Michael Morris

Michael Morris

  • April 25, 2004

    Massive EU political corruption explosed

    An Austrian MEP (Member of the European Parliament) has exposed, with photographic evidence, a massive scam of expense money, by hundreds of MEPs, including 30 from the UK alone. It's no wonder that all these gravy—train European politicians do...

  • April 19, 2004

    UN Anti-American murder in Kosovo

    The cold—blooded killing of two female American police officers serving with the UN in Kosovo must be fully investigated, and the four Jordanian—dispatched  police assailants —— minus the dead one —— who were ...

  • April 18, 2004

    UN will set the clock back in Iraq

    It appears as if some on the right are now willing to surrender to the comfort—zone urge of allowing the UN back into Iraq. This is a political compromise between Blair and Bush that will significantly harm the already finely balanced situatio...

  • April 17, 2004

    A rigged BBC poll and bin Laden's EU truce offer

    Solid evidence has emerged to suggest that a recent poll by the BBC's World Service, was not only systematically rigged, but that bin Laden's offer of a truce with Europe a mere six days after the survey's results were published, may indicate that th...

  • April 15, 2004

    Are the British allowing Iranian infiltration?

    Over the last couple of weeks, the UK media has been crowing about the relative peace within the British jurisdiction of Basra and Southern Iraq, compared to the difficulties the Americans have been facing in other parts of the country. The press has...

  • April 11, 2004

    Sunday Telegraph plays the Nazi card

    In today's UK Sunday Telegraph, an article titled: 'US tactics condemned by British officers,' uses Nazi terminology to describe the US military's behavior in Iraq.   It's in an article written by Sean Rayment, the newspaper's defense correspo...

  • April 10, 2004

    The Daily Telegraph's war support in question

    You heard it here first folks: the last bastion of British Conservatism appears to have thrown in the proverbial towel on their support for the war in Iraq. The Daily Telegraph, part of Conrad Black's troubled Hollinger Group, is starting to back...

  • April 9, 2004

    What about our 'hearts and minds'?

    The last week in Iraq certainly has been a hellish one; there is nothing wrong with admitting it. Many Coalition soldiers have fallen on the frontline for a worthy cause, and it would be to dishonor them, if we shied away from accepting the new real...

  • April 8, 2004

    Mosque hit! Mosque hit!

    The British media continue to sink deeper and deeper into a quagmire of baloney. The supposed bombing of the al—Kubaysi Mosque in Fallujah has been misreported with unabashed vigor. And this time, it isn't just the usual suspects, such as the ...

  • April 7, 2004

    BBC lies again.

    The BBC is paid $5bn per year by British taxpayers to provide supposedly high—brow news analysis. But when you read BBC—published rubbish such as: 'Analysis: Growing Shia discontent', one has to wonder whether we are dealing with bias or ...

  • April 6, 2004

    Al-Sadr: A Nasty Piece of Work

    The Iranian backed Shiite cleric, Moqdata Sadr, has probably known for quite some time about the impending announcement made yesterday, when the Iraqi Governing Council issued a warrant for his arrest in connection with last year's murder of the mode...

  • April 5, 2004

    The BBC: Pro-EU and Anti-America

    Humans tend to polarize in their cultural and political beliefs. People join others who support their beliefs and oppose those who have a different view. Issues may be small and local, or encompass an entire worldview. People will bifurcate, absent u...

  • April 3, 2004

    US to Fingerprint British Visitors

    Being half—British myself, it may sound odd, but I am genuinely overjoyed that the US will start fingerprinting and photographing British visitors to America, from September 30th. This has already kicked up the usual fuss and hyperbole amongst...

  • April 2, 2004

    All Hail the New BBC Chairman!

    Watching the BBC report on itself, which it's recently been doing frquently, is always an enlightening experience.   On Friday afternoon at about 3:00pm GMT, BBC News 24 was getting very excited about the imminent arrival at BBC headquarters in ...

  • April 1, 2004

    EU Whitewashes Muslim Anti-Semitism

    Once again the EU has proved that they will happily manipulate the findings of any report which does not serve the ultra—liberal tendencies of their unelected and politically correct Eurocrats.   A report on the rising tide of European ant...

  • March 31, 2004

    Falluja Needs a 'Phoenix Program'

    The distressing news footage on our television sets this morning, of swarming Iraqis burning and mutilating Western civilian corpses on the streets of Falluja, are an indicator that Coalition forces have not dealt firmly enough with that hive of anti...

  • March 30, 2004

    British Audience Laughs at America's 9/11 Attack

    Imagine going for a night out to the theatre in Germany during the 1930s. It would have been quite normal — with not one eyebrow raised in the audience — to be watching a production which showed film footage of Jews being beaten up. This ...

  • March 30, 2004

    Blair's 'Aznar moment' in House of Commons

    It's one thing to sensibly argue the pros and cons of the EU Constitution in relation to British economic, political and strategic interests. But it is quite another to use the dreadful events in Madrid, and the generally higher level of fear of te...

  • March 28, 2004

    The BBC Consigns an Embarrassment to the Memory Hole

    The American Thinker has caught the BBC in the act of trying to cover up an instance of their bias, which we reported earlier today in an article entitled BBC Linguistic Double Standards. Shortly after we publicized this case of BBC anti—Israel...

  • March 28, 2004

    EU Official Interferes in Domestic Italian Politics

    The current President of the EU, Romano Prodi, appears to be having an identity crisis. He doesn't seem to know, from one moment to the next, whether he's in charge of the EU or head of the Italian opposition to Silvio Berlusconi.   As reported...

  • March 27, 2004

    The EU Constitution: Blair Joins 'Old Europe'

    Just as the poll tax was Margaret Thatcher's final act of nihilism, Tony Blair's may be the EU Constitution, which he's now indicated he'll push through without a referendum before the next general election. His continued survival after the political...

  • March 25, 2004

    Yassin, the New Mandela: a Guardian Obituary

    After reading The Guardian's repulsive obituary for Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, one must never again doubt the revisionist creativity of the British left. The author of this abomination, David Hirst, should be giving classes to Holocaust apologists.   ...

  • March 25, 2004

    The British Conservatives' Transatlantic Malaise

    For Americans who may not be aware of this fact, Tony Blair, the British PM, is not a Conservative. It is perhaps easy to think of him as one, considering his steadfast support for President Bush, and his determination —— much to the...

  • March 24, 2004

    The So-called BBC

    Imagine a huge state broadcasting network in the US completely financed by a tax levied on every single household with a television set.   Perhaps this fee might cost about $200 every year and there would be no way to opt out — short of g...

  • March 23, 2004

    Europe Stands Shoulder to Shoulder with Hamas

    The Israeli assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin has provided another opportunity to witness the alarming double standards displayed by the EU in regard to the war on terrorism.   Their theory of Terrorist Relativity is based on the idea that o...

  • March 21, 2004

    Just say 'Nein'

    The German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, has been letting it be known, in a rather forceful manner, that Germany deserves to occupy a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. He's telling anyone who'll listen to him that Germany —— aft...

  • March 19, 2004

    Blair and Bush � Stronger at the End of a Spanish Week

    Recent events across the world may have inadvertently strengthened Blair's and Bush's hand. Whatever one may think of the Iraq War; any intellectually honest person has to admire the two leaders' staying power and strength of will. As some of the Wes...

  • March 17, 2004

    Making Space Safe for Socialism

    The leftwing British think tank, Demos, has released a report ambitiously named —— of all things  —— 'Masters of the Universe'. It may sound like a well known cartoon, or Tom Wolfe's description of a bond trader party. Bu...

  • March 16, 2004

    Europeans Could Elect the Next President

    How would Americans feel, if Europeans actually controlled the swing vote in a tight US Presidential election? In reality, for that scenario to be cued up, this year's election result only has to be nearly as close as the 2000 election.  The Eur...

  • March 15, 2004

    The Biggest Bomb in Spain Exploded Sunday

    The (PSOE) Socialist party may have won the Spanish elections yesterday, but Al—Qaeda was the real victor and you can bet they've been at the non—alcoholic bubbly all night long. While those of us who support the war on terror need to rem...

  • March 14, 2004

    The Truth Sometimes Hurts

    The British media are treating the terror attacks on Spain and America very differently. This may come as a great shock to most Americans —— specifically those who remember Tony Blair and his 'shoulder to shoulder' speech after 9/11....