Michael I. Krauss

Michael I. Krauss

  • October 18, 2011

    Tort Lawyers' Dream, Economy's Scourge: Richard Cordray and the CFPB

    In late July, flanked by two teleprompters, Treasury Secretary Geithner, and Harvard Law professor (now U.S. Senate candidate) Elizabeth Warren, President Obama announced the nomination of former Ohio attorney general Richard Cordray as first head of...

  • February 23, 2010

    What Do Muslim Nations Think about Terrorists?

    Both before and after the terrorist attacks on our country in 2001, we have been assured that Islam is a religion of peace, that most Muslims don't identify with the terrorists, and indeed that most do not wish us ill. This conviction has driven our ...

  • January 5, 2010

    Saudi Arabia: Spoilt Child of the Middle East

    In one of the supreme acts of chutzpah of our new decade, Saudi Arabia has just accused Israel of behaving like a "spoilt child," getting away with "war crimes" (cf. Gaza operations) and "violations of international law"...

  • March 11, 2009

    Obama and Trudeau

    We were the only American family on our block in Toronto in the mid-1960's, and we had an easy time of it. Toronto had not yet experienced the boom caused by post-separatist flight from Montreal in the ‘70's, and growing up there was, I think, ...

  • February 24, 2008

    Collective Punishment and Newspeak

    Activists and some UN Security Council members argue that Israel's restrictions on fuel deliveries to Gaza constitutes collective punishment in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The argument is nonsense.On May 17, 1942, SS Obergruppenfuhrer ...