Michael E. Young

Michael E. Young

  • January 2, 2020

    Does William Barr Have the Guts?

    When asked if William Barr has the guts to do what needs to be done, a semi-famous conservative Twitter pundit answered that Barr has the guts, but what he lacks is prosecutable crimes. Wait, what? If this seems like utter nonsense to you, you ...

  • February 18, 2019

    The fate of American justice lies with William Barr

    Disgraced former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe provided a perfect demonstration of Deep State unaccountability and unapologetic arrogance in his 60 Minutes interview Sunday evening.  Our country has endured a two-year politica...

  • September 20, 2018

    Brett Kavanaugh and the left's 'guilty until proven innocent' regime

    According to a recent Reuters poll, support for Brett Kavanaugh has suffered a hit due to Christine Blasey Ford's 36-year-old assault allegations and the ensuing media circus.  However, it does appear that Senate Republicans have starte...

  • July 19, 2018

    Hyperbole: Now playing in an echo chamber near you

    The liberal media complex meltdown over the Trump-Putin summit shouldn't be a surprise.  Most everyone watching the joint press conference in real time recognized Trump's gaffe, but the resulting hysteria on the left is a clown show...

  • June 14, 2018

    Understanding the Left

    Before I was old enough to understand the political difference between the right and left, I knew that certain things didn't add up.  I recall pondering how Democrats could ever win elections with the stated goal of raising taxes. ...

  • May 4, 2018

    Earth to Jeff Sessions...

    It is staggering to witness the Justice Department go off the rails and barrel toward a showdown with our president over innuendo and manufactured misdeeds.  From the beginning of the special counsel appointment and despite Jeff Sessions...

  • February 7, 2018

    A Big Red Wave

    If you take the time to sit down to read the Nunes Memo, you start to realize that the claims being made on the political right aren’t just hyperbole. Nor are they a disingenuous attempt by the Trump administration to discredit the Mueller prob...

  • October 29, 2017

    Corruption Is the Fruit of a Biased Media

    I recall a friendly conversation with a colleague about bias in the mainstream media circa 2002. The discussion revolved around which news agencies were furthest from the political center. At that time, our consensus was that most broadcast and cable...