Mischa Popoff

Mischa Popoff

  • November 27, 2015

    GMO Crops and 'Organic' Crops

    Organic activists would like you to believe their brand preexists in nature the way fresh air and clean water do. It does not. Organic food only exists because we have come up with a legal framework by which to define it; a mind-numbing legal f...

  • August 23, 2012

    Even Worse Than California

    In Canada we have a strange tradition of "spreading the wealth around."  Provinces are divided into "Have" and "Have-Not" categories, and the federal government redistributes wealth from the Haves to the Have-Nots.  Aren't you glad you're a...

  • July 1, 2011

    Organic Food Deaths in Europe Could Have Been Prevented

    On the heels of the worst recorded outbreak of E. coli infections, with a death toll of 40 people, organic activists still can't face the facts. Mark A. Kastel, co-director of The Cornucopia Institute, points to "the importance of knowing the origin ...

  • April 9, 2011

    Warmists and the Organic Farming Activists

    Organic farming creates more CO2 (which is a good thing, of course).  So why do urban organic activists pretend it's the other way 'round?Urban organic activists begin every argument by pining for the good ol' days.  They point out that in ...