Melanie Morgan

Melanie Morgan

  • February 18, 2021

    Memories of Rush

    I woke up this morning with an uneasy feeling.  One of my Facebook friends posted an urgent note to pray for Rush Limbaugh.  I replied that I pray for my friend of over 40 years each and every single day.  As I always do...

  • April 25, 2017

    In defense of Sean Hannity聽

    The left-wing media are engaged in attempted character assassination against Sean Hannity as part of their effort to destroy the Fox News Channel.  Let me speak unequivocally to this point: I stand with Sean Hannity 100%, and these terr...

  • December 9, 2016

    Barbara Boxer’s long goodbye

    I can't honestly say I'll miss Senator Barbara Boxer, even though I shared the same ZIP code for a couple of decades.  In fact, I'm delighted to see her go.  She was a crashing disaster as a lawmaker.  This woman did more t...

  • February 1, 2008

    The Cold War Victory Medal

    Our safety depends on the bravery and willingness to endure hardship freely volunteered by our military warriors. They put their lives on the line for little pay because they think America is worth protecting. They are part of a valiant American trad...