Milli Sands

Milli Sands

  • The best person to be the White House press secretary

    November 13, 2024

    The best person to be the White House press secretary

    In the ideal, this would have been the shortest essay ever in American Thinker, consisting of two words: Mark Steyn. Since I suspect that an article so short would be rejected, here is some padding, which is different from where the proof is. P...

  • If Democrats tax unrealized capital gains, the perfect ‘valuations czar’ is ready

    September 8, 2024

    If Democrats tax unrealized capital gains, the perfect ‘valuations czar’ is ready

    It is possible that Kamala Harris will win the presidential election. If so, it is more than likely that she will implement certain policies, including the imposition of a so-called “Wealth Tax.” She has been rumbling about it of late....

  • Democrats are looking for solutions in all the wrong places

    September 5, 2024

    Democrats are looking for solutions in all the wrong places

    There are core cultural stories we keep in our minds, waiting for life to prove them true. For example, seeing the unaware gal adorned wearing the clothes of the Emperor or the hyperbolic guy finally struck by sky. It pleases me to say that Demo...

  • The myth of Kamala’s time-limited honeymoon

    August 6, 2024

    The myth of Kamala’s time-limited honeymoon

    It is nearly impossible to listen to the news, both conservative and liberal outlets, without hearing about the Harris Honeymoon and that it is ending soon. This is untrue and is tied to another untruth, which is that the public keeps being told that...

  • Putin’s prisoner release echoes a hostage release in January 1981

    August 2, 2024

    Putin’s prisoner release echoes a hostage release in January 1981

    Our adversaries fear strong presidents and will either try to keep them from office or yield to the inevitable. That may explain the events of the last two weeks. On July 19, 2024, at the RNC convention, Donald J. Trump accepted the Republican nom...

  • Conservatives must think strategically about Joe and Kamala

    July 16, 2024

    Conservatives must think strategically about Joe and Kamala

    Politically, I am an Independent. I believe that it is possible for any of the political parties to have a good idea. Even the Dems, though not recently. For example, JFK had a good one. The one about your country doing for you or not—whatev...

  • Hey, Clooney! Meet Bidenfreude

    July 13, 2024

    Hey, Clooney! Meet Bidenfreude

    Ages ago—that would be May in the year of our Lord 2024—George Clooney contacted Poseur Joe Biden on behalf of Amal Clooney, George’s spouse: George Clooney contacted a top White House official last month to complain after Pres...

  • Cannard’s canard: Problems with Biden’s mental fitness diagnosis

    July 10, 2024

    Cannard’s canard: Problems with Biden’s mental fitness diagnosis

    During the White House briefing of July 8, spokesperson Kringe On-Pierre (no relation to Stratford-upon-Avon), repeatedly refused to identify the neurologist who examined Poseur Biden.   Later that day, White House physician Kevin O...

  • Giving Dems the benefit of the doubt

    July 4, 2024

    Giving Dems the benefit of the doubt

    There are some things with which it is hard to argue: As democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain...

  • Ellul Redux: Propaganda

    May 1, 2024

    Ellul Redux: Propaganda

    Less like a Fifth Column and more like a Third Reich, the Nouveau Nazis on and about college campuses (and elsewhere) need no new theories to explain their behaviors. Today’s Hamas-supporting Sturmabteinlung- and Schutzstaffel- wannab...

  • The Israel test for Hamas’s latest ‘peace’ offer

    April 25, 2024

    The Israel test for Hamas’s latest ‘peace’ offer

    It’s time to reconfigure George Gilder’s “Israel Test,” which examined the true roots of modern antisemitism. That test basically asks whether people value those who create wealth and other societal benefits or who seethe in a...

  • Yale (Inadvertently) Proves the Jews’ Ancient Claim to Israel

    April 24, 2024

    Yale (Inadvertently) Proves the Jews’ Ancient Claim to Israel

    It’s not just Columbia University that’s in the news. Yale has also made headlines because it, too, has had hundreds of students marching around supporting Hamas: Hundreds of Yale students have been protesting on campus in recent day...

  • It’s time to get Chicago ready for a true DNC pub crawl

    April 21, 2024

    It’s time to get Chicago ready for a true DNC pub crawl

    I admit to having done time in Chicago. Not much, but enough to know that The City That Works used to, but no mas. Actually, it still does if you are a criminal who crossed the border illegally or another type of lawbreaker. For you, it remains...

  • Self-hating Jews, Queers4Palestine, and conservatives walk into a bar…

    April 12, 2024

    Self-hating Jews, Queers4Palestine, and conservatives walk into a bar…

    Self-hating Jews, Queers4Palestine, and conservatives walk into a bar and ask for the strongest drink available. The bartender says, “Are you sure? It’s pretty potent.” One from the groups replies, “We’re not afraid of e...

  • The Overlap Between Nazis and Hamas Is Downright Uncanny

    April 10, 2024

    The Overlap Between Nazis and Hamas Is Downright Uncanny

    If you’re wondering how Hamas and its fellow travelers, which both Biden and the Democrats support, are perfectly comparable to the Nazis, let me count some of the ways. (There are actually countless examples for all of these comparisons.) In t...

  • Doctoring So Easy, Even a Caveman Can Do It

    April 9, 2024

    Doctoring So Easy, Even a Caveman Can Do It

    The world has been Geicofying, dumbing things down so the formerly unqualified can do things previously beyond their smarts, skill sets, etc. Technological advances, however, might mean that the “dummifying” of your doctors can be slightl...

  • Biden’s Wasting Valuable Medical Research Dollars

    March 28, 2024

    Biden’s Wasting Valuable Medical Research Dollars

    Since taking office, Biden has proudly boasted about a variety of executive actions he’s taken to advance the mental and physical health and well-being of women and the people on the so-called “LGBTQ+ spectrum.” In fact, all of his ...

  • When it comes to Muslim massacres, we’ve seen all this before

    February 4, 2024

    When it comes to Muslim massacres, we’ve seen all this before

    “It has been said that history repeats itself. This is perhaps not quite correct; it merely rhymes.” (attributed to Theodor Reik)  On October 7, 2023, as Ilhan Omar said of September 11, 2001, some people did something. What ...

  • November 14, 2023

    There’s Genocide And Then There’s ‘Palestinian Genocide’

    Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has been bleating about a “‘Palestinian‘ Genocide” in the current conflict between Israel and Hamas.* She’s not alone. We’ve heard the same from the supposedly neutral “Palestinian”...

  • November 13, 2023

    There’s Zionism, and Then There’s Zionism

    Inaccurate language can lead to all sorts of bad results.  Among the silliest and most destructive myths derived from bad use of language is the notion that Zionism is some brand-spanking-new concept that was a gift to the Jews since som...

  • November 10, 2023

    Islam Is the Bull in History’s China Shop

    As Muslims savage Israel, hoping to destroy it, there should be concerns among Christians and Jews about their histories in the Holy Land if these seventh-century throwbacks win.  Muslims are the bulls in the china shop of history.  T...

  • October 23, 2023

    The Two Big Myths about the Middle East

    Propagation of myths has consequences.  Let us examine a couple and see where they have led.   Myth 1. The State of Palestine This so-called state is like Brigadoon, with two exceptions:   a. It never appea...

  • October 11, 2023

    Iran and the Cult of the Mahdi

    The current conflict between the Jewish State and the Muslims of Gaza is in no small part fueled by the tenets of Islam. Islam hates Jews. It hates Christians. It hates Baha’i. It hates… come to think of it, all non-Muslims. Non-Muslim M...

  • October 10, 2023

    Is Hamas a state actor?

    Although it is my preference that Hamas be hoisted with the petards of the IDF and their own misfires, here we address a different form of elevation: prestige.  Reports suggest that the Israelis removed to Gaza are “prisoners of wa...

  • October 9, 2023

    Minimizing the number of dead Jews

    It is fashionable to compare the current war in Israel with the 9/11 attack. “This is no less than Israel's 9/11,” said Ian Bremmer, the president of Eurasia Group, in reference to the scale of the attack.  Fo...

  • September 30, 2023

    Government-enforced helplessness: A cautionary tale

    In late August 1929, the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine did what they did best: slaughter defenseless people — in this case, as in many, Jews. The massacre took place on August 23–24, 1929, in Hebron, then part of British-contr...

  • September 22, 2023

    Giving NYC Greens What They Want

    Recently, NYC witnessed the “march to end fossil fuels.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was there. Among the things she said to inspire the crowd:  We must be too big and too radical to ignore…We are all here for one ...

  • September 18, 2023

    I support Vivek — but I will not vote for him

    To paraphrase Poseur Biden, "I mean, you got the first mainstream Indian-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.  I mean, that's a storybook, man."  Vivek sure is.  He pro...

  • September 11, 2023

    The way of the Democrat

    Karate is actually a truncated word.  In full, it is karate-do.  "Adding the suffix '-do' ('karate-do'), meaning 'way, implies karate as a total way of life that goes well beyond t...

  • September 9, 2023

    What to do when protesters glue themselves to things?

    Depending on how long it lasts, our time may be known as the Adhesive-Based Protest Epoch(sy). Glue-ins began in 1997, when anti-roadway protesters in the U.K. began using tactics like locking themselves together using arm tubes or gluin...

  • July 25, 2023

    The Deceptive Advertising of Gender-Affirming Surgery

    There is much talk about gender-affirming surgery (“GAS”). A lot of it surrounds the initiatives taken by some hospitals and medical centers to make these surgeries available to teenagers and, reportedly, younger children. What we seldom ...

  • January 19, 2023

    Flatfoot: Chicago mayor keeps making a mess of things

    Lori Lightfoot is the mayor of Chicago.  She is running for re-election. For a second time, she has tried to recruit students to campaign for her.   The first time was in August 2021.  Last year, she sent emai...

  • August 31, 2022

    Elon Musk and fossil fuels

    Electric vehicle pioneer Elon Musk on Monday called for more drilling and exploration of fossil fuel resources in the immediate future, warning that humanity could be in trouble if the transition to lower-carbon energy sources is ...

  • August 1, 2022

    What is a woman? What is a man?

    What prompted this submission, was the following from an AT article:  The clearly understood meaning of the word "woman" is a biological person with two x chromosomes. Presumably in an effort to avoid offense to the minuscule...

  • July 26, 2022

    What progressives and conservatives can unite on against abortion

    Frequently, politicians are encouraged to "find common ground."  Some might say it is not commonly found.  This appears especially so in the debate about abortion.  Some progressives are willing to advocate for l...

  • July 24, 2022

    Joe’s and the Dems’ (almost) perfect out on Hunter

    When life gives you Hunter, make Hunter aid you.  Some may say that Hunter was not born that way, but rather created by the same poor family environment that created a hyper-sexualized, sex- and drug- addicted daughter. Created or born -...

  • July 20, 2022

    Rationalizing Transgender Sports

    Whatever you choose as your explanation, the fact remains that empirically, in the trans domain, transwomen outperform ciswomen and transmen do not outperform cismen.  Though some may argue that there is no advantage or no unus...

  • July 16, 2022

    Our president, Joe 'Mr. Magoo' Biden

    "Mr. Magoo (known by his full name: J. Quincy Magoo) is a fictional cartoon character created at the UPA animation studio in 1949. Voiced by Jim Backus, Mr. Magoo is an elderly, wealthy, short-statured retiree who g...

  • July 11, 2022

    The Left's Grand Plan for the Dead

    It's the right tool for the right job, stupid. There was a mass shooting in Highland Park, IL on 4 July 2022.   I recently heard an interview with Pastor T.J. Grooms.  The man seemed genuinely concerned about the violenc...

  • April 5, 2022

    Blackmail Biden? No way

    Rumor has it that there is a laptop out there containing some data that could be considered incriminating to Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-Geritol), POTUS*. Assuming that this is true, then what?  (Full disclosure: I believe that it is true.)...

  • August 16, 2021

    How to share the new diversity

    We have been constantly reminded that "diversity is our strength." It is as inarguably a fact of life as death; taxes; and the brain damage suffered by all Progs, Libs, and Dems. Curiously, some states appear to be hesitant about havi...

  • July 23, 2021

    A 2022 insurance policy?

    “’I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office -- that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected -- but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,’ FBI counterintelligence off...

  • July 2, 2021

    Gleichschaltung and American Marxism

    Gleichschaltung. Huh? Gleichschaltung is a German word meaning "coordination," "making the same," "bringing into line."  It was the Nazi policy enforcing political conformity...