Mohammad I. Aslam

Mohammad I. Aslam

  • March 3, 2012

    Al Majalla: The leading Arab magazine?

    Of all the trials and tribulations that are currently being witnessed in the tumultuous Arab world as it supposedly passes through the birth pangs of a democratic revolution, one resonating theme that appears to pop up time and again is the rise of t...

  • February 18, 2012

    The Car Bomb: From Belfast to Baghdad

    Belfast on 21 July 1972 will always be remembered as a black day for those covering the history of the troubles in Northern Ireland.  This is the day on which the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) set a precedent which even today...

  • February 5, 2012

    Hezb'allah's Missiles

    The guerrilla movement's increasing missile capacity is raising the Israeli state's level of insecurity to dangerous new levels. The Hezb'allah movement in Lebanon has been stepping up the intensity of its preparations for war with Israel in recent m...

  • December 9, 2011

    Hezb'allah: Rise of a Non-State Spying Machine

    Recent reports that have trickled out of Lebanon have been somewhat alarming for those trying to infiltrate what the U.S. State Department calls "the most technically capable terrorist group in the world." Over the last fortnight, the Iran-backed Hez...

  • November 20, 2011

    The Curious Advice of Jordan's King Abdullah

    The situation in Syria has been precarious for some time -- sporadic uprisings by sections of the population, armed gangs sniping at security forces, the government sending in the tanks, and innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.  As if all...