Michael L. Grable

Michael L. Grable

  • September 25, 2023

    We're All Bob Menendez

    Who would believe that the man legislatively in charge of shaping the foreign policy of the most powerful nation on the planet is a dirt-bag political prostitute from New Jersey willing to sell his country's interests and his own honor for cash, ...

  • June 9, 2022

    What will happen now that voters kicked out Chesa?

    Wow!  San Francisco's voters, in last Tuesday's recall election, fired their district attorney. Chesa Boudin's the leftist ideologue whose refusal to constructively prosecute San Francisco lawbreakers helped usher the City by the ...

  • January 9, 2022

    Biden's COVID vax 'emergency temporary standards' may give Trump the last laugh

    Today's 1/6 "insurrection" histrionics are more than political theater. They're just another skirmish in a political war that's been going on in the American Republic since the mid–19th century and is now culminating in...

  • May 31, 2021

    The unsettling story of stamps versus yuans

    I just read that the cost of a first-class postage stamp will increase to 58¢ on August 29. Seems like yesterday the stamp cost only 5¢.  In fact, though, 1967 was the last year the stamp cost 5¢.  Ah, LBJ and th...

  • January 11, 2019

    Momma, Don't Let Your Boys Grow Up to Be Men

    In what could pass as the Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson version of behavioral science, the American Psychological Association's Stephanie Pappas informs us the APA has issued its "first-ever guidelines for practice with men and boys....

  • October 2, 2016

    In a Neighborhood of Gangs: The Warrant for Trump

    When you live in a neighborhood of gangs, you must accommodate the gang that does you the least harm. And you do, you know. You’ve always lived in a neighborhood of gangs. You always will. The only question is which gang you accommodate. If ...

  • March 13, 2016

    The Great Trump PC Jailbreak

    How does American society break out of political correctness jail? Just crash one outré extrovert from the Wharton School of Business, with $10 billion worth of brass and a showman’s sense of populist animus, into a private presidenti...

  • September 18, 2015

    Joe Blow on the Second Republican Debate

    Having disrupted the evening of a neighbor who still actually owns a cable-connected TV, here's Joe Blow’s instant analysis of Wednesday’s second Republican presidential-candidate "debate": в—Џ Trump didn't help himse...

  • July 9, 2015

    Ted Kennedy, SCOTUS Supervillain

    Our history often comes back to haunt us, but seldom with greater irony than in the risible SCOTUS decision making homosexual marriage the land’s supreme law. That’s Edward Kennedy’s fault. Obamacare may well also be. And t...

  • June 29, 2015

    SCOTUScare, SCOTUSsexuality, and SCOTUSocracy

    Misapplying the U.S. Constitution is one thing.  Usurping the constitutional powers of the federal legislature is altogether another. The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has done plenty of the former during the last century.  So far in this ...

  • June 23, 2015

    Good grief: Rachel Dolezal has been on about racist currency for a while

    Before my recent AT post nominating Rachel Dolezal as the new face of the $10 bill (which Treasury intends to feminize in 2020), I hadn’t realized that this academic Henny-Penny had years before lectured us about how all the old white men on ou...

  • June 19, 2015

    Rachel Dolezal for the 2020 $10 bill

    Now that the Treasury Department has – politically correctly – announced its intention to feminize the $10 bill, the race is on to choose the woman whose portrait will replace Alexander Hamilton’s.  Treasury secretary Jack L...

  • June 7, 2015

    Getting Government Out of the Marriage Business

    It seems surreal a single unelected lifetime judge could decide that the nation’s supreme law requires its unwilling states to derail human history’s central social institution.  The bad news is that’s likely to happen this mon...

  • April 19, 2015

    The California Drought and the Free Market

    A long story in The Desert Sun (a Palm Springs daily) recently manufactured a lake out of a puddle in California's perennial water problems.  Maybe it's just Governor Moonbeam's gang feeding propaganda to the fourth estate, but it...

  • February 7, 2015

    'Oh, she's going down'

    According to Breitbart, that's what Rand Paul has told his senatorial staff about what's going to happen with Loretta Lynch's nomination to replace Eric Holder as the nation's attorney general.  And well her nomination ought go d...

  • December 31, 2014

    A National Conversation about the American Ghetto

    The Left has long argued ad populum that disproportionately white police forces and disproportionately black prison populations prove American law enforcement institutionally racist.  That's essentially the perception behind, for example,...

  • December 4, 2014

    Reducing the Republic to Political Ruins

    Here's the one Ferguson video that sort of says it all: We've run up an $18-trillion national debt to feed, house, clothe, and recreate generations of these "unarmed teenagers" so they may have the time, energy, and deconstru...

  • November 6, 2014

    How to Make $30,000 or More in One Hour Every Two Years

    Who pays anyone $30,000 for one hour of their time every two years?  If you're part of the 25% paying 90% of the Nation's income taxes, you do. The $30,000 is what you're paying those who vote for a living to spend one hour of ...

  • September 18, 2014

    Harmful help hurts blacks

    Here's a Yahoo News article about a black man, Jason Riley, who understands the plight of his people. The most important thing Riley says in this article's associated ABC video clip is, "We need to talk about this (i.e., about blacks ...

  • September 6, 2014

    The Stealing of the American State

    The American Republic's ill.  The disease is entitlementalism.  Its only cure may be limiting suffrage. Apostasy?  Hardly.  Suffrage wasn't unlimited in Jefferson's and Madison's America.  The notion would ...

  • August 27, 2014

    Of Bens, Baracks, and the Real Race War

    Here's a short Bill Whittle video that effectively punctures at least one aspect of the false racial narrative increasingly prevailing in modern America. That false racial narrative is a white, not a black, construct – the product of hal...

  • August 5, 2014

    D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Says ObamaCare Tax Is a...Jabberwock?

    Well, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals just torpedoed the amended Sissel vs. HHS appeal. So the second-highest court in the land has definitely decided that it doesn't want to jump into John Roberts's judicial ObamaCare doo-doo. As the...

  • July 23, 2014

    Piling on the Constitutional Corpse

    Here's Forbes's anatomy of a major ObamaCare decision (Halbig v. Burwell), due within days from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. One can only wonder how (mirabile visu) the second highest court in the land will now j...

  • June 30, 2014

    Immigrant versus Citizen Employment

    In Friday's American Thinker, Thomas Lifson drew three valid conclusions from the recent study disclosing that the nation's total net employment gain so far during the 21st century has gone exclusively to immigrants, "while native-born A...

  • May 16, 2014

    A Very, Very, Very Late-Term Abortion

    Ann Coulter's latest commentary – in which she likens, for effect, capital punishment by more traditional means to a "very, very, very late-term abortion" – gets an "A" for Ann. Society's punitive bullets in...

  • May 6, 2014

    Good Luck with that Benghazi Thing, Mr. Gowdy

    In a political culture of any rectitude, Representative Trey Gowdy's House appointment as the chairman of the new Select Committee to investigate the Benghazi debacle might create misgivings among more than a few of our governing eminences (...

  • May 4, 2014

    <em>Sissel v. HHS</em> and Humpty Dumpty

    Obamacare's legislative and judicial history manifests as nefarious a Federal assault on its own Constitution as any single governing act in the Republic's history.  Yet a Republican-controlled House of Representatives has refused even t...

  • April 18, 2014

    The Once and Future Peasants

    Here's why you should worry about living in a country where increasing numbers of people can live without working. Filing our tax returns last week, I deplored government having confiscated 29.7% (effective rate) of my and my wife's joint ...

  • March 10, 2014

    The Bitcoin Omen

    Just how absurd is the prospect of flesh-and-blood beings adopting a Harry Potter currency with which to exchange the real value of their nonfictional labor? Judging by a vanguard medium of exchange termed "Bitcoin," not nearly as absurd...

  • November 16, 2013

    Don't Cry for Them, America

    Finally, a former U.S. central bank official, Andrew Huszar, spills the quantitative-easing beans: Not to put too fine a point on it, the Federal Reserve has conjured from the monetary void an average $0.8 trillion a year during each of the last fiv...

  • September 16, 2013

    Terrorized by the Tea Party

    A video (from the Daily Caller) reveals the Republican Party's real angst about the Tea Party. David Brooks (the Gray Lady's idea of a housebroken conservative) laments, to PBS's Judy Woodruff that Republican legislators like Ted Cruz aren...

  • May 19, 2013

    To Hell With An IRS Apology; Just Process The Conservative Applications

    Okay, the IRS slid Obama's reelection past the Tea Party nonprofits and afterward planted the question which permitted it to spill the beans on itself before its own IG did. But what happens now to all those tax-exemption applications from conserva...

  • March 9, 2013

    'Single Payer' the wave of the future

    An insurance professional involved in the Purgatory of accommodating Obamacare recently told me he's certain Obamacare won't work and it must, consequently, be but the cat's paw for evolving a single-payer healthcare system. I don't envy this man h...

  • January 3, 2013

    'A Group of White Propertied Men Who Have Been Dead for Two Centuries?'

    If you haven't yet read Professor Louis Michael Seidman's recent opinion editorial ("Let's Give Up on the Constitution") in the New York Times, you should - and very carefully read it too, because it's virtually the academy's declaration of war again...