Mike Kimmitt

Mike Kimmitt

  • February 25, 2018

    Misguided Anti-Gun Assumptions

    The psychotic killer of more than a dozen students in Parkland, Florida has set off the usual anti-Second Amendment activists, opportunistic politicos, and press on a predictable campaign seeking the disarmament of the American citizenry.  ...

  • January 20, 2017

    The Democrats’ acidic petulance

    Still posted on the CNN website is a months-old interview that again reveals the stunning phoniness of today’s hard-left Democrat-press complex. In the clip, CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin referred to a gracious letter George H.W. Bush left for i...

  • February 16, 2016

    Will the GOP Finally Hold Fast?

    The unexpected death of Justice Anthony Scalia signals yet another contentious nomination process for the now vacant position on the Supreme Court.  So batten down the hatches – yet another heaping helping of sanctimony from the Democ...

  • February 28, 2015

    Plenty of Wiggle Room in Scientific Certainty

    Recently I stumbled across an Internet site that displayed stunning photographs of 10 animals whose existence, until recently, had been totally unknown to our highly educated scientific community. I must admit that my confidence is shaken in these...