Mimi Evans Winship

Mimi Evans Winship

  • May 14, 2013

    For the low information voters

    It's sound bite time.  I defend the "low information voters" in that they don't have the time to read or listen to all the news. I can relate.  As a busy wife, mother, PTA member, local charities volunteer, avid supporter of my sons' fo...

  • December 4, 2009

    The great fallout (a poem)

    Oh, where are you now, Albert Gore, Albert Gore?Oh, where are you now mighty Albert?You strode the world with a colossal carbon footprint,And you scared the hell out of our kids.Where will you hide, Mr. Gore, Mr. Gore?Where will you hide from your li...

  • November 26, 2009

    A Thanksgiving poem for our men and women at arms

    All these years later, you're still there.Sacrificing your comfort and safety whereMost of us would not dare to tread,Still sending home your honored dead,While we, reassured, revel at the feastWith loved ones. Crisp napkins creasedOn decorative tab...

  • August 18, 2009

    An Angry Mob on One (a poem)

    I am an angry mob, and I took some Tea last week.I stood by an Obamacare supporter.  We began to speak.He is a middle aged engineer, and he is without a job.He didn't seem to fit in with the Acorn egged-on mob.He has no health care coverage....

  • July 4, 2009

    A Poem for Sarah

    There is ranting and shrieking on the Left.The timid Right has gotten the vapors.I’m sipping champagne in red, white and blueAnd nibbling salmon canapés with capers!   ...

  • June 12, 2009

    Time to Leave the Stage (a poem)

    Age is not kind to those who are blind To the sensitivities of others.Lampooning rudely,Getting laughs crudely Is pathetic, and if we had our druthers,  Having reached this stage, you’d close the page.Your talent once was sunny.You’v...

  • May 14, 2009

    America 2035 (a poem)

    I knew a country long agoWhere you could say what you wanted to say.You could work where you wanted,Your ambition undaunted,And you could pray how you wanted to pray.  It’s an era we’ll never retrieve.Young people now will not believ...

  • April 2, 2009

    Shocked? (a poem)

    Should we condemn a man for doingWhat he said he was going to do?There isn’t much change ensuingThat is news to me or to you.  For months Mr. Obama toutedHis wealth-spreading plans quite clearly.For those who refused to listen,Their n...

  • February 2, 2009

    Shining Examples (a poem)

    I'm not going to pay my taxes this year.I face this decision with calm.Should I have to face down the IRSI'll call Timothy, Charlie and Tom.Because of their shining examplesI know this harassment will stop.We can all be secure in withholding these du...

  • January 9, 2009

    Regarding chidren (a poem)

    Some children are cherished,Some used as shields.These are the realitiesFanaticism yields. Do we blame the defendersWho fight for their youngAnd champion the militantsWho safeguard no one? Let reason prevailPut emotions aside.In whom do the...

  • January 6, 2009

    Find the exit, '24/7' (a poem)

    Every few years we slip and fallFor new phrases.   Our language, after all,Loves idiom and slides with easeInto what's new and catchy, "but, please!".Must we start every sentence with "I mean"?It's time for "24/7...

  • December 25, 2008

    Still That Star (a poem)

    There is still that Star, way beyond our reach.What tales it could tell, what lessons teach!How small we must seem in our tiny orbSo swift to despair, so quick to absorb The petty tyrannies surrounding us allWhen what we really need is to fallDown on...

  • August 29, 2008

    Ladies Rejoice! (a poem)

    A lady will ride the elephantInto St. Paul next weekAt the side of our Republican candidate.At last she’s “the one we seek”. A strong and confident womanWith her feet planted firm on the ground.We’ve been looking for her ...

  • August 9, 2008

    The Impudent Architect

    I’ve lost my heart to Karl Rove.The Architect is a dream.His mind clicks along with computeresque easeBut his eye holds an impudent gleam. With Puckish mien he quite disarmsThose who long vowed to debase him.Through a dark mirror he used t...

  • August 1, 2008

    20 Year Friend (a poem)

    Rush seems to be talking just to me.At least, that's how I feel each day, noon 'til three.He's my friend, my pal, part of my family, too,But I don't mind sharing him with all of you.Enjoy and learn from him!Mimi Evans Winship...

  • July 4, 2008

    Are you still there? (a poem)

    Yankee Doodle, are you still there?The fog around you is dense.There are many who want you to disappear,But I stubbornly have a sense  That you’ll be here forever,That it’s not just me seeking you,But millions of average AmericansSti...

  • June 7, 2008

    Rocco, Rock On! (a poem)

    (in tribute to Rocco DiPippo)Our illusions are gone(If they were ever there from the beginning).The silver-tongued BarryContinues to carryThe believers who picture him winningThe presidential halo.Consequently they goDown on their knees to their savi...

  • May 24, 2008

    Season Bright? (a poem)

    The election is on the offense.The fascination is awfully intense.With rumor rife,Amid real strife,Implications it seems are immense.I’d really like to not look.I’d rather read an absorbing book,But like a moth to flameI can’t resis...

  • May 8, 2008

    AT: Only the Beginning (a poem)

    Through Rush I discovered a bright new resource.The American Thinker it was, of course.I ventured a poetic offering, daring only to hopeThat someone might read it.  I sealed the envelope.Or was it email?  Whatever!  it alters not my st...

  • March 10, 2008

    Puzzled (a poem)

    Which way shall I turn?Oh, how I yearnTo have this puzzle solved for me.His adorable earsOr her heartfelt tears?Is it Barack or is it Hillary?Substance you say?That won't get in my way.I want change and I want it now!I look toward the sun.A new day h...

  • March 4, 2008

    Out of the past (a poem)

    Rezko, Tony Rezko how will your renown grow?It’s a name not known to fame, but it soon may be found so.With past favors and connections you have made, Oh Mama!Will you soon sink the career of your friend Barack Obama?Mimi Evans Winship...

  • February 12, 2008

    Charming Billy (a poem)

    Oh where have you gone, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?Oh where have you gone, Charming Billy?You are larger than life,Not a shadow of your wife.You've got to break those restraints, willy-nilly.Oh where have you gone, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?Oh where have you go...

  • December 29, 2007

    A Victim No More (a poem)

     Oh, the sad, bad old daysWhen all a girl could obtainWas a degree from WellesleyAnd a Yale-enhanced brain.How melancholy to beResigned to field hockeyWhen she dreamed of football Or becoming a jockey.How drab to seek a manWhose coattails she co...

  • December 25, 2007

    To The United States Armed Forces, Thanks (a poem)

    Because you are watching out for me, I am safe and warm today.I embrace the joy of this special time because you are far away.I sing the carols of Christmas in a church just over the way.I marvel at the twinkling lights that  shine each bustling...

  • November 28, 2007

    Sissy-men (a poem)

    What kind of sissy-men get their funWhipping and jailing women who haven't doneAnything wrong.  They minister hurt with gleeAnd blame it on Allah, but they're not fooling me.I am a woman, and it makes my skin crawlThat my MidEastern sisters are ...

  • November 14, 2007

    Where Did All The Liberals Go? (a poem)

    With all of his conclusions we may not agree,But FDR wore his great office magnificently. Plain spoken Harry, feisty and blistery,With determination changed the course of history.John Kennedy compared to candidates todayWas an experienced veteran. Ke...

  • September 28, 2007

    Beware the phoenix (a poem)

    With the tripping and slipping of the Dominant Three,What will the Democrat answer be?Inexperience is showing through ever-widening cracks.Mystification and obfuscation no longer cover their tracks.If their prospects are roasted by this untutored cor...

  • September 12, 2007

    Minimal Damage (a poem)

    I was watching on television, with justifiable pride,Gen. Patraeus with Ambassador Crocker at his side.Two men of distinction, two fighters for peace.When up pops a Congressman who wouldn't ceaseHis embarrassing rant.  A nobody from nowhereSeeki...

  • September 7, 2007

    The Schumer Without a Country (a poem)

    Philip Nolan SchumerIs the name I'd giveTo the  vicious New York Senator.Should he not choose to liveOn board a shipWay out at seaAnd never again know This democracy?"The Man Without a Country"Is the perfect mapTo chart the courseFor t...

  • September 4, 2007

    Gray Miller (a poem)

    Arthur Miller was gray.There’s no better wayTo describe this bitterLow ball hitterWho had so little to say.  Words brought him fame.Fawners bowed at his name,But his writings were dullAttempts to cullGrime  from hollow depths.  W...

  • August 31, 2007

    Foible Follies (a poem)

    We all have our foibles, I'm sure.Some are more foibled than others,But need we parade them in public?My average sisters and brothersDo you think you would turn to politicsIf your copybook read like a Novel?Wouldn't you  choose a less limelited ...

  • August 29, 2007

    Charity Begins Where? (a poem)

    What?  Give away my money?  I think not!What you're suggesting is a Conservative plotTo part me from my savingsI prefer the Clintonian way.Reach into the Government pocketAnd distribute the peoples' pay.The Right Leaning sillies may beFooli...

  • August 22, 2007

    Pathetic powerbrokers (a poem)

    Each Congressperson sucking a thumb,Hanging on an earlobe, playing dumb,Is an affront to our American pride.On whose strong shoulders will our freedom rideAs these sagging statespeople shudder and sigh,Staring at their shoes as the flag goes by?How c...

  • August 15, 2007

    Farewell, Rove?

    Karl Rove has gone, but not for long.He shall pay. Though he did no wrong.The jackals are slavering, licking their chops.To get their teeth into this fearsome Cyclops.  Executive privilege cannot now save him.The claws of Chuck Schummer rea...

  • July 27, 2007

    Ode to Lindsay Lohan (a poem)

    Remember alcoholism is not a choiceOr who in his right mind would choose it?Glossing over their search for healthWill only help them lose it.What good is it to have wealth and fameIf your body and soul are wrackedWith  sickness within and shakin...

  • July 19, 2007

    Rush for peace now? (a poem)

    Now that Algore's scuttled back under the rugFollowed by Live Earth shame,Will the Nobel Prize this time evade his grasp?Are those worthies erasing his name?It's the moment to follow Mark LevinIn promoting Rush for Peace.With enough of us m...

  • July 16, 2007

    Stand Strong (a poem)

    Defeat in Iraq, a Liberal Dream.America groveling, it may seemUnthinkable.  It won't be whenOur cities explode. Think again.Blame the media, the idiotic Congress,But it will be our fault if it happens, unlessWe wake up now. Take a stand.Don't ex...

  • June 29, 2007

    They Listened! (a poem)

    They listened!  They listened!  I can't believe it!(Though Wednesday I couldn't conceive it).The people spoke and they were heard,(And I thought that likelihood was absurd!)Shall I allow myself to become optimistic?(Though my good sens...

  • June 15, 2007

    Tax Reform? Ever? (a poem)

    The tax man comethBut goeth would be better.He's not a bad guyYet his product's a no-getter.I don't get the logic,The labyrinthic haze.I don't get the vastRube Goldbergian maze.I don't get the myriadDark complicationsWhich cause me to doubtAll these ...

  • June 14, 2007

    Decidedly Dispensable (a poem)

    How then does  Joe Taxpayer speak? His cause is just, but his voice is weak.His vote counts to put these dimwits in,But once in place they put their own spinOn what they call the people’s will.Our Congress dances it’s own quadrille. ...

  • June 12, 2007

    Tax Reform? Ever? (a poem)

    The tax man cometh But goeth would be better.He’s not a bad guyYet his product’s a no-getter.I don’t get the logic,The labyrinthic haze.I don’t get the vastRube Goldbergian maze.I don’t get the myriadDark complicationsWh...

  • June 5, 2007

    Libby Justice? (a poem)

    Justice is done. Drive-bys may rejoice.The righteous Judge WaltonHas made his choice.Plame/Wilson fantasies Now rule the day,While Sandy BurglerScampers away.Frozen assets JeffersonShould be cowering,But the Liberal mediaWill not be harrowingThis vic...

  • May 23, 2007

    Poor Leonardo Di Caprio (a poem)

    I feel so sad for Leonardo di Caprio.His life will be short.  He's been telling us so.He'll dry up or crisp out,What global warming's all about,And with Al, his new pal, to a cooler place go.Alas, he may turn into pixie dustWhile the rest wait i...

  • May 14, 2007

    The Early Days (a poem)

    It’s early days in the political season.Entries prance in the paddock without much reason.At the moment the Democrats are ashiverOver the candidates in their presidential quiver.Mrs. Clinton is as sweet as a street corner shillWith counten...

  • May 11, 2007

    But I'm your friend!? (a poem)

    Oh, I'm happy and bouncy!  Why shouldn't I be?I live in the land of the safe and the free.I want everyone to be as jolly as I.You shouldn't worry.  Let the clouds roll by.My soul is gentle, peace and love it embraces.War and chaos only happ...

  • April 18, 2007

    Apirl Mourning (a poem)

    It’s a cold April morning, students shaking off sleep,Head toward their classrooms, destinies to keep.  Some will come back that night, some never again.An average day on campus has just begun, when  A heartsick, deranged young man sp...

  • April 14, 2007

    Inspired Nancy (a poem)

    Talk is inspiring.  Talk is fun.How can anywhere anyoneTurn away and seek to denyA winning smile and a popping eye?  Nancy is coming.  Nancy will stayUntil everyone everywhere sees things her way.Cease your bickering!  Sheath your...

  • April 6, 2007

    Time to Retire (a poem)

    Flailing about with helpless arm,Tilting at anyone he can alarm,This long-faced lugubriousnist supreme,Still trying to live his impossible dream,M. Kerry is a cheerless hang-dog of shame.It's best he drop his sad quest for fame. While dancing outside...

  • April 4, 2007

    Take me back to dear old Gitmo (a poem)

    Take me back to dear old GitmoWhere once I had it better than I knew.My head is full of lice.A shower would be nice.It’s freezing and there’s foggy, foggy dew.I want to go back to warm and sunny GitmoThere are bats living here inside my c...

  • March 27, 2007

    Good news tonight (a poem)

    Mr. and Mrs. America, there's good news tonight.The world is at peace.  The future is bright.There aren't any wars.  There is nary a plight.There's no hunger, no fear.  There is sweetness and light.And into this glorious vacuum can rid...

  • March 19, 2007

    I want my money back (a poem)

    I’m going to ask for my money back. I’ve just been watching the Plame non-attack.I’m seeing my tax dollars chewed up and spit outBy mindless ditherers with plenty of cloutAnd apparently too much time to fill.There’s nothing to...

  • March 15, 2007

    Green Guru Gone? (a poem)

    So, is he or isn’t he going to run?Will he be drafted or will he shunThe adoration,The adulationWhich the mighty Oscar has begun?  The world stampedes to raise this manTo heights of greatness if he canResist  the temptation Of insane ...

  • March 5, 2007

    Rock Obama, Rock (a poem)

    Rock Obama, rock Obama, rock Obama, rock.Hillary and Billary, keep your eyes on the ticking clock.Lovely Johnnie comb and spray your glistening golden hair.Is there a serious Democrat contender anywhere?  Anywhere?  Fast-fading semi-stars o...

  • February 28, 2007

    Carbon Credit (a poem)

    I’d like to donate part of my own carbon creditTo one of the Gore households, where I’ll bet itCould light a guest room  for one  whole day,That’s all I can offer because I may  Have to use the rest to sustain my...

  • February 28, 2007

    Leave it to Clarice (a poem)

    Leave it to Clarice to tell a tale of exactly who they are.Her colorful and precise description is the best I’ve read so far.Let them prance in purple, pirouette in golden spins.Let the length of their pointy shoes reach their jutting chins.Let...

  • January 24, 2007

    Global warming malaise (a poem)

    I'm afraid I've gone and gotten a Global Warming malaise.I actually haven't thought of it in days and days and days.I guess I haven't pondered, and I suspect I haven't got,The right and wrong of whether I should drive my car or not.If I read in bed a...

  • January 22, 2007

    24 Panic (a poem)

    With terrorists wreaking havoc and nukes exploding,The correct media is pathetically imploding.Jack Bauer is scaring them all to death.The American public is holding its breathWatching our favorite hero buckling a swash.Have we really not learned our...

  • December 24, 2006

    To the US Armed Forces: Thanks (a poem)

    Because you are watching out for me, I am safe and warm today.I embrace the joy of this special time because you are far away.I sing the carols of Christmas in a church just over the way.I marvel at the twinkling lights that  shine each bustling...

  • November 30, 2006

    Kramer (a poem)

    It's the Racial Divide made me say what I said.I'm not responsible.  Don't rain on MY head.Iraq made me do it.Katrina cried through it.I was just healing wounds.  I was sadly misread.Mea culpa?  Surely, you must be in jest.I'm Kramer!...

  • November 26, 2006

    Remember Them (a poem)

    So many hearts break at this time of year,The season of joy and warmth, families near.Stockings are hung by the chimney with care.  ‘Happy Hanukah’ rings through the wintry air,And only the lonely dream with despairOf past seasons wi...