Michael Finch

Michael Finch

  • January 17, 2023

    Paul Johnson RIP

    A couple of weeks ago, while reading a splendid new biography of the nineteenth-century English landscape painter John Constable, I pulled off the shelf my go-to guide on all things about art, Paul Johnson’s incredible work, Art:  A New Hi...

  • June 7, 2022

    Christopher Lasch and the Great American Divide

    Christopher Lasch was no conservative, at least not what we traditionally think of as “conservative.”  He was never a Republican and as one writer phrased it, “Lasch’s conservative turn was more (Wendell) Berry than (Will...

  • May 9, 2022

    Recovering America

    This free-falling into a new America is becoming increasingly unlivable.  For anyone over a certain age, this America, this culture, and this society have become beyond foreign.  It is not the country we grew up in, and it is not ...

  • May 19, 2021

    Planting the Flag: The States will be Sovereign

    Four months into the Biden administration, we are starting to get a clear picture of what is happening to our country.  The mask, if it was ever actually on, has come off.  This administration and its far-Left puppet masters have veered so ...

  • December 19, 2019

    A warning to conservatives: Don't get complacent on impeachment

    A march to ruin, a gang of Mafiosi has been unleashed on our great nation from the bowels of Capitol Hill.  This is a modern-day NKVD, a Moscow show trial of revolutionary zealots that would made Felix Dzerzhinsky proud.  This sha...

  • April 2, 2017

    Is the fall inevitable?

    The euphoria conservatives felt from the November election has evaporated.  The left is at war with President Trump, the very left that has fully taken over the Democratic Party.  We know that the establishment media are in bed with the Dem...

  • February 15, 2017

    America: Creed vs. Culture

    The debate is raging in conservative circles on whether America is a nation based on creed or culture, or as some put it, one based on blood and soil. It is a debate that has raged for decades, one that many conservatives thought was won and over. Bu...

  • December 25, 2016

    Christmas in a Time of Religious War

    The good feelings of the election and Donald Trump’s victory have given way to the horrors of Jihadist reality.  As we celebrate of the birth of our Savior, we are brutally reminded how dangerous the world has become for Christians.  ...

  • November 20, 2016

    The Absurdity of ‘Unity’

    Coming out of the election we hear the cries that America is breaking apart, that we have never been more disunited.  We aren’t breaking apart in the literal sense of course; we have stalled any calls for secession for awhile, though Calif...

  • October 27, 2016

    Why Trump Will Win

    Donald Trump is going to win on November 8th and the moment when this election turned from seeming defeat to certain victory will be the least expected and one of the most derisively attacked moments of his campaign.  During the third debate whe...

  • October 12, 2016

    Selling out liberty for false piety

    I will come right out and say it: I could give a damn what Donald Trump says in private. What this signals to me is that the false piety on display by so many Republicans and conservatives is nothing more than a symptom of the wussification of Americ...

  • September 9, 2016

    France's Subtle Descent into Dar al-Islam

    WARNING: This review contains spoilers. Declinism is in vogue.  A number of books and articles have been written in recent years about the "Decline of the West."  Perhaps most notable is Mark Steyn's bestselling book Americ...

  • April 25, 2016

    Trump and the Contest to Control Conservatism

    What lies at the heart of the Trump movement and those who are critical of it is the very basic question:  What is a conservative and what is conservatism? In reading Derek Hunter’s anger filled invective at Townhall.com, I had to wonde...

  • January 31, 2013

    The Path to Saving the Republic: Just Say 'No'

    Our nation is in crisis. The Obama administration is centralizing power at a level unmatched in American history with grave consequences for our future liberty and freedom. Of that there is not much debate among conservatives. Conservatives, however,...