Michael Zebulon

Michael Zebulon

  • April 5, 2011

    Stay out of it, General

    David Petraeus commands the US troops in Afghanistan, and if he wishes to order them to conduct themselves in a given manner in regard to a book -- any book -- that is the commander's prerogative.General Petraeus, however, does not command the Americ...

  • October 10, 2010

    Middle East Peace: Insoluble Doesn't Mean Unmanageable

    The perennial push to solve the "'Palestinian'-Israeli problem" is predicated on a false premise: to wit, that the Arab-Jewish conflict on the territory of the former League of Nations Palestine Mandate is genuinely susceptible to resolutio...

  • September 22, 2010

    It's about Greed, All Right -- Government Greed

    A friend of mine asked a rhetorical question the other day. Caught me up short, I'll tell you. I'd never heard it put quite that way, and I had to ponder it. He asked, Why does the Left love jobs -- but hate employers? Oh, they'd never cop to it, but...

  • September 14, 2010

    General Petraeus' Mistake

    Now don't go getting your bloomers in a knot, but I think the most egregious culprit in the flap over Rev. Terry Jones and his Dove World Outreach Qur'an-burning project was actually none other than David Petraeus. That's hardly to suggest that the p...

  • September 7, 2010

    The Most Disturbing Facet of Yet Another Dreary 'Peace' Conference

    America has no business giving its imprimatur to a diplomatic process that countenances, and indeed endorses, ethnic cleansing as a foundation stone -- or that embraces the prospect of an eventual judenrein "Palestinian" state (let alone a ...

  • December 13, 2009


    In unmistakably peace-loving Tehran, Western observers have beheld street processions of missiles conspicuously emblazoned with clearly stenciled words evoking all the charm and grace of a greeting card: "To Jerusalem."Late in the 1960s, sh...