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Mendy Finkel
June 27, 2012
Will Oprah Give Our President the James Frey Treatment?Back in 2006, Oprah Winfrey admitted to feeling embarrassed after learning that James Frey, whose memoir she had praised and promoted, fabricated many of his life stories. And as we would expect from a woman who rose from poverty to build a pow...
June 9, 2012
Obama's Campaign Talking Points Out of Left FieldLately, several Obama surrogates have been struggling to get their talking points straight. Commenting on Obama's campaign strategy, Newark mayor and big-time Obama supporter Cory Booker referred to recent ads attacking Bain Capital as "nauseat...
May 1, 2012
Obama's 'gutsy' call not so gutsy"Suppose [the SEAL team had] been captured or killed. The downside would have been horrible for [Obama]. But he reasoned: I cannot in good conscience do nothing." This, according to the latest Obama campaign ad, is why it was such a "gutsy call" for...
April 25, 2012
Remind Me Again, Which Party is Skeptical of the President's Religion?President Obama has said on several occasions that his views on gay marriage are "constantly evolving." This strikes me as a curious choice of words. Most people use the word "evolve" to indicate a change associated with some sort of growth or ...
March 30, 2012
Jeffrey Goldberg: A Dying BreedFew would argue with the assertion that Jeffrey Goldberg is a prominent and respected member of the liberal media. He has interviewed notable figures ranging from President Obama to Fidel Castro (ok, maybe it's not that wide a range), and...