pages of health care “reform.” Unless the “bill” had been prewritten by special interest groups, the typing alone would have been painstaking. Even before hitting the keys...

  • October 29, 2009

    The Audacity of Image: Obama at Dover

    Some journalists, most notably Ben Feller of the Associated Press, are fawning over President Obama’s pre-dawn photo op at Dover Air Force Base earlier today. Feller should be ashamed of himself by insinuating that, though former President Geor...

  • October 28, 2009

    Health Care 'Reform' and Afghanistan: A Study in Obama's Priorities

    Everything you need to know about Barack Obama is being revealed from his decisiveness and indecisiveness on the respective topics of health care and war.On health care, Obama wanted a bill on his desk before Congress took its break back in August. N...

  • October 27, 2009

    Is Barack Obama 'too nice' for his own good?

    Delusion is in the air, as media supporters of President Obama grapple with his accumulating record of failure. "With problems for the president in Afghanistan, health care and unemployment, some critics on both the left and right are asking: Is...

  • October 24, 2009

    Media Discovering that Obama Balloon a Hoax

    It was a tremendous run in voyeurism while it lasted. It was big and shiny and puffed up and filled with hot air. It rose quickly and soared high and far. It was larger than life. But it couldn’t stay afloat forever. The Obama image was put tog...

  • October 21, 2009

    Fifty-seven percent want a public option?

    Based on the reporting (cheerleading) of the press one might think that health care “reform” is a ballot initiative set for an upcoming public vote. Like everything to do with Obama it’s turning into one big popularity contest based...

  • October 16, 2009

    When Will a National Voter Fraud Investigation of ACORN Begin?

    Almost daily, news stories covering the current voter fraud investigation in Afghanistan are reported across the oceans. The barrage of stories ought to cause Americans to pause and remember the little unresolved issue in the United States. Whatever...

  • October 15, 2009

    The Recession is Over

    “The worst U.S. recession since the Great Depression has ended, but weak household spending as the labor market struggles to create jobs will slow the pace of the economy's recovery,” says Reuters citing a newly released “survey....

  • October 14, 2009

    Health Care Reform Chicago Style

    "Those who champion health care reform bills are breathing a sigh of relief" after the release of the Congressional Budget Office's preliminary estimates of the so-called Baucus bill. That's how Diane Sawyer put it (except she didn't call i...

  • October 10, 2009

    The Styrofoam President

    All President Obama needed to further illustrate the emptiness of the Nobel Peace Prize committee’s decision were the Styrofoam columns. White House staff should have busted them out of prop storage and placed them behind Mr. Obama as he respon...

  • October 7, 2009

    Who's Vetting These Guys?

    "Who is vetting these guys?" is the question many are asking in reference to all the President's czars. It's a sort of déjà vu. The same question was asked back when Obama was selecting his cabinet and other appointees. Far fr...

  • October 7, 2009

    How About Those Obama Approval Ratings?

    New AP-GfK poll results were released Tue., Oct. 6 revealing that Barack Obama’s approval rating is up 6 points from last month to 56 percent. It’s the first his ratings have gone up since taking office.Just five day prior, the same day O...

  • October 3, 2009

    The Swiss Health Care Model Won't Work in the United States

    Now that the "public option" health care proposal has become a political hazard, the far left and its water-carrying media are turning to other proposals. The New York Times recently produced a piece lauding the Swiss health care system as ...

  • September 16, 2009

    Calling Obama Out on HealthCare

    At his nationally televised address to Congress on Sept. 9, President Obama talked long and hard in an effort to sell his grandiose healthcare scheme. Meanwhile, the 800-pound gorilla in the room representing the town hall protests across the country...

  • September 15, 2009

    My, How the Tables Have Turned on Charlie Gibson

    Remember back to the 2008 presidential campaign to the Charlie Gibson interview of Sarah Palin. Specifically, visualize a snooty Charlie looking over the rims of his reading glasses at the reprehensible sight of an unsophisticated chillbilly.Oh, the ...

  • September 14, 2009

    Obama: 'The Time for Games has Passed'

    With Obama as President we should expect a new level of surrealness (yes, it’s a made up word) with each approaching day. The whole experience is like a crazy dream from which many Americans would like to awaken.Reuter’s news service repo...

  • September 13, 2009

    What Place Do Demands and Threats Have in Public Debate?

    There is something terribly wrong with using these words, “The president warns his critics and tries to seize the reins of the health care debate at a rally,” to described a news headline on the healthcare “debate.” Since when...

  • September 11, 2009

    Why Obama Won't 'Hit the Reset Button' on Health Care

    In spite of unexpected public opposition, President Barack Obama continues to unflinchingly "guarantee" that he will "reform" healthcare this year. Recently, he said the Democrats will get it "done one way or another," h...

  • September 9, 2009

    I Think the Racists in the Left Wing are Upset

    President Obama’s old pastor, Jeremiah White-Folks’-Greed Wright, recently made a phenomenal statement that carries tremendous insight into the worldview of the radical left. On the subject of Obama’s proposed healthcare “refo...

  • September 5, 2009

    ObamaCare: Establishing God's Kingdom on Earth

    An interesting reason for the "natural born" provision of the U.S. Constitution is that the founders thought it might be important for the sitting president to understand and defend the basic principles of American freedom. The universal he...

  • August 26, 2009

    Is Glenn Beck Allowed to Believe Obama is a Racist?

    “Glenn Beck Loses Advertisers Over ‘Racist’ Remark,” is the news headline the left is relishing in. The animation over Beck’s remarks in stating that he believes President Obama has a “deep-seated hatred for white ...

  • August 25, 2009

    Dr. Obama and the Hypocrite's Oath

    President Obama's preferred method of implementing his leftist agenda is to rush emergency, must-sign-yesterday bills through Congress. Forget about reading the legislation. Just trust Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer and Barney Frank with the details.Th...

  • April 25, 2009

    The Interrogation Memos and the 'Moral Bearings' of President Obama

    President Obama made a striking statement after his partisan and security-jeopardizing decision to release post 9/11 memos on the Bush administration’s policies relating to interrogation of terrorists. Classifying “waterboarding” as...

  • April 12, 2009

    Obama's 'Christian Nation'

    President Obama is taking a fair amount of heat from conservatives for his recent comments in Turkey in which, speaking for Americans, he said that, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation; we consi...

  • March 16, 2009

    Obama's Charity Problem

    A curious feature of the most outspoken proponents of government redistribution of taxpayer money is that, often they are the stingiest among us when it comes to donating their own wealth to charity.In her new book and column of March 12, Ann Coulter...

  • March 5, 2009

    Smoke and Mirrors: The Magic of Barack Obama

    Every good magician can alter one's perception of reality by use of deception. In context of a magic show, trickery is a good thing; when it comes to a political show, it's not so good. President Obama has come to be known as one of the most eloquent...

  • February 16, 2009

    President Obama and the Politics of Fear

    In an unprecedented campaign to sell his trillion-dollar taxpayer spending plan, President Obama has gone beyond talking down the economy. During his first nationally televised news conference, President Obama warned of a pending economic "catas...

  • January 20, 2009

    Inauguration 2009: 'So Help Us God'

    The fact that Pastor Rick Warren's invitation from Barack Obama to offer prayer at the 2009 Inauguration generated controversy and newsworthy protest speaks loudly about where we are as a people. The news of that invitation would not have generated a...

  • January 15, 2009

    The Meat and Potatoes of Child Indoctrination

    The Today Show recently featured a segment with Madelyn Fernstrom, a diet and nutrition expert, in which parents were taught how to facilitate their children, "some as young as seven, eight and nine," who "choose meatless diets."W...

  • January 7, 2009

    Inauguration 2009: 'So Help Me God' At Risk

    With the approach of the presidential inauguration, America's most notorious atheist, Michael Newdow, is back in the headlines. Once again, he and an assortment of other plaintiffs are challenging the long-standing addendum, "So help me God,...