Michael S. Goldstein

Michael S. Goldstein

  • The vital significance of Chanukah

    December 9, 2024

    The vital significance of Chanukah

    Each year we commemorate the eight-day festival of Chanukah, celebrating the victory of Jewish freedom fighters who ejected the Syrian-Greeks from Judah and restored the Temple in Jerusalem. The Greeks had defiled the Temple, destroyed the interior, ...

  • Why They Hate

    July 20, 2024

    Why They Hate

    During WWII, film director Frank Capra produced seven films under the theme of Why We Fight.  In these films, Capra explained the war to American service-people and civilians, and urged them to unite in the complex and labor-intensive task of de...

  • The Folly of Basing American Gaza Policy on False Hamas-Reported Casualties

    July 13, 2024

    The Folly of Basing American Gaza Policy on False Hamas-Reported Casualties

    The American administration continues to apply immense pressure on Israel to stop its defensive war against Hamas in Gaza, and to pivot to a “diplomatic option” under which it would negotiate with Hamas and agree to a “two-state sol...

  • What if the U.S. had been told to stop fighting Japan during WWII, the way Israel is being told to stop fighting Hamas?

    July 13, 2024

    What if the U.S. had been told to stop fighting Japan during WWII, the way Israel is being told to stop fighting Hamas?

    No matter its stated reasons, no matter how misguided its policy, the United States administration, advised by its historically anti-Israel Department of State, is putting severe pressure on Israel to stop fighting Hamas in Gaza, without permitting i...

  • The Bitter Fruit of American Appeasement of Iran

    July 12, 2024

    The Bitter Fruit of American Appeasement of Iran

    The behavior of the current U.S. administration toward Iran, in continuation of the policies of the Obama administration, has been appeasement on a monumental scale. That's evident in the financial tribute facilitated and released to Iran; the...

  • America’s refusal to support Israel at the United Nations is cowardly and immoral

    July 12, 2024

    America’s refusal to support Israel at the United Nations is cowardly and immoral

    Despite the fact that in the mid-20th Century Japan was never an existential threat to the United States, its attack on Pearl Harbor and other U.S. military installations in the Hawaiian Islands created such anger among Americans that the destruction...

  • December 10, 2021

    It's time for veterans to defend their country against the child-snatchers

    This is a call for every American military veteran to take immediate action to remove Critical Race Theory indoctrination of our children from their schools, by renewing our oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign an...

  • November 30, 2021

    How to Remove Critical Race Theory from Our Schools

    State legislators know nothing about Critical Race Theory (CRT). Descended from Critical Theory (CT) created by the Marxist German Frankfurt School, CRT is the latest effort to divide Americans by race and create a hierarchy of victimhood to use in t...

  • November 22, 2021

    Judge Jeanine and the Rittenhouse verdict

    Judge Jeanine Pirro was talking to about 2,500 patriots Friday morning November 19 at the American Freedom Tour at Dream City Church in Phoenix.  She reminded us that the rule of law within the justice system is the foundation of civilizati...

  • October 31, 2019

    One more SPLC slander

    By designating Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) as an "anti-Muslim hate group," the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has made a wild and harmful accusation in complete disregard of the facts.  This is how the SP...

  • April 23, 2017

    The Democrats Were Here Before and Tore the Nation Asunder – Consider Lincoln

      The Democrats, through their rhetoric and their actions, are opposing the Trump administration at every turn.  Through Obama administration government holdovers, they intend to bring down the present government and maintain and expand ...

  • February 14, 2017

    A Brief and Appalling History of the Department of Education

    Congratulations to Secretary DeVos.  She will now roll up her sleeves and work to ensure that our children receive the education they deserve, and not the education they have been receiving for a long, long time.  We know that she wants to ...

  • August 31, 2016

    The Democrats Own the Ills of the Inner Cities

    Yes, the Democrats think they own the problems besetting the residents of our inner cities, but not in the way they believe. Democrats try to own the problems solely as election issues. They see their constituents’ problems only as tools, weapo...

  • February 7, 2016

    Realpolitik on ISIS and Iran

    There may be valid reasons for the United States to choose not to destroy ISIS at this time.  After due consideration, the next administration may decide to focus our efforts on the much more dangerous enemy, Iran. If so, our new president...

  • February 5, 2016

    Should We Destroy ISIS?

    Most, if not all, of the presidential candidates participating in the two Fox News Channel debates on January 28 told us that as president of the United States they would destroy the Islamic State, ISIS.  They only differed somewhat in their ope...

  • December 14, 2015

    Americans are not Fearful

    The goal of the media is ratings. From far right to far left-oriented media outlets, it is the same. One way to improve ratings is to use sensational language in reporting, whether or not the facts on the ground support the sensationalism. When ...

  • December 4, 2015

    The VA and Limits on Veterans' Religious Freedom

    Veterans and their families are offended and angered by the Veterans Administration’s religious symbols policy. Since its original implementation in 2002 during the George W. Bush administration, the VA policy on holiday activities and the disp...

  • November 25, 2015

    Muslim Immigration Now vs. Jewish Immigration Then

    The proponents of open immigration of Muslims to this country deride conservatives’ opinion that such legal immigration must be suspended until such time as we are able to vet the potential immigrants to eliminate any possible terrorists, which...

  • August 8, 2014

    Fantasy War Reporting

    In this current Israel/Hamas war, from Gaza and in Gaza, for the most part the media’s reporting of Hamas casualties mimics Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass.  All is backwards.  Most is fantasy. I wrote to Brooke Gol...