Michael Bertolone

Michael Bertolone

  • The (un)masked magician’s apprentice

    March 13, 2025

    The (un)masked magician’s apprentice

    In 2017, at the beginning of the first Trump administration, I wrote an American Thinker piece titled “Donald Trump, the (Un)Masked Magician,” The essay compared Trump to the Masked Magician, the 1990s TV show in which a masked magician r...

  • The GOP needs to roll back election rigging rules, not play along with them

    March 2, 2024

    The GOP needs to roll back election rigging rules, not play along with them

    “We need to have the biggest legal ballot harvesting operation this country has ever seen.” – Lara Trump Expected incoming RNC co-chair Lara Trump has enthusiastically embraced ballot harvesting, which has been an effective tool ...

  • Is RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel about to be fired?

    February 6, 2024

    Is RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel about to be fired?

    “We have to have accountability in our party. For that matter, Ronna, if you want to come on stage tonight, you want to look the GOP voters in the eye and tell them you resign, I will yield my time to you.” —Vivek Ramaswamy, GOP deb...

  • January 30, 2024

    Democrats’ ‘Good Trouble’ = Republicans’ ‘Insurrection’

    “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessar...

  • January 13, 2024

    Claudine Gay debacle is the end result of a 1968 Xerox memo

    “Affirmative Action lowers the standards wherever it touches.” -Martin L Gross The above observation by the late sociologist Martin Gross is especially relevant today after the president of one of the most esteemed universities in t...

  • December 5, 2023

    Ronna McDaniel represents another of the GOP’s missed opportunities

    If there ever were a poster child for nepotism, the honors would go to Mitt Romney’s niece, Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee. As Vivek Ramaswamy outlined in the last GOP presidential debate, the track record of McD...

  • September 2, 2023

    MLB's discriminatory diversity fellowship program must end

    A few years ago, I was unaware that race- and gender-exclusive programs such as "diversity fellowships" even existed until I happened to see a bulletin board posting at a local college advertising the Major League Baseball (MLB) Diversity F...

  • August 21, 2023

    In America, you should be free to compete with others no matter your race

    "You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been c...

  • May 27, 2023

    A racist institution that truly deserves to be renamed: The 'Democratic' Party

    The Left has certainly been busy over the past several years renaming or tearing down every building, monument, and institution it deems racist. One institution has inexplicably escaped its wrath. It is, of course, the “Democratic” party....

  • April 23, 2023

    We’re living in a Twilight Zone episode created from our own apathy

    “You walk into this room at your own risk because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be. This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dict...

  • March 28, 2023

    Where is the GOP's election litigation team for 2024?

    Say what you will about the Democrat party's election shenanigans, especially in the last two elections, but they did assemble an effective election litigation team for the 2020 presidential election.  The Dems' team, led by former ...

  • February 22, 2023

    Fifty years too late, white men are figuring out they're in trouble

    The left often attacks Tucker Carlson as a demagogue, but I find that he is mostly on target.  This infuriates the left, as his audience dwarfs its mainstream media outlets, including the sought-after younger viewer demographics. ...

  • February 10, 2023

    Progressives benefit from their one-sided racial narrative

    USA Today published an opinion piece by the National Education Association’s president attacking Gov. Ron DeSantis for pushing back (successfully) against the College Board’s hard-left AP African American studies curriculum. Aside from my...

  • January 27, 2023

    It's time to elect Harmeet Dhillon as party chair

    Today, the Republican National Committee is holding its election for chairperson.  They would be doing America and the American people a good turn if they were to vote for Harmeet Dhillon. Current GOP party chair Ronna McDaniel...

  • January 21, 2023

    Diversity fellowships: an exclusive club

    A disturbing trend has emerged in the modern Diversity Movement, enabled by the establishment class in government, media, and the corporate world. It’s the emergence of “Diversity Fellowships,” which are ostensibly exclusive clubs f...

  • December 17, 2022

    ‘Six ways from Sunday’ – the intelligence community goes to war

    “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” –Sen. Charles Schumer, January 2017 Chuck Schumer said the above quote shortly after President-elect Donald Trum...

  • December 7, 2022

    It's time for the Commonality Movement

    "For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." —President John F. Kennedy JFK deli...

  • November 15, 2022

    Election fraud: Where is your evidence?

    A common reply from Democrats and Bush family-allied Republicans to charges of election fraud in the 2020 and 2022 elections is that those making the charge have “had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their c...

  • November 7, 2022

    Gov. Hochul has only herself to blame for eroding poll numbers

    If Kathy Hochul manages to blow the substantial lead in the polls she enjoyed during the summer, she only has herself to blame, along with self-hating white ‘progressives.’ These Judas Goats have thrown ethnic working-class whites under t...

  • October 31, 2022

    JFK coined the term “Affirmative Action” -- but opposed preferences

    On June 11, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave a televised speech that contained the following line: “Next week I shall ask the Congress of the United States to act, to make a commitment it has not fully made in this century to the propositio...

  • October 22, 2022

    Kari Lake has the media's number

    Just as Donald Trump stripped the veneer off the pathological lying mainstream media from a businessman’s perspective, GOP Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is destroying the MSM propagandists who have peppered her with ‘gotcha...

  • October 7, 2022

    Franklin Roosevelt was an election denier!

    Well, it turns out that, in 1928, the all-time hero of the Democrat Party, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was an election denier! He now joins the list of prominent Democrats from the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections who tried to have their legal teams thr...

  • October 2, 2022

    Is Dr. Fauci the DNC’s largest in-kind donor?

    An “in-kind” political donation is defined as a non-cash gift made to a nonprofit organization, including goods, services, time, and expertise. I submit that, under this definition, Dr. Anthony Fauci is quite possibly the largest in-kind ...

  • June 11, 2021

    All Rise is all canceled

    Long ago, The Rolling Stones' song "Sympathy for the Devil" contained these lyrics: "Every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints..." That one line perfectly summarizes the overriding theme of the CBS ultra-woke show...

  • May 13, 2021

    Joe Biden’s back-handed Police Week ‘tribute’

    Starting in 1962, with a proclamation from President Kennedy, May 15 is National Peace Officers Memorial Day, with the week in which May 15 falls denominated as National Police Week. The purpose of this day and week is to honor those officers who hav...

  • April 29, 2021

    Remembering Martin L. Gross

    In the late 1990s, I happened upon a radio interview with sociologist Martin L. Gross, who was promoting his book The End of Sanity: Social and Cultural Madness in America. The interview was broadcast on the local NPR affiliate in my area, and the ho...

  • March 19, 2021

    White imbecility

    Consider the supposed brilliance of two of the leading self-proclaimed "anti-racism" experts: The irony of American history is the tendency of good white Americans to presume racial innocence. Ignorance of how we are shaped racially is t...

  • February 26, 2021

    It's time to call out 'progressives' as 'left-wing conspiracy theorists'

    We have all heard the phrase "right-wing conspiracy theorists" ad nauseam.  The mainstream media are addicted to it.  Rarely is the phrase "left-wing conspiracy theorists" used.  The left has deluded ...

  • October 6, 2020

    Finally, an accurate poll?

    Everyone remembers the wildly inaccurate predictions of a Hillary Clinton landslide right up through the morning of Election Day 2016.  The New York Times confidently predicted Clinton with an 85-percent chance of winning. ...

  • July 31, 2020

    Beware of Lyndon Baines Joe Biden

    Lyndon B. Johnson is one of several "accidental presidents."  Accidental presidents are those vice presidents who become president only by some act of fate such as the natural death, assassination, or resignation of the president....

  • May 24, 2020

    The Pandora's Box Opened with the Release of Trump's Tax Returns

    The Supreme Court should not require President Trump to release his tax returns on several grounds. There is not one good reason for his tax return to be released, and far too many why they should not. In addition, the Supreme Court should not vote a...

  • January 18, 2020

    The new 'Looks Like Me' civil rights standard

    At the dawn of the modern civil rights movement, the goal was to force the government to follow the Constitution, and specifically the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.  The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides...

  • January 14, 2020

    Progressives sure do admire the Iranian terror regime, don't they?

    A week doesn't go by without a virtue-signaling leftist pundit repeating the debunked canard that President Donald Trump referred to the KKK and white supremacists in Charlottesville as "very fine people."  The truth is that h...

  • December 20, 2019

    The winter of our disgust

    Democrats and their allies in the traditional news media have managed to squander any political leverage they gained by winning control of the House of Representatives in 2018.  Their single-minded focus on a manufactured impeachment of Pre...

  • December 8, 2019

    Howard Stern joins Hillary's humanization push

    All signs indicate that Hillary is prepping for another presidential run once Biden and the rest of the field fall flat. Hillary has inserted herself into the news cycle nearly every week since she lost her ‘sure thing’ election to Donald...

  • November 29, 2019

    Cuomo fiddles while Rome burns (as well as Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo)

    New York governor Andrew Cuomo apparently values his subjects (also known as New Yorkers) only by the amount of tax revenue he's able to squeeze out of them.  Case in point: Cuomo's reaction to the news that President Trump is leavi...

  • November 20, 2019

    It's time for moderate Democrats to heed Ronald Reagan...again

    “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party; my party left me.” - Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan was ahead of the curve when he left the Democratic Party in the early 1960s.  He saw the destructive direction that the party was hea...

  • October 17, 2019

    Major league discrimination: exclusion through inclusion

    I was walking through a local college campus the other day when a poster caught my eye.  "MLB Is Recruiting the Next Generation of Leaders," the headline announced, in huge bold letters.  Intrigued, I stopped to read the...

  • August 12, 2018

    Beat the Press (every Sunday)

    It is blatantly obvious that the entrenched bureaucracy and their allies in the mainstream media have now declared all-out war on President Trump and anyone connected to him.  The volume of omissions, half-truths, and outright lies presented as ...

  • April 13, 2018

    The Xerox memo and the birth of affirmative action

    The year was 1968.  Assassinations, anti-war protests, riots, and social turmoil dominated the headlines.  In response to the civil unrest in our cities, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed The National Advisory Commission on Ci...

  • February 14, 2018

    The One-Drop Rule revisited

    In the post-Reconstruction era of the late 19th century, a disgusting and disgraceful practice was put into place in the American South as a key component of the Jim Crow anti-black laws.  The practice was the "One-Drop Rule."...

  • January 22, 2018

    Achievement charity

    A common complaint heard from "diverse" employment candidates is that there are few people who "look like me" in the organization.  It has been fifty-plus years since Dr. Martin Luther King's I have a dream...

  • August 22, 2017

    When Will New Orleans Apologize for the Italian Lynchings?

    The popular trend of taking down Confederate statues and the resulting controversy and violence was put on steroids by New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu. And now this tactic has predictably attracted mentally-disturbed white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, A...

  • July 27, 2017

    Donald Trump, the (Un-)Masked Magician

    Back in the late 1990s, there was a popular TV show called Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, in which a masked magician showed the audience how some of the most famous stage magic tricks were done.  ...