Michelle Fitzpatrick Thomas

Michelle Fitzpatrick Thomas

  • October 24, 2020

    Trump and Nehemiah: Two Wall-Builders the World Needed

    I was discussing politics with my karate instructor after class one evening.  I had sent him my columns about President Trump and Doug Collins, so we've had some talks about related matters lately.  He asked me if I've rea...

  • April 12, 2020

    The Resurrection: a mother’s perspective

    As I was sitting on my loveseat one morning this week, sipping my coffee and eating my Trim Healthy Mama cinnamon toast, God's Word was playing through the Bible app on my phone. Our church is going through a Bible study together this year called...

  • March 17, 2020

    Welcome to Homeschooling, America!

    Here in Georgia, the mass hysteria about the coronavirus has caused the governor to declare a “public health state of emergency.” He has advised public schools and daycare centers to close for two weeks in order to curb the opportunities ...

  • February 26, 2020

    Why Doug Collins Needs to Win the Georgia Senate Race

    As is well known, Georgia senator Johnny Isakson resigned in December due to health issues.  He never should have run for re-election in 2016, but that's another matter.  He had three years left in his term, and Governor Brian...

  • January 28, 2020

    God's Anointed Leader Isn't Always What We Expect

    Much has been spoken and written lately regarding the evangelical community's feelings toward President Trump, especially since the Christianity Today editorial calling for his removal from office was published last month.  Many evangel...

  • August 11, 2019

    RIP: A prophet who predicted the mess we're in now

    If you remember the late, great financial teacher Larry Burkett, your life is likely the better for it.  I worked with Larry for several years in his Gainesville, Georgia headquarters of Christian Financial Concepts (and continued to work f...

  • August 6, 2019

    This mama's idea of gun control

    Our nation experienced a terribly tragic weekend, with two mass shootings killing nearly 30 people.  I've been praying for the injured and the family members of those who were killed.  Unfortunately, I understand wel...

  • August 4, 2019

    Deborah vs. The Squad

    My family and I are participating with our church in reading through the Old Testament this year—a campaign called “OT19.” The last couple of weeks, we’ve been in the book of Judges. It has been a good refresher for me of the ...

  • July 28, 2019

    Housewives: 'Dependent Creatures'! 'Parasites'!

    In 2013, then–U.S. president Barack Hussein Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to liberal "feminist" Gloria Steinem.  This is the highest honor the U.S. bestows on civilians.  Freedom for what, you mig...

  • July 14, 2019

    'Pride' Goes before Destruction

    My husband Trevor and I recently took our four children to Washington, D.C. for the first (and likely last) time. It was amazing to see the historic monuments and to tour the Capitol building and the museums. It is truly rich with history and traditi...

  • May 18, 2019

    Why This White Woman Voted for Brian Kemp

    In 1951, a white baby girl was born in a small hospital in Ogbomosho, Nigeria, West Africa. She was raised among the Nigerian people by missionary parents -- parents who dedicated their lives to ministering to and sharing the Gospel with people of co...