Michael N. Mattia

Michael N. Mattia

  • June 29, 2022

    The degradation of our military

    I believe that the Biden administration, most Democrats, and a good number of so-called Republicans are dedicated to the destruction of the traditional USA by various means: economic, political, cultural, immigration, and military. This essay address...

  • May 23, 2019

    A somewhat desperate suggestion to fix corruption in our law enforcement agencies

    No matter the outcome of the investigations authorized by the new attorney general, William Barr, and the supposedly ongoing investigation by the DOJ inspector general, the basic facts cannot be denied.  Law enforcement at the highest level...

  • February 21, 2019

    What explains Democrats' self-contradictory views?

    The elected Democrat officeholders of today and the ill-educated voters who put them in office have to be the most conflicted people history has ever seen. These people live in a world of contradictions and must, on a daily basis, reflect on, supp...

  • October 19, 2018

    American socialism, 2018

    The 60-year experiment in the progressive government-run educational system in this country has cheated and defrauded not only those it purports to educate, but also the taxpayers who funded this sham.  It is apparent that no longer are Ame...

  • September 21, 2018

    Attention: Senator Hirono

    I would refer Senator Mazie Hirono and those rabid Democrat Trump-haters ready to not only deny Brett Kavanaugh a seat on the United States Supreme Court, but thoroughly ruin his life based on unsubstantiated allegations of a sexual abuse encounter 3...

  • April 20, 2018

    Criminal referrals and false hopes

    Here's my take on all the breathless reporting by various news outlets that Andrew McCabe has been referred for criminal prosecution.  It will never happen. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will never allow any criminal prosecution aga...

  • November 11, 2017

    Insult to injury: Bowe Bergdahl's $300,000

    Adding insult to injury, the now reported story is that the Army is considering awarding Bowe Bergdahl, the admitted and convicted deserter who also admitted to misbehavior in the face of  the enemy, $300,000.  With no prison time for his t...

  • June 17, 2017

    The true 'climate deniers'

    The money-grubbing hucksters of climate change, global warming, or whatever other catchphrase title is being used to scare the gullible Chicken Littles of the world claim modern "science" has the ability to foretell the future.  T...

  • April 20, 2017

    Keep US ground forces out of Middle East conflicts

    I am as opposed to radical Islam and the barbarian actions of these 7th-century throwbacks as anyone.  However, I am tired of hearing from so-called pundits and tea leaf readers that "if we don't stop them in (pick a country), we will h...

  • December 8, 2016

    Military vs. civilian leadership: The real record

    As the Left raises the drumbeat of opposition to everything Trump, especially the recruitment of retired military officers for cabinet and sub-cabinet positions with the specious claim of “civilian control” of the military, let me refresh...

  • August 1, 2016

    The Coming Election Fraud

    Now that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Democrats’ candidate for President of the United States, prepare for the most fraudulent, corrupt and dishonest if not outright criminal election process in the history of this country. That has to be the ...

  • July 12, 2016

    Hillary's FBI interview

    Charles Krauthammer of Fox News posits the idea that James Comey did not want to be the “fulcrum” in a highly charged political environment and therefore decided not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton lest it influence the elect...

  • July 5, 2016

    The Second Amendment Is the First Domino in the Toppling of the Bill of Rights

    The recent typical Democrat faux hysteria over the shooting in Orlando has nothing to do with “gun control” but rather with “people control.” If they were serious they would address the ongoing situation in Chicago, where...