Mike J. Kirkwood

Mike J. Kirkwood

  • New Walls to Tear Down

    September 2, 2024

    New Walls to Tear Down

    The movie Reagan just opened.  It’s wonderful, and the scene where he calls for Mr. Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall!” is amazing. Entertaining, heartwarming, and nostalgic are words that come to mind.  A man...

  • March 20, 2020

    The real danger in a pandemic

    The governor of Colorado effectively closed all restaurants and bars beginning March 17th. Is anyone okay with the government telling Americans to close their business, possibly putting them out of business, possibly resulting in bankruptcy and ho...

  • November 3, 2019

    JOKER: The Warning

    The movie Joker is nothing if not deeply disturbing. But what makes the movie so goes far beyond the demented social warrior/anti-hero of the character of Joker.  Rather, the real issue of the movie is that it offers nothing beyond him.  Th...

  • September 14, 2018

    The real problem with Nike's new slogan

    "Believe in something.  Even if it means sacrificing everything." Because Nike said so?  Suicide bombers believe.  They sacrifice everything.  Stalin believed.  He sacrificed millions. ...

  • July 4, 2018

    Liberty: Yours, Mine, and Ours

    All day, every day, we are bombarded with endless tweets, texts, articles, posts, and broadcasts.  As a nation we suffer from news fatigue.  Rightly so, many of the multitude of those sufferers lament that we might return to a time when exh...

  • May 27, 2018

    Life after (Near) Death

    I love motorcycles.  The bike growls, beneath me the wheels churn the pavement into a blur, and it begins.  Out of the city, up into the mountains, and down the road past another sweeping curve, I'm in the wind and free! I ...

  • February 4, 2018

    What Really Matters

    In November of 2017, I nearly died -- twice -- in just over two weeks. The first, a motorcycle crash, left me with massive internal injuries and profuse internal bleeding. I survived that -- barely -- and some suggested I made it through because of h...

  • October 27, 2017

    White privilege is not the cause of racism

    White Privilege is not the cause of the plague of racism.  Black Entitlement is not its cure.  Slavery was not its source. Without identifying where racism comes from and where it resides still, we are doomed to forever suffer its ills....

  • October 6, 2017

    Weird Is Not Unique

    In the beginning, my mother cut my hair. Finally, I turned seven years old.  It was 1962. My mother, my father, and I stood in the kitchen, my mother gently running her fingers through my hair.  She looked at my father and said, ...

  • September 19, 2017

    Flowing beyond gender fluidity

    I checked for any new texts from my wife as I walked into the Everything Your Pet Deserves Super Store.  It turned out that the birdseed was at the back of the store, across from the Pet Chapel and the gravestones.  It took me a few minutes...

  • August 5, 2017

    A reminder of how science can exist

    "I believe in science," he said smugly.  Then, with deliberate focus and dramatic pauses, he tapped the Bible that sat on the table three times.  "I believe in reality."  Looking at me over the top of his glasses, h...