Molly Slag

Molly Slag

  • Getting rid of the federal Department of Education is just the beginning

    March 19, 2025

    Getting rid of the federal Department of Education is just the beginning

    Few federal agencies warrant dissolution as much as the Department of Education. A bill in Congress to achieve just that has been introduced, the “States’ Education Reclamation Act.” Jeffrey A. Tucker explains that the Act won...

  • The time of the hoax

    March 17, 2025

    The time of the hoax

    We live in the time of the hoax. Our lives are daily buffeted by lies great and small. Hoaxes blow through our lives like a windstorm. Every morning at bootup, we are greeted by a blizzard of hoaxes: the cancellation of accounts we don’t hav...

  • The China Connection?

    March 9, 2025

    The China Connection?

    A dramatic illustration of how wokism is injuring US national security is currently on display in the nation’s news media. On March 7, a Portland Hoodline headline blared “Trio of U.S. Army Soldiers at Joint Base Lewis-McChord Indicted fo...

  • Calculus is the heart of applied mathematics, but US students aren’t prepared for it

    February 10, 2025

    Calculus is the heart of applied mathematics, but US students aren’t prepared for it

    While Democrats focus on the liberal arts, which train students to be leftist activists beginning in grade school, it is the STEM studies that keep America functioning. As students ascend that ladder of mathematical logic, calculus becomes central to...

  • Too many of America’s schoolchildren are being taught to hate Jews

    February 6, 2025

    Too many of America’s schoolchildren are being taught to hate Jews

    It should be no surprise that the lesson of the Holocaust and the lesson of October 7 are the same: Man’s capacity to hate and impose horrific inhumanity on his fellows is without bound. Although there is no question about this unbounded cap...

  • The Supreme Court could invalidate birthright citizenship

    January 25, 2025

    The Supreme Court could invalidate birthright citizenship

    The birthright citizenship dispute is surely destined for the United States Supreme Court. Is there any legal authority for that court to issue a decision abrogating birthright citizenship for the offspring of illegal aliens? The foundational rock...

  • Practical steps to improve America’s higher education system

    January 19, 2025

    Practical steps to improve America’s higher education system

    America’s higher education system is in freefall, for young adults are indoctrinated, not educated. It doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine you are a mouse in the corner of the conference room when the Board of Trustees of a small Midwest...

  • The UFO swarm yields to a logical explanation

    December 23, 2024

    The UFO swarm yields to a logical explanation

    The most remarkable feature of the UFO swarm that began November 18 over New Jersey and then expanded in short order to infest New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Oregon, Minnesota, California, Texas (and where else?), with an average of 92 sightings p...

  • It’s not enough to dismantle the Department of Education

    December 13, 2024

    It’s not enough to dismantle the Department of Education

    President Trump proposes to dismantle the federal Department of Education and return education policy to the states. That will certainly be a good move, as the federal DOE has been a key promoter of the woke component of the education establishment, ...

  • Tennessee protects its children from transgender madness

    December 8, 2024

    Tennessee protects its children from transgender madness

    We answered a knock at our door the other day to find our friend Angela on our doorstep all in a panic. It seems her doctor announced that Angela’s ten-year-old Jimmy is suffering from species dysphoria and wants Angela to authorize surgery to ...

  • Understanding civics means understanding how to deal with bullies

    December 2, 2024

    Understanding civics means understanding how to deal with bullies

    The push is on to upgrade the study of civics in both K-12 and Higher Ed. “Civics” has been officially defined as “the study of the civil and political rights and obligations of citizens in a society.” An essential componen...

  • Trump’s Necessary War On The Pro-Marxist College Accreditation System

    November 27, 2024

    Trump’s Necessary War On The Pro-Marxist College Accreditation System

    As is well-known, politics is the art of influencing behavior. As is also well-known, America’s institutions of higher education uniformly behave with a political orientation that renders them exponents of leftism, socialism, communism, and ant...

  • The Constitution and the administrative state

    November 17, 2024

    The Constitution and the administrative state

    As the news coverage of Donald Trump’s cabinet selections has shouldered aside news coverage about Democrat loser hysteria, a silent Tenth Amendment puzzle is haunting the Trump true believer. This apprehension arises as department heads are ap...

  • Legislative transitivity—or the return of the divine right of kings

    November 10, 2024

    Legislative transitivity—or the return of the divine right of kings

    In any political history, there will surely be a lengthy chapter on legislative transitivity, the secret passageway through which the Divine Right of Kings has been restored to the executive in erstwhile democracies. In mankind’s long strugg...

  • Are North Dakota’s property taxes immoral?

    October 29, 2024

    Are North Dakota’s property taxes immoral?

    The coming election of November 5, 2024, presents several interesting issues for voters besides the presidency. One among these is ballot measure #4 in North Dakota which would eliminate the property tax. “Property taxes are the most egregio...

  • Our Current Government Is No Longer Constitutional

    October 18, 2024

    Our Current Government Is No Longer Constitutional

    September 17 was Constitution Day, a day set aside for American patriots to commemorate the moment 237 years ago, when delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed that document. It’s all the day when a prominent Philadelphia matron, Eliza...

  • Tariffs versus free trade is a more complicated issue than most realize

    October 6, 2024

    Tariffs versus free trade is a more complicated issue than most realize

    Today, we find ourselves witness to a troubling dispute between supporters of free trade and supporters of tariffs. I say “troubling” because many of us find ourselves simultaneously on different sides of the dispute. In fact, because of ...

  • What we must do the day after Trump wins

    September 15, 2024

    What we must do the day after Trump wins

    Cats in Ohio are in the news these days. But the really big cat is the Cat-5 storm that will descend upon this nation on November 6, the day after Trump’s third election. November 6 is the day the excrement is really going to hit the fan as ...

  • There's a reason women have given up on having children

    September 8, 2024

    There's a reason women have given up on having children

    It was a wholly unexpected split-second flash of lightning. Still, it may have illuminated an impenetrable mystery we meet at every turn: How can it possibly be that women are giving up on having children? Every human is unique. And every human ha...

  • Vexing questions about sex, the CCP, population decline, and more

    September 1, 2024

    Vexing questions about sex, the CCP, population decline, and more

    Those who love to read but eschew lies and smears have time on their hands these days to contemplate life’s mysteries. A short list of mysteries worthy of contemplation might include the following five: Mystery #1: Why would the Olympics giv...

  • The Property Tax Scam

    August 17, 2024

    The Property Tax Scam

    Like pandemics and climate change, inflation is a handy smokescreen for government overreach. The modus operandi of this deception is the doctrine that “inflated property values inflate property taxes.” While that has a plausible ring to ...

  • President Trump’s ‘day one’ blitz

    August 13, 2024

    President Trump’s ‘day one’ blitz

    It is common knowledge that the Democrats plan to steal the 2024 election and, failing that, to bog Donald Trump down with lawfare so that responding to the litigation absorbs all his time and energy, leaving nothing to devote to the problems our nat...

  • Two Critical Battles Lie Ahead For Trump

    July 29, 2024

    Two Critical Battles Lie Ahead For Trump

    If Donald Trump wishes to implement his Trump 2.0 agenda, he must first win two critical battles: The Battle of the Steal and the Battle of the Deep State. Precisely because the Democrat Party successfully stole the 2020 election, they will be pul...

  • Getting to Ground Zero in the assassination attempt investigation

    July 21, 2024

    Getting to Ground Zero in the assassination attempt investigation

    For Congress to get to the bottom of the assassination attempt against Trump, it must ask the right person the right question. (Hint: Kimberly Cheatle is not the right person.) The good news is that Congress wants to get to the bottom of the secur...

  • The media’s hysterical anti-Trump propaganda manipulates lonely boys’ heroic dreams

    July 20, 2024

    The media’s hysterical anti-Trump propaganda manipulates lonely boys’ heroic dreams

    A stray snippet at my local Starbucks made me realize the visceral way in which the mainstream media shapes public perceptions about Donald Trump. The picture they paint of Trump—a picture unrelated to the real man and his time in office—...

  • Inch by inch, the Supreme Court is clawing back constitutional governance in the USA

    July 9, 2024

    Inch by inch, the Supreme Court is clawing back constitutional governance in the USA

    Despite all the recent talk about “our democracy,” the United States today is not a democracy. This is easy to understand. The concept of democracy says that the people governed are the government. In a large civilization, this means not ...

  • Countering the myth that emergency abortions are banned in Idaho

    June 30, 2024

    Countering the myth that emergency abortions are banned in Idaho

    If you have been in a hospital emergency room lately, you will have noticed a poster on the wall proclaiming in 15 or 20 different languages that the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) (42 U.S. Code § 1395dd - LII ...

  • Idaho clamps down on its RINOS

    June 23, 2024

    Idaho clamps down on its RINOS

    Would you like to hear about a bright ray of political sunshine penetrating the dense political cloud cover? The Republican Party has long been haunted by the specter of platform infidelity on the part of the party’s elected officeholders. F...

  • The Navy’s 20th century war plan for Taiwan

    June 20, 2024

    The Navy’s 20th century war plan for Taiwan

    No one doubts the wisdom of the Latin adage Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war). Of course, the term “war” in that proverb means the next war, not the last war. Unfortunately, generals struggle with that, so muc...

  • Our legal system isn’t the problem; it’s the people in charge who are

    June 6, 2024

    Our legal system isn’t the problem; it’s the people in charge who are

    The daily rant since the Trump verdict regarding our “political,” “weaponized,” and corrupt criminal justice system calls vividly to mind my first law job: teaching a law class in the maximum security division of the state pen...

  • Ending The Administrative State And Restoring Procreation To America

    May 23, 2024

    Ending The Administrative State And Restoring Procreation To America

    Under the general heading of “The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same,” we can note that both Romulus in ancient times and the USA today wrestle alike with the problem of a baby shortage. Romulus then, and the USA and the e...

  • The death cult in American classrooms

    May 9, 2024

    The death cult in American classrooms

    Could the campus intifada of our “best and the brightest” be a blessing in disguise, a klaxon klanging in the night? Let us first distinguish the campus intifada mob from the Vietnam War protestors of 1967. The agendas of these two gro...

  • Mathematics Is The Universal Language of Pure Logic

    April 27, 2024

    Mathematics Is The Universal Language of Pure Logic

    The progressive demand that math education be revised to promote the DEI agenda raises fundamental questions about the nature of mathematics, its relationship to society, and its role in education and life. We already understand that the relations...

  • They say they’re the police, but are they really? What would you do?

    April 21, 2024

    They say they’re the police, but are they really? What would you do?

    Last Sunday afternoon’s neighborhood coffee klatch at the local Grange Hall took an unusual twist. After the usual introductory good fellowship chit-chat, Harvey, one of the old-timers in the neighborhood, seized the center of the conversationa...

  • The art of the happy tradwife

    April 15, 2024

    The art of the happy tradwife

    The American tradwife is no submissive slave. Instead, she is voluntarily following a great American tradition that will optimize her happiness and that of her children. We’re nearing April 19, the date of the Battle of Lexington/Concord of ...

  • The Law’s Inexorable Logic Should Eventually Favor Trump

    April 3, 2024

    The Law’s Inexorable Logic Should Eventually Favor Trump

    The current status of the New York civil fraud case that New York Attorney Letitia James filed against Donald Trump, and that resulted in a huge ruling against him, thanks to Judge Arthur Engoron, is just a little bit of a puzzle. In the short term, ...

  • The 2024 election: the apocalypse or a chance for renewal

    March 8, 2024

    The 2024 election: the apocalypse or a chance for renewal

    We’re living on the edge. The nation is on the edge. Maybe the whole planet is. It is very daunting, and I dread imminent catastrophe in two guises: political and military. We Americans must turn out in November to vote en masse to get Donald T...

  • The leftist war against women’s yearning for a family

    February 16, 2024

    The leftist war against women’s yearning for a family

    We girls in the Cascade Bridge Club listened incredulously as Marge told us that her daughter, Esmeralda, had just shed her bigtime Assistant Manager job in some e-commerce corporation and had gone home to “have babies and make a home for my hu...

  • Do We Have A Democracy?

    February 10, 2024

    Do We Have A Democracy?

    The issue of whether the USA is a democracy continues to arise. The simple truth is: No, the USA is not a democracy, not even a representative democracy, although it once was. That needs to change if America is to survive. Theoretically, we live i...

  • January 31, 2024

    At Eagle Pass, the Constitution’s history and text completely support Texas’s stand

    The standoff at Eagle Park creates a special moment known in the ed biz as a “teachable moment” regarding the Constitution’s doctrine of federalism. The chief point to grasp here is that 13 independent sovereign states created an...

  • January 27, 2024

    Conservatives vote for policies, but all Democrats have is personal attacks

    My dear friend Terecita relates an interesting encounter yesterday at the supermarket. As she left the building sporting a T-shirt commanding “Vote for Trump,” a handsome young man politely asked her, “Do you like Trump?” Tere...

  • January 11, 2024

    The year 2024 promises epic defense issues and election turmoil

    The sitrep of the American Republic at the start of 2024 can be accurately described as bella premunt hostilia (“our foes press on from every side”), an OrcBorg full-court press, soberly calling for all hands on deck to repel boarder...

  • December 25, 2023

    The ladies’ bridge club looks at the Colorado decision booting Trump from the ballot

    The ladies’ faces became ashen as they turned to stare at Lilly. “What did you say?” asked Wanda. “I said I am feeling really anxious today,” replied Lilly. “Yes, but why did you say you are feeling anxious?...

  • December 17, 2023

    It’s easy to expose the fraud behind so-called ‘gender-affirmation surgery’

    Fortunately for us, the world is binary. Truth value is binary. Of the four kinds of sentences in the English language—declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogatory—only one, the declarative, has a truth value, and that truth va...

  • December 3, 2023

    The female of the species; or it’s time to mobilize the matrons

    I overheard a conversation at Walmart that gave me an idea about an unlikely group of warriors who might be able to save America. The conversation was between two women, one small, frail, and lively, the other portly, serene, and demure. “Yo...

  • November 30, 2023

    The moral abyss of the Left’s anti-Semitism

    Just what is it with anti-Semitism? The horrific October 7 pogrom brought the Jew-hating progressive cockroaches out of the woodwork on our college campuses, in our cities, and in the cities of Europe. Allan Dershowitz says, “This has become an...

  • November 22, 2023

    The federal government and states have the power to go after rampant antisemitism

    What to do with the Jew-haters who walk among us? They fall into two broad categories: non-citizens and citizens, and the answer depends on the category into which they fall. For the non-citizen category, Newt Gingrich writes, “Americans ove...

  • November 14, 2023

    The warfare we’re seeing now is man’s natural state and there’s a natural response

    Urged on by my cat, who seemed decidedly worried about my 5th-grade granddaughter, I found her weeping over her home-school history lesson. Looking up, she complained through her tears, “Grandma, why is history just a list of wars? I can’...

  • November 9, 2023

    Does religious freedom in America extend to killing Jews?

    (The following is a satirical dramatization with a serious lesson about religious rights in America.) Our gossip gang met at the back fence this morning; Mrs. Muhammad appearing with all her children in tow. “Why all the kids?” M...

  • November 3, 2023

    The October 7 massacre in Israel raises important questions for America

    The events of October 7 press three troubling questions upon us. Question #1: Why Do Muslims hate Jews? This question has been simmering for a long time. We have probably all known the answer for years, but a recent flurry of internet postings ...

  • October 22, 2023

    As surely as leaves fall, the left comes up with ideological hoaxes

    As I watch the season change, as it always does, I can’t help thinking that there’s the same inevitably to leftists introducing really terrible ideas into America—call them intellectual or ideological hoaxes, if you will. October...

  • October 16, 2023

    The Tragedy of Toleration

    Expending further effort to convince readers that we’re in a pickle seems like beating a dead horse, as most everyone sees that now. But among the many remaining puzzles that confront our minds, two are very salient: (1) Exactly how did we get ...

  • October 11, 2023

    There’s a correct question to ask to learn if we’re at risk and then to block that risk

    May we talk? While Harvard students, Democrat Socialists, and New Yorkers dance in the streets and Israel clambers to its feet in the Simchat Torah war that began on October 7, sponsored by Iran, funded in part by the...

  • October 1, 2023

    The ‘Trad Wife’ longs for a time when women truly mattered

    We boomer grannies grew up in a Norman Rockwell painting and accordingly hold the 1976 motion picture Baby Blue Marine in high regard, as the opening scene of that film begins with a Norman Rockwell painting that dissolves into action and then the ac...

  • September 30, 2023

    The American status quo as we edge from summer to fall

    As we segue from the Month of the Autumn Leaf into the Month of the Pumpkin, let us contemplate a brief sketch of the status quo we face, in national defense, internationally, and domestically. And if some of these strike you as far-fetched, remember...

  • September 17, 2023

    Disputes among physicists about the nature of beauty can be refreshing.

    In 2015, physicist Frank Wilczek published A Beautiful Question, a delight everyone should read, which he described as a meditation on the question, “Does the world embody beautiful ideas?” Some three hundred pages after propounding the q...

  • September 14, 2023

    Is Governor Grisham's order suspending the Second Amendment a trial balloon?

    Ho, hum.  The debacle in Albuquerque is both boring and amusing.  On September 8, New Mexico's Governor Lujan Grisham announced a "public health emergency" 30-day ban on carrying firearms in the City of Albuquerque w...

  • September 9, 2023

    It feels as if our political leaders are pushing us to the edge of the cliff

    At last! I just knew this could not remain hidden forever! Kudos to the sleuths at the Babylon Bee for uncovering the true identity of our deep-state overlords! Yes, I’m kidding about their reptilian nature, but it works as a useful analogy. Af...

  • September 4, 2023

    The Democrats are systematically attacking reality, but we can win

    Americans are awash in creative opportunities to evade reality: social media, motion pictures, computer games, recreational drugs, alcohol, sports, etc. We call it “escapism,” meaning escape from reality. But, of course, that’s a mi...

  • August 29, 2023

    Through action and inaction, Hawaiian bureaucrats helped clear land in Maui

    When you look at what happened in Hawaii, one of the things that stands out is that government agencies acted or refrained from acting in ways that were almost certain to speed Lahaina's destruction and end people's ties to the land (and thei...

  • August 13, 2023

    Can There Be A Peace Plan For Taiwan?

    It appears that time is running short when it comes to the question of whether China will attack Taiwan. However, contrary to conventional wisdom, a Chinese victory is not inevitable. If regional nations and other, more powerful countries are willing...

  • August 1, 2023

    Legislating conservative change

    As is discussed daily in these pages, America has many serious problems.  Some of these problems require revolutionary change.  But some others may be fixed or at least significantly alleviated by a carefully aimed rifle-shot stat...

  • July 23, 2023

    The Bible undergirds American law

    We can gain an insight into just how far America has fallen by examining two facts that are neither generally known nor mentioned today: (1) The common law of England is the fundamental law of America, and (2) Biblical morality is embedded in the com...

  • July 20, 2023

    America’s Degradation Is No Accident

    Do you remember the 1966 film The Sand Pebbles? In the closing scene, sailor Jake Holman (Steve McQueen) is killed by two rifle shots fired by soldiers during the Chinese Nationalist Northern Expedition. The two shots are a few seconds apart. After r...

  • July 6, 2023

    The family can strike back

    Realizing that the woke campaign against America targets the family for destruction as the chief vehicle for undermining America, it has become evident today that the American family needs a Frederick Remington Dash-for-the-Timber of reason and moral...

  • June 27, 2023

    America's parents must teach their kids to be ideological commandos

    Queerdom is coming for our children — and our nation's schools are Ground Zero. One doesn't need to find an invisible conspiracy to know they're coming for our children.  After all, it's what the San Francisco Gay M...

  • June 13, 2023

    It’s time for conservatives to address two gathering crises

    Conservative activists gathered in Denver this weekend for the 2023 Western Conservative Summit as the mainstream media breathlessly reported the indictments of DJT. There are two crisis-level issues I hope got their attention: First, the threat o...

  • April 22, 2023

    The invisible 'fox hunt' taking place in America

    Chinese police stations in the USA are a hot topic in the news these days, with two arrests made in New York and six stations claimed in Texas. These, we’re told, were the “illegal” stations. Simultaneously, it’s being reporte...

  • April 6, 2023

    Democrats ignoring core principles put America in peril

    Considering current events, it may be appropriate to reflect on selected principles that are perpetually applicable, no matter the time or place.  Democrats, by ignoring them, are hastening a dystopian future in America. The Carousel Pri...

  • March 25, 2023

    The Trad Wife is the ultimate expression of female power

    Binary distinctions lie at the heart of reality. “Truth value” comes in only two forms: true and false. There is nothing in between. Even as you read this, that is an absolute truth. At every instant, every circuit on your computer’...

  • March 17, 2023

    Twelve reasons things are not going well in America

    Anyone paying attention to the news, even if following only mainstream outlets, knows that something is terribly wrong in America. Day by day it becomes more and more evident that a large portion of our citizenry does not comprehend the enormity of t...

  • February 22, 2023

    America Errs In Viewing Ukraine As A Template For Taiwan

    A few days ago, on several internet news sites, a bone-chilling claim appeared: The U.S. is looking to the Ukraine war to shape its planning for the coming conflict with China over Taiwan. This is completely wrong because there is no connection betwe...

  • February 15, 2023

    There's something spooky happening in the Earth's skies

    Now that the American government has finally agreed to make public its data about UFOs, no one should be surprised about what's going on in the skies above us.  The Chinese spy balloon, however, has made it easy to cast doubt upon all t...

  • February 11, 2023

    Existentially, America is almost at the end of the line

    Looking at the American political and cultural scene, let us contemplate what I call the “Quintessential Existential Interrogatories”: (1) Where are we? (2) How did we get here? (3) Where are we going? Many know a slight varia...

  • November 28, 2022

    A tale of dueling anthems and the uprisings in China

    Would you like a little humor in your day? Two Chinese political battles raging right now in real-time are linked by the most delicious and hilarious irony. They are (1) The Battle of the Lockdowns, and (2) the Battle of the Anthems. Currently, th...

  • November 25, 2022

    The political road back

    The magnitude of the present political disaster is difficult to exaggerate and doesn’t seem to have really sunk in yet, as Republicans are still talking about winning elections. That’s possible only if they acknowledge that they need to m...

  • November 12, 2022

    A stalemated Congress doesn’t mean a harmless White House

    Going with the NBC forecast of a Republican 10-seat majority in the House, when the new Congress is seated on January 3, 2023, the cold hard facts on the ground will include the following: 1. The new Congress will be gridlocked. Neither the Ds nor...

  • August 21, 2022

    Grandmothers wanted!

    It is rightly observed in an American Thinker article last week that the left’s prescription for young women to embrace power through sexual promiscuity leads invariably to heartbreak, disappointment, and potentially worse, as we saw illustrate...

  • August 15, 2022

    Understanding the legal process behind the raid and where it’s headed

    Media coverage of the Mar-a-Lago raid has not been entirely illuminating, melding together as it does without distinction the four components of the search warrant process. The four components are: 1. Petition 2. Affidavit 3. Warrant 4. R...

  • August 3, 2022

    Regarding China and Taiwan

    As of August 2, Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan trifecta can be summarized as follows: (1) Ignoring the wishes of President Biden, Speaker Pelosi lands in Taiwan and publicly states, "Our visit reiterates that America stands with Taiwan: ...

  • July 14, 2022

    'Christian Nationalism' is woven deep into America's fabric

    A few days ago, I encountered for the first time an alarming term in the MSM and blogosphere: "Christian Nationalism."  The reason I find it alarming is its enormous potential for controversy and chaos.  Obviously, ...

  • July 5, 2022

    The spearpoint of the patriotic counteroffensive

    "Why the perv push?" is a question I am hearing with increasing frequency these days.  "Why the progressive full-court press on grooming children in public to become sexual perverts?"  We need to understand tha...

  • July 2, 2022

    Post-Dobbs rhetoric shows that too few truly understand American law

    The post-Dobbs rhetoric of both progressives and far too many Patriots reveals the total collapse of American civics education in our high schools and colleges.  Far too many think the Dobbs decision means that the Supreme Co...

  • June 25, 2022

    The Supreme Court worm has finally turned

    In Dobbs, the constitutional worm has turned to face its attackers. Dobbs is not about abortion; it is about the Constitution. Dobbs is not about religion; it is about the Constitution. Dobbs is not about moral...

  • May 31, 2022

    Our government's Executive Branch is deliberately destroying liberty

    Precisely because I was born in a Norman Rockwell painting and have already lived past my allotted span, it is exceedingly embarrassing and bitter to realize that, on my watch, the left has taken possession of the Democrat party and, through that par...

  • May 27, 2022

    When it comes to school shootings, it's mama bear time

    So, where are we?  Now that the first 24 hours of rumors and false reports have passed regarding the terrible events in Uvalde, we're facing a new reality: it appears (although is also still not confirmed) that the school was completely...

  • May 26, 2022

    Let’s choose life for public school children

    This time it’s Uvalde, Texas. The killer was mentally unbalanced, many people died, law enforcement killed the killer, and politicians trumpet “We need to do something!” Same pattern, same outcome, same rhetoric, same hand wri...

  • May 19, 2022

    The secrets in the chasm between the government and its citizens

    Wednesday morning began with Seattle gray here in the Soviet of Washington State but quickly morphed to Puget Sound splendor with the arrival of the Sun.  To celebrate the occasion, I added a little Frost (Robert, that is) to my morning cof...

  • May 15, 2022

    Simple statutory solutions to social problems

    Now it’s a mass shooting Buffalo! Is it ever going to end? Are the school shootings, mall shootings, and subway shootings destined to be with us forever? And how about the police shootings? In Grand Rapids, Atlanta, and Colorado Springs a wh...

  • May 14, 2022

    Defense of another

    Forty or fifty years ago, my friend Wendy dragged me to an abortion debate, an event populated mostly by women.  The debate began in an orderly manner and then devolved into chaos.  Simplifying for concision, the dialogue proceede...

  • May 9, 2022

    Homeschool jujitsu

    By this time, it has become abundantly clear to everyone that government schools deliberately and consciously scheme to abduct children from their parents and convert them to become good little leftist perverts.  This reality has prompted a...

  • May 7, 2022

    The true import of the Alito draft

    In their screaming hysteria about Justice Alito's draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, our Progressive friends fail to grasp the full import of that decision. Hint: It's not about abortion. Hint: It...

  • February 21, 2022

    No, 'capitalism' and 'socialism' don't define economic systems

    Lessons learned in youth persist throughout the years.  The infant cannot define the words "mama" or "dada," but — in what may be the ultimate etiology of the practice of magic — he soon learns that uttering ...

  • February 11, 2022

    Politics and war

    An inadequate concept of politics is a source of much mischief.  Contrary to what most people believe, politics is not the art of getting elected, nor is it the science of government.  To the contrary, politics is the art of influ...

  • February 7, 2022

    Putting Fauci in the law's crosshairs

    By now I'm sure everyone has heard of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an attorney in a New York law firm, and his newest book, The Real Anthony Fauci. His book is widely acclaimed and exhaustively researched and footnoted. On pages 19...

  • February 4, 2022

    Here’s a weird fact: All Chinese visitors to America might be spies

    With increasing frequency, we're encountering news stories regarding the allegedly unfair suspicion that Chinese visitors to the United States, be they students or business people, are engaged in espionage.  The narrative underlying the...

  • January 19, 2022

    Federalism 101: A state’s authority over its citizens

    During the January 7 oral argument regarding the OSHA vaccination mandate, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor stated, “I’m not sure I understand the distinction why the states would have the power [to institute a mandate such as OSHA...

  • January 17, 2022

    Was the Revolutionary War an insurrection or a reclamation of rights?

    In her delightful January 9 post about both Congress's and some Supreme Court justices' embarrassing behavior, Clarice Feldman questioned the general public's familiarity with American civics.  With the reader's in...

  • January 15, 2022

    Understanding the limited reach of the Supreme Court decisions on mandates

    The two recent United States Supreme Court decisions — NFIB v. OSHA, No. 21A244, and Biden v. Missouri, No. 21A240 — can be confusing to those who don't understand exactly what the court decided.  The first stopped OSHA...

  • December 20, 2021

    The Elite's obsession with January 6

    Why do the Elite harbor this fevered obsession with Jan. 6?  For two reasons: (1) It is their magic fetish waved about in the desperate hope of warding off the return of Trumpism (with or without Trump) to the Casa Alba.  (2)...

  • December 5, 2021

    Did Alec Baldwin fire the weapon without pulling the trigger?

    The universe reacted with disbelief when Alec Baldwin claimed he didn’t pull the trigger. But Saturday it was reported that Assistant director Dave Halls has always maintained that Baldwin’s “finger was never in the trigger guard...

  • November 12, 2021

    Globalism, inflation, and the supply chain

    It's instructive to watch professional economists and non-professional consumers quibble over the correct meaning of the term "inflation."  To the economist, the term denotes excessive money supply — to the consumers, es...

  • November 9, 2021

    Fixing public education in America, one state Legislature at a time

    As a nation, we have a lot of problems. And many of them do not have legislative remedies. But some do. And a red tsunami is headed our way for 2022. We should start now getting our state and federal legislatures ready. Perhaps the most important thi...

  • September 7, 2021

    Our foes press hard from every side, beginning with the inside

    It required several days' gestation but, at last, the issue has been joined: was the debacle in Afghanistan the result of (a) dementia, (b) treason, or (c) treason under cover of dementia?  That is the $64,000 question now at issue amon...

  • August 29, 2021

    Finally, we have some good news

    The news is so depressing lately that it takes nerves of steel to open the newspaper, turn on the TV, or visit an internet news site. However, there is good news out there if you know where to look. First Item: Taiwan has been jolted awake by the ...

  • August 21, 2021

    The Afghanistan debacle holds a stark warning for Taiwan

    There is a grave danger that the U.S. public will take away the wrong lessons from the Afghan debacle, regarding both Afghanistan and Taiwan.  The media are now trumpeting that withdrawal was the right move but incompetently executed. ...