Michael V. Wilson

Michael V. Wilson

  • June 12, 2022

    Who's the Real Radical Individualist?

    The political left, all those who aren't Christian, conservative, Republican, or any combination of the three, are fond of accusing Christians, conservatives, and Republicans of, among other things, extremism, white supremacy, and something calle...

  • May 15, 2022

    Islamophobia: The Left Has It Backwards

    The left — the progressive, socialist, communist, God-hating, atheistic left — gets just about everything either wrong or backward, from cancel culture to the 1619 Project to racism to the environment to religion to family matters to abor...

  • March 11, 2021

    Kamala Has the Best of Both Worlds

    Since before the November 2020 event masquerading as an election, conservative pundits have been theorizing that mentally deficient and rapidly declining Joe Biden is merely a placeholder for the eventual rise to power of Kamala Harris, the shrill Hi...

  • December 6, 2020

    What Leftists Don't Get about Evil and the Law

    As the 2020 election recedes in our rearview mirror and the godless media relentlessly push a false narrative that "Biden won," it's instructive to consider just what price America — and you, dear reader — will pay if evil b...

  • July 15, 2020

    The mask and the Mark of the Beast

    In theory, Governor Greg Abbot (R) of Texas isn't a dictator, and we're not slaves.  I say "in theory" because more and more, it's starting to seem as if the converse of both propositions is true. Today, my wife and...

  • May 4, 2020

    Panic and the dangerous lockdowns

    People who are drowning are fighting for their lives.  Because of exhaustion or lack of swimming ability, they're sinking under the water and getting farther away from the air with each passing moment.  Such unreasoning fear s...

  • February 3, 2020

    The Factions of the Right and How They Fight

    There's a tendency in modern politics to treat political parties as monolithic structures.  This tendency is more noticeable on the Left than on the Right, but both sides indulge in it more than they should. The reality is, political...