Michael Nollet

Michael Nollet

  • February 1, 2020

    Adam Schiff and John Profumo: A Tale of Two Liars

    I'm an over-the-road truck driver.  That means I have lots of time to indulge myself in activities not given to ordinary mortals, such as listening gavel-to-gavel to the Senate's impeachment process (still in progress as of this wri...

  • October 25, 2019

    The CFC ban has nothing to do with the closing of the ozone hole

    On October 24, AT published the article "Ozone Hole Shrinking, NASA Announces."  The author, Howard J. Warner, correctly wrote that there are many factors that cause the Earth's ozone layer to grow or shrink and that chlo...

  • October 20, 2019

    Sorry, but we're stuck with the UN

    The estimable Silvio Canto has written another of his delightfully short articles, this one against the United Nations, Don’t Send the UN Another Dime!, published in AT on October 19, 2019. In this article, Mr. Canto cited yet another UN a...

  • July 21, 2019

    The absurdity of the “faked Apollo moon landing” conspiracy theories

      Our nation yesterday rightly treated itself to a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. Vice President Pence summed it up this way: "This may be the only event of the 20th century that will be remembered i...

  • July 14, 2019

    Why H. Ross Perot didn't become President

    On July 9, 2019, H. Ross Perot died.  For those too young to have vivid memories of the 1992 election, the news accounts of his biography may seem familiar.  This is because he had lots in common with Donald Trump.  Both men were blunt...

  • June 23, 2019

    Hollywood's Anti-Communist Movies: the 21st Century

    Yesterday, AT was kind enough to publish the first installment of my submission about anti-Communist movies that were produced by Hollywood. For the second installment, we set the cutoff point at the year 2000, and will review anti-Communist mov...

  • June 22, 2019

    Hollywood's Anti-Communist Movies

    For years, this reviewer has been hearing complaints that “Hollywood never produces anti-Communist movies,” only liberal or anti-Nazi or anti-American ones. And people, it just isn’t true. Hollywood has produced dozens of anti-Commu...

  • June 3, 2019

    When the Marine Corps Saved Itself by Recruiting Politicians

    When U.S. Marines raised the U.S. flags on Iwo Jima during World War II, secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, who had just landed at the beachhead, turned to Marine lieutenant general Holland M. "Howling Mad" Smith.  Forrestal e...

  • May 4, 2019

    Not All Conservatives Are Defenders of Joseph McCarthy

    On April 6, 2019, AT published the article, “On Joe McCarthy, Washington Post Gets It Embarrassingly Wrong,” by the estimable Jack Cashill. It drew hundreds of comments, which were overwhelmingly laudatory of McCarthy. The relatively few ...

  • January 27, 2019

    One Way Outraged Americans Can Beat Robert Mueller

    Much has been made of the pre-dawn arrest of Roger Stone in his home in Fort Lauderdale.  To make this arrest, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, probably having delegated the task to his subordinate Andrew Weissmann (who is known fo...

  • December 21, 2018

    Trump and the pocket veto

    Yesterday, House speaker Paul Ryan announced that President Trump will veto any budget bill that does not contain funding for Trump's border wall.  The end of the year and the current session of Congress being so near, this raises the d...

  • November 8, 2018

    Dred Scott Continues to Cause Difficulties for the United States

    The reason we're having to put up with all this business about anchor babies and birthright citizenship is because of the Supreme Court's Dred Scott vs. Sandford Decision of 1857. It's a classic case study in the Law of Unintended Consequ...

  • August 18, 2018

    Sean Hannity is figuratively driving me crazy

    Sean Hannity is literally figuratively driving me crazy.  He does it with his misuse of the word "literally."  It's his favorite buzzword.  He doesn't know what the word means, and he literall...