Mike Robinson

Mike Robinson

  • July 29, 2022

    Does the world have a leader anymore?

    I've been away from town a long time — pursuing a life in the West — and a lot of things have changed.  For instance, there's the little white building that lights up at night to advertise "adult" things for th...

  • June 10, 2022

    What is a college education really worth?

    The last time I checked, the price of a four-year bachelor's degree at the state college that I once graduated from was "slightly less than $325,000."  The apparently now routine "lab cost" of a required engineering ...

  • December 27, 2020

    No, it's not time for a ‘Congressional Hail Mary’

    As the 2020 election, with all of its fraud, winds towards its final legal conclusion in a few weeks, many people are now speculating about a “Congressional ‘Hail Mary Pass,’” in which Vice-President Mike Pence or the Hou...

  • September 23, 2020

    Making sure your vote gets counted

    If you're like me, you can't help but notice that by now, you've received six or seven solicitations in the mail, urging you to obtain an "absentee ballot" for use in your local election, even though you'll be in town on Ele...