

  • January 31, 2013

    USPS Sticker Shock

    If you haven't heard yet, you will soon. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has once again raised the postage rates. Now don't get me wrong, if all you ever mail is the occasional letter, and/or the only country you ever mail to is the U.S., you...

  • November 11, 2012


    Today I did a terrible thing. Well, no, two terrible things: 1. I verbally attacked a nonvoter. 2. I lied to a friend. The Attack: Everyone reading this knows that turnout in this election was critical, and we also know that we fell well short of th...

  • August 31, 2012

    Persuasion vs. Compulsion

    As I filled my gas tank with pricey ethanol-free gasoline, my liberal friend commented, "Oil companies are evil profit mongers and Isaac has put them in their place!!  Their record profits will definitely take a hit, YAY!!  And those cor...

  • August 9, 2012

    Surviving a Mixed Relationship

    Yes, I'm in a mixed relationship.  It has been 18 years now, starting with romance and developing into so much more.  Inevitably, it is fraught with complications.  There are differences in so many things.  There are the explosion...